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Cohen, S., Underwood, L., & Gottlieb, B (Eds.) (2000). Social support measurement and interventions: A guide for health and social scientists. New York: Oxford. Reprinted in Japanese, published by Kawashima Shoten Publications Co., 2005.

Chapter 1: Social Relationships and health

Chapter 2: Social support theory and measurement

Chapter 3: Measuring social integration and social networks


Cohen, S., Kessler, R. C., & Underwood Gordon, L. (Eds.) (1995). Measuring stress: A guide for health and social scientists. New York: Oxford. Reprinted in Japanese, published by Kawashima Shoten Publications Co., 2000.

Chapter 1: Strategies for measuring stress in studies of psychiatric and physical disorders


Cohen, S., Evans, G. W., Krantz, D. S., & Stokols, D. (1986). Behavior, health and environmental stress. New York: Plenum.

Chapter 1: Stress processes and the costs of coping

Chapter 2: Correlational field methodology in the study of stress


Cohen, S., & Syme, S. L. (Eds.) (1985). Social support and health. New York: Academic Press.

Chapter 1: Issues in the study and application of social support




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Cohen, S., Kaplan, J. R., & Manuck, S. B. (1994). Social support and coronary heart disease: Underlying psychologic and biologic mechanisms. In S. A. Shumaker & S. M. Czajkowski (Eds.), Social support and cardiovascular disease. New York: Plenum.

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Cohen, S., Kessler, R. C., & Underwood Gordon, L. (1995). Strategies for measuring stress in studies of psychiatric and physical disorder. In S. Cohen, R. C. Kessler, & L. Underwood Gordon (Eds.), Measuring stress: A guide for health and social scientists. New York: Oxford Press.

Cohen, S. (1995). Stress and susceptibility to the common cold. In N. R. S. Hall, F. Altman, & S. J. Blumenthal (Eds.), Mind-Body Interactions and Disease. Tampa, FL: Health Dateline Press.

Buchman, C. A., Doyle, W. J., Skoner, D. P., Alper, C. M., Seroky, J. T., Hayden, F., Gwaltney, J. M., Cohen, S., & Fireman, P. (1996). Comparison of the nasal and otologic responses following intranasal challenge with Influenza A virus and Rhinovirus Type 39. Recent Advances in Otitis Media. Hamilton, Ontario: Decker.

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Cohen, S. (2001). Social relationships and susceptibility to the common cold. In C. D. Ryff & B. H. Singer (Eds.), Emotion, Social Relationships, and Health. New York: Oxford University Press.

Helgeson, V. S., Cohen, S., Schulz, R., Yasko, J. (2001). Group support interventions for people with cancer: Benefits and hazards. In A. Baum & B. Andersen (Eds.), Psychosocial interverntions and cancer. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Marsland, A. L., Bachen, E. A., Cohen, S., & Manuck, S. B. (2001). Stress, immunity and susceptibility to infectious disease. In A. Baum (Ed.), Handbook of Health Psychology. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Cohen, S. (2002). Psychosocial stress, social networks and susceptibility to infection. In H. G. Koenig, & H. J. Cohen (eds). Psychoneuroimmunology and the Faith Factor. NY: Oxford University Press.

Cohen, S. & Pressman, S. (2004). The stress-buffering hypothesis. In N. Anderson (ed.), Encyclopedia of health and behavior, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Evans, G. W. & Cohen, S. (2004). Environmental stress. In Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology, Vol I (pp. 815-824). New York: Elsvier Inc.

Miller, G. E., & Cohen, S. (2005). Psychoneuroimmunology of infectious disease. In K. Vedhara & M. Irwin (eds.), Human Psychoneuroimmunology. Oxford University Press.

Marsland, A., Cohen, S., & Pressman, S. (2006). Positive affect and immunity. In Ader, R. Psychoneuroimmunology, 4th ed. Elsevier, San Diego, CA.

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Doyle, W. J. & Cohen, S. (2009). Etiology of the common cold: Modulating factors. In R. Eccles & O. Weber (ed.), Common Cold. Basel:Birkhauser Verlag.

Horenstein, J., & Cohen, S. (2009). Social support and depression. In R. Ingram (ed.), International encyclopedia of depression. New York: Springer.

Cohen, S., Janicki-Deverts, D., Chen, E., & Matthews, K. A. (2010). Childhood socioeconomic status and adult health. In N. Adler & J. Stewart (eds.), The Biology of Disadvantage: Socioeconomic status and Health. New York: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Janicki-Deverts, D. & Cohen, S. (2011). Social ties and resilience in chronic disease. In S. M. Southwick, B. T. Litz, D. Charney, & Friedman, M. J. (eds.), Resilience and mental health: Challenge across the lifespan. Cambridge University Press, pp 76-89.

