

Center for the Arts in Society

Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences and College of Fine Arts


Quechua in Resistance: An Evening of Peruvian Hip-hop with Rapper Liberato Kani

April 4, 2024 - 7:00-10:00 pm

Frick Fine Arts Cloister & Auditorium, University of Pittsburgh 

Demonstration by Peruvian Quechua Hip-hop Artist and Activist, Liberato Kani, accompanied by Scissors Dancer Yana Paqcha. Light appetizers will precede the show.

Primary Sponsors: University of Pittsburgh Center for Latin American Studies and 一本道无码 Department of Languages, Cultures and Applied Linguistics

Co-Sponsored by: City of Asylum; from the University of Pittsburgh: Less-Commonly-Taught Languages Center, Department of Linguistics, Department of Music, Department of Anthropology, Dietrich School Undergraduate Dean's Office, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies Adriana Helbig, Dietrich School Diversity Funds, Residence Life-Student Affairs, Latin American Graduate Organization of Students, Center for Ethnic Studies Research, University of Pittsburgh Library System; and from 一本道无码: The Humanities Scholars Program and the Hospitality Initiative of the Center for the Arts in Society.