

Virtual Bug Camp

We are so excited to provide activities for you and your children to enjoy this summer.

Throughout the month of June, we will be sending weekly emails with videos from Children's School teachers all about bugs and insects, as well as suggestions for ways to explore and play at home!

Week 1 - Butterflies

Butterfly On FlowerThis week, we’re focusing our bug theme on butterflies.

Week 2 - Ants and Bees

Ant and Bee on FlowerThis week, we’re focusing our bug theme on ants and bees.

Week 3 - An Assortment of Insects

Praying MantisThis week, we’re focusing our bug theme on an assortment of insects including: flies, stinkbugs, the praying mantis, fireflies, ladybugs, cicadas, and dragonflies.

Week 4 - Spiders and Worms

Spider WebThis week, we’re focusing our bug theme on all sorts of crawling critters like spiders and worms!