Marsland, A.L., Bachen, E.A., & Cohen, S. (2011). Stress, immunity and susceptibility to upper respiratory infectious disease. In A. Baum, Revenson, T.A., & Singer, J.E. (Eds.) Handbook of health psychology (2nd Edition). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Cohen, S., Janicki-Deverts, D., Crittenden, C. & Sneed, R. (2012). Personality and human immunity. In S.C.Segerstrom (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Psychoneuroimmunology (pp. 146-169). New York: Oxford University Press.

Crittenden, C. & Cohen, S. (2014). Social Integration. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research, pp. 6104-6108. New York: Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands.

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Cohen, S. (2016). Psychological stress, immunity and disease. In R. Sternberg, S. T. Fiske & D. Foss (eds.), Scientists making a difference: One hundred eminent behavioral and brain scientists talk about their most important contributions. NY: Cambridge University Press.

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Journal Articles

Cohen, S., Glass, D. C., & Singer, J. E. (1973). Apartment noise, auditory discrimination and reading ability. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 9, 407-433.

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Cohen, S., Evans, G. W., Krantz, D. S., & Stokols, D. (1980). Physiological, motivational and cognitive effects of aircraft noise on children: Moving from the laboratory to the field. American Psychologist, 35, 231-243.

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Cohen, S., & Weinstein, N. (1981). Nonauditory effects of noise on behavior and health. Journal of Social Issues, 37, 36-70.

Cohen, S., & Hoberman, H. (1983). Positive events and social supports as buffers of life change stress. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 13, 99-125.

Cohen, S., Kamarck, T., & Mermelstein, R. (1983). A global measure of perceived stress. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 24, 385-396.

Spacapan, S., & Cohen, S. (1983). The effects and aftereffects of stressor expectations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 45, 1243-1254.

Cohen, S., & Wills, T. A. (1985). Stress, social support and the buffering hypothesis. Psychological Bulletin, 98, 310-357.

Levy, S., Winkelstein, A., Rabin, B., Lippman, M., & Cohen, S. (1985). Letter to the editor (Response to Cassileth et al. article and accompanying editorial). New England Journal of Medicine, 313, 1355-1356.

Cohen, S., Sherrod, D. R., & Clark, M. S. (1986). Social skills and the stress protective role of social support. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 50, 963-973.

Cohen, S. (1986). Contrasting the hassle scale and the perceived stress scale. American Psychologist, 41, 716-719 (comment).

Mermelstein, R., Cohen, S., Lichtenstein, E., Kamarck, T., and Baer, J.  (1986). Social support and smoking cessation maintenance. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54, 447-453.

Cohen, S. (1986). Role of social support in smoking cessation and relapse. Health Psychology, 5 (Supplement), 95-97.

Shiffman, S., Shumaker, S., Abrams, D., Cohen, S., Garvey, A., Grunberg, N., & Swann, G. (1986). Models of smoking relapse. Health Psychology, 5, 13-27.

Cohen, S. (1987). Social factors and the etiology of depressive affect. [Review of N. Lin, A. Dean, & W. Ensel (Eds.), Social support, life events, and depression.] Contemporary Psychology, 32,360-362.

Cohen, S., & Matthews, K. A. (1987). Social support, Type A behavior and coronary artery disease. Psychosomatic Medicine, 49, 325-330.

Cohen, S. (1988). Psychosocial models of social support in the etiology of physical disease. Health Psychology, 7, 269-297.

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Rabin, B. S., Cohen, S., Ganguli, R., Lyle, D. T., & Cunnick, J. E. (1989). Bidirectional interaction between the central nervous system and immune system. CRC Critical Reviews in Immunology, 9, 279-312.

Cohen, S., & Lichtenstein, E. (1990). Partner behaviors that support quitting smoking. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 58, 304-309.

Cohen, S., & Lichtenstein, E. (1990). Perceived stress, quitting smoking, and smoking relapse. Health Psychology, 9, 466-478.

Lichtenstein, E., & Cohen, S. (1990). Prospective analyses of two modes of unaided smoking cessation. Health Education Research, 5, 63-72.

Cohen, S. (1990). Self-quitting myths revisited: Responses to Schachter and to Rzewnicki and Forgays. American Psychologist, 45, 1390-1391.

Cohen, S., & Williamson, G. (1991). Stress and infectious disease in humans. Psychological Bulletin, 109, 5-24.

Manuck, S. B., Cohen, S., Rabin, B. S., Muldoon, M., & Bachen, E. (1991). Individual differences in cellular immune response to stress. Psychological Science, 2, 111-115.

Kaplan, J. R., Manuck, S. B., Heise, E. B., Cohen, S., Rabin, B. S., Kasprowicz, A. L. (1991). The relationship of agonistic and affiliative behavior patterns to cellular immune function among cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) living in unstable social groups. American Journal of Primatology, 25, 157-173.

Cunnick, J. E., Cohen, S., Rabin, B., Carpenter, B., Manuck, S., & Kaplan, J. (1991). Alterations in specific antibody production due to rank and social instability. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 5, 357-369.

Cohen, S., Tyrrell, D. A. J., & Smith, A. P. (1991). Psychological stress in humans and susceptibility to the common cold. New England Journal of Medicine, 325, 606-612.

Bachen, E. A., Manuck, S. B., Marsland, A. L., Cohen, S., Malkoff, S. B., Muldoon, M. F., & Rabin, B. S. (1992). Lymphocyte subset and cellular immune responses to a brief experimental stressor. Psychosomatic Medicine, 54, 673-679.

Cohen, S. (1992). Citation Index Classic: Social support, stress and health. Current Contents [Social and Behavioral Sciences], 24 [28], 8; Current Contents [Arts and Humanities], 14 [15], 16.

Cohen, S. (1992). Providing convincing evidence for psychological influences on health constitutes a tremendous scientific challenge. Advances, 8, 15-16.

Cohen, S., Kaplan, J. R., Cunnick, J. E., Manuck, S. B., & Rabin, B. S. (1992). Chronic social stress, affiliation and cellular immune response in nonhuman primates. Psychological Science, 3,301-304.

Cohen, S., Tyrrell, D. A. J., & Smith, A. P. (1992). Response to letters regarding Cohen, Tyrrell, & Smith, 1991. New England Journal of Medicine, 326, 645-646.

Cohen, S., Tyrrell, D. A. J., & Smith, A. P. (1993). Life events, perceived stress, negative affect and susceptibility to the common cold. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 64, 131-140.

Cohen, S., Tyrrell, D. A. J., Russell, M. A. H., Jarvis, M. J., & Smith, A. P. (1993). Smoking, alcohol consumption and susceptibility to the common cold. American Journal of Public Health, 83,1277-1283.

Herbert, T. B., & Cohen, S. (1993). Depression and immunity: A meta-analytic review. Psychological Bulletin, 113, 472-486.

Herbert, T. B., & Cohen, S. (1993). Stress and immunity in humans: A meta-analytic review. Psychosomatic Medicine, 55, 364-379.

Tyrrell, D. A. J., Cohen, S., & Schlarb, J. E. (1993). Signs and symptoms in common colds. Epidemiology and Infection, 111, 143-156.

Williams, R., Chesney, M., Cohen, S., Frasure-Smith, N., Kaplan, G., Krantz, D., Manuck, S., Muller, J., Powell, L., Schnall, P., & Wortman, C. (1993). AHA Prevention Conference III Behavior change and compliance: Keys to improving cardiovascular health. Circulation, 88, 1406-1407.

Adler, N. E., Boyce, T., Chesney, M. A., Cohen, S., Folkman, S., Kahn, R. L., & Syme, S. L. (1994). Socioeconomic status and health: The challenge of the gradient. American Psychologist, 49,15-24.

Herbert, T. B., Cohen, S., Marsland, A. L., Bachen, E. A., Muldoon, M. F., Rabin, B. S., & Manuck, S.B. (1994). Cardiovascular reactivity and the course of immune response to an acute psychological stressor. Psychosomatic Medicine, 56, 337-344.

Herbert, T. B., Coriell, M., & Cohen, S. (1994). Analysis of lymphocyte proliferation data: Do different approaches yield the same results? Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 8, 153-162.

Bachen, E., Manuck, S. B., Cohen, S., Muldoon, M. F., Raible, R., Herbert, T. B., & Rabin, B. S. (1995). Adrenergic blockade ameliorates cellular immune responses to mental stress in humans. Psychosomatic Medicine, 57, 366-372.

Cohen, S. (1995). Psychological stress and susceptibility to upper respiratory infections. The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 152, S53-S58.

Cohen, S., Doyle, W. J., Skoner, D. P., Fireman, P., Gwaltney, J., & Newsom, J.  (1995). State and trait negative affect as predictors of objective and subjective symptoms of respiratory viral infections. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68, 159-169.

Cohen, S., & Rodriguez, M. S. (1995). Pathways linking affective disturbances and physical disorders. Health Psychology, 14, 374-380.

Cohen, S., & Manuck, S. B. (1995). Stress, reactivity and disease. Psychosomatic Medicine, 57. 423-426.

Coriell, M., & Cohen, S. (1995). Concordance in the face of a stressful event: When do members of a dyad agree that one person supported the other? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69, 289-299.

Marsland, A. L., Manuck, S. B., Wood, P., Rabin, B. S., Muldoon, M. F., & Cohen, S. (1995). Beta2-adrenergic receptor density and cardiovascular response to mental stress. Physiology and Behavior, 57, 1163-1167.

Alper, C. M., Doyle, W. J., Skoner, D. P., Buchman, C. A., Seroky, J. T., Gwaltney, J. M., & Cohen, S. (1996). Pre-challenge antibodies: moderators of infection rate, signs and symptoms in adults experimentally challenged with rhinovirus 39. Laryngoscope, 106, 1298-1305.

Helgeson, V., & Cohen, S. (1996). Social support and adjustment to cancer: Reconciling descriptive, correlational, and intervention research. Health Psychology, 15, 135-148.

Cohen, S. (1996). Psychological stress, immunity, and upper respiratory infections. Current Direction in Psychological Science, 5, 86-89.

Line, S. W., Kaplan, J. R., Heise, E. R., Hilliard, J. K., Cohen, S., Rabin, B. S., and Manuck, S. (1996). Effects of social reorganization on cellular immunity in male cynomolgus monkeys. American Journal of Primatology, 39, 235-249.

Angelini, B., Van Deusen, M. A., Doyle, W. J., Seroky, J, Cohen, S., Skoner, D. P. (1997). Lower airway responses to rhinovirus-Hanks in healthy subjects with and without allergy. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 99, 618-619.

Cohen, S., Line, S., Manuck, S. B., Rabin, B. S., Heise, E., & Kaplan, J. R. (1997). Chronic social stress, social status and susceptibility to upper respiratory infections in nonhuman primates. Psychosomatic Medicine, 59, 213-221.

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Marsland, A. L., Herbert, T. B., Muldoon, M., Bachen, E. A., Patterson, S., Cohen, S., Rabin, B. S., & Manuck, S. B. (1997). Lymphocyte subset redistribution during acute stress in young adults: Mediating effects of hemoconcentration. Health Psychology, 16, 341-348.

Alper, C.M., Doyle, W.J., Skoner, D.P., Buchman, C.A., Cohen, S. & Gwaltney, J.M. (1998). Pre-challenge antibodies moderate disease expression in adults experimentally exposed to rhinovirus strain hanks. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 27, 119-128.

Cohen, S., Frank, E., Doyle, W.J., Skoner, D. P., Rabin, B. S., & Gwaltney, J. M., Jr. (1998). Types of stressors that increase susceptibility to the common cold in adults. Health Psychology. 17,214-223.

Cohen, S., & Rabin, B.S. (1998). Stress, immunity and cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 90, 3-4.

Yuta, A., Doyle, W.J., Gaumond, E., Ali, M., Tamarkin, L., Baraniuk, J. N., Van Deusen, M., Cohen, S., & Skoner, D. P. (1998). Rhinovirus infection induces mucous hypersecretion. American Journal of Physiology, 18, L1017-L1023.

Cohen, S., Doyle, W. J., & Skoner, D. P. (1999). Psychological stress, cytokine production, and severity of upper respiratory illness. Psychosomatic Medicine, 61, 175-180.

Cohen, S., Kaplan, G. A., & Salonen, J.T. (1999). The role of psychological characteristics in the relation between socioeconomic status and perceived health. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 29, 551-574.

Doyle, W. J., Alper, C. M., Buchman, C., Moody, S. A., Skoner, D. P., & Cohen, S. (1999). Illness and otological changes during upper respiratory virus infection. Laryngoscope, 109, 324-328.

Feldman, P., Cohen, S., Doyle, W. J., Skoner, D. P., & Gwaltney, J. M. (1999). The impact of personality on the reporting of unfounded symptoms and illness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77, 370-378.

Glaser, R., Rabin, B. S., Chesney, M., & Cohen, S. & Natelson, B. (1999). Stress-induced immunomodulation: Are their implications for infectious disease? Journal of the American Medical Association, 281, 2268-2270.

Helgeson, V.S., Cohen, S., Schulz, R., & Yasko, J. (1999). Education and peer discussion group interventions and adjustment to breast cancer. Archives of General Psychiatry 56, 340-347.

Miller, G.E., Cohen, S., & Herbert, T. B. (1999). Pathways linking major depression and immunity in ambulatory female patients. Psychosomatic Medicine, 61, 850-860.

Miller, G. E., Cohen, S., Rabin, B. S., Skoner, D. P. & Doyle, W. J. Personality and tonic cardiovascular, neuroendocrine, and immune function. (1999). Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 13, 109-123.

Wright, R. J., Rodriguez, M., Cohen, S. (1999). Review of psychosocial stress and asthma: An integrated biopsychosocial approach. Thorax, 53, 1066-1074.

Feldman, P., Cohen, S., Lepore, S., Matthews, K. A., Kamarