ࡱ> ;>:O bjbj&& . gLegLe  %AAAAA$ AAAAAAp2"0M!T4M!M!4M! :  [DATE] [NAME] [ADDRESS] Re: Collaborating Visitors Letter Dear [NAME]: We have invited you to visit the laboratories of [NAME OF FACULTY MEMBER] at the [NAME OF LAB, CENTER OR DEPARTMENT], һ from [BEGIN DATE] through [END DATE]. The actual start date of your visit may be adjusted to accommodate your scheduling needs [and processing of your immigration status], provided however, that the revised dates must be set by mutual agreement between you and [NAME OF FACULTY MEMBER]. campus. During your visit, your exclusive status will be that of a collaborating visitor. You will not be an employee, agent, or student of һ. You will not be entitled to receive any compensation, benefits or course credit from Carnegie Mellon in connection with this visit. [OPTION 1: It is our understanding that you will continue to be employed by [HOME INSTITUTION/COMPANY NAME] during your stay here and that [HOME INSTITUTION/COMPANY NAME] will provide full support for the duration of your visit. My assistant, [NAME] will contact you by e-mail to make arrangements to get a letter from your University confirming that you will receive full support from your home institution.] [OPTION 2: It is our understanding that you will be fully self-supported during your visit to Carnegie Mellon.] [INSERT DESCRIPTION OF WHAT VISITOR WILL BE DOING AT һ] We are enclosing a copy of the Universitys Collaborating Visitor Agreement (Visitor Agreement) for your review and signature. The Visitor Agreement will govern your stay here and what projects you can observe and work on while in our [INSERT LABORATORY OR DEPARTMENT], and also addresses various other matters, including intellectual property ownership. As described in the Visitor Agreement, some or all of the work product and/or intellectual property you create during your visit may be owned by Carnegie Mellon. This invitation is contingent on [OPTION 1: your agreement] [OPTION 2: your agreement and the agreement of your [HOME INSTITUTION/COMPANY NAME]] to abide by the provisions in the Visitor Agreement. If you do not agree to comply with the Visitor Agreement, you may not visit our [LABORATORY OR DEPARTMENT]. Hence, we are requesting that [OPTION 1: you] [OPTION 2: you and an authorized signatory of your [HOME INSTITUTION/COMPANY NAME]] sign the Visitor Agreement where indicated and return the signed copy to us, along with a counter-signed copy of this letter. Carnegie Mellon must receive a countersigned copy of this letter and the signed Visitor Agreement (including, where applicable, any required signatures of your institution or employer) prior to your arrival. Please feel free to contact me or [contact person] if you have any questions regarding your visit. I hope you enjoy your stay and have a very fruitful visit with us. Sincerely, Enclosure: Carnegie Mellon Collaborating Visitor Agreement By signing below, I accept the opportunity to visit Carnegie Mellon under the terms and conditions outlined above in this letter and in the enclosed Visitor Agreement: Signature: _________________________ NAME Date: [OPTIONAL CO-SIGN FOR VISITORS HOME INSTITUTION/COMPANY] Signature: _________________________ NAME TITLE Date:   '5LR f     J X 5 > @ A ) / ? 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