
Carnegie Mellon News Online Edition: February 5, 2002
Carnegie Mellon News Online Edition
In This Issue

SCS Gets $23 Million From NASA

Joel Smith Named Vice Provost for Computing Services

Stephen Cross Reappointed at SEI

Matt Cline, Victoria Massimino Earn CIT Staff Honors; Rhonda Moyer Garners Burritt Education Award

Economic Development Expert to Coordinate Efforts for Both Carnegie Mellon and Pitt

Mechanical Engineer Gets Federal Grant; His Snake Robot Will Assess Waste Sites

University Implements Measures to Increase Diversity

Carnegie Mellon Faculty and Researchers in the News

Senior Writing Major Earns Spot on "The Weakest Link"

Drama's Peter Frisch Joins CBS' "The Young and the Restless"

News Briefs
Cheering the Faculty Chairs

Christiano's Locker Retired
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Stephen Cross Reappointed at SEI

Stephen Cross

Stephen Cross has been reappointed to a second five-year term as director and chief executive officer of Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute (SEI), a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD).

"Steve Cross has done a tremendous job during the five years in which he has served as SEI director," said Provost Mark Kamlet. "I commend Steve for his accomplishments, and I am very grateful that he has been willing to serve in this dean's-level position for five more years."

Kamlet called the SEI one of the "crown jewels" of the Carnegie Mellon community.

Under Cross' leadership, the SEI's CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC), the nation's first and best-known computer emergency response team, has gained worldwide recognition for excellence in network security, spawning nearly 100 other CERTs worldwide and becoming the centerpiece of an ambitious and influential SEI program in network survivability.

Kamlet praised Cross for his success in streamlining SEI's organizational structure, improving its operations and increasing its revenue.

Cross was featured in the Jan. 4 BusinessWeek Online () as one of the "Gurus of Tomorrow's Tech" (see Carnegie Mellon Faculty and Researchers in the news).

"We have a world-class staff... who have had tremendous impact on the state of software engineering worldwide since 1984," Cross said. "As the importance of software to the U.S. economy and national defense continues to increase, I look forward to five more exciting years of excellence and impact."

Bill Pollak

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