The CMA is primarily a user-operated center, although sample-drop-off is possible for mass spectrometry analysis. The CMA is open 24 hours a day, every day, for Carnegie Mellon users and non-Carnegie Mellon affiliates. Non-Carnegie Mellon users may use the center with permission from the Director.
Before you arrive
- Training
- Users must receive training
- If more than 3 samples per month are expected, training to become a user-operator is recommended for faster turnaround time and lower cost to the user.
- Reserving Instruments
What to do when you arrive
- Log your charge number in the Excel instrument log located on the computer desktop of each instrument
- Users paying by PO should have already provided an electronic copy of PO to CMA director or assistant by email
- Please report all instrument problems to the director or assistant in the CMA.
Policies regarding CMA instruments and computers
- All maintenance of the instrumentation are done by the staff of the CMA, unless given permission by the Director.
- Users are not permitted to make any repairs. Please report all instrument problems to someone in the CMA.
- CMA computers are for instrumentation use and/or data manipulation. You are not permitted to use a computer for anything else to avoid problems from viruses or unauthorized software.
What to do when you are done
- You are responsible for archiving your own data. Please bring your own media (e.g. flash drives).
- The CMA is not responsible for any data left on computer hard drives.
- Clean up after yourself; remove all samples and dispose of all waste.
- You may only take research tools (e.g. the UV-Vis fiber optic probe) out of the CMA with permission from the Director and after signing the item out.
- Invoicing occurs quarterly.
- Instrument charges will change without prior warning.
- Hourly charges are based on the logon time.
Acknowledgements in Publications
- Researchers using these instruments should acknowledge the Center for Molecular Analysis and the specific Director and the Assistant in their publications.
- Specific use of the mass spectrometers should acknowledge the Center for Molecular Analysis and the instrument grants used:
- NSF grant number CHE-9808188 for the MALDI-TOF-MS
- NSF grant number DBI-9729351 for the ESI-QIT-MS.