

International Association of Accessibility Professionals, Professional Member Badge

November 17, 2022

International Association of Accessibility Professionals Inaugural Cohort Established

International Association of Accessibility Professionals Inaugural Cohort Established 

In June 2022, under the leadership of the Digital Accessibility Office, a cohort of 10 staff joined the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP). The IAAP is a global organization that seeks to define, promote, and improve the accessibility profession through certification, education, and networking. Carnegie Mellon staff will pursue professional development through IAAP and meet monthly over the next year to further develop digital accessibility knowledge and leadership in their respective departments. 

The inaugural cohort includes representatives from Computing Services, the Office of Disability Resources, the Office of Human Resources, the School of Computer Science, The Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation, University Libraries, and the Software Engineering Institute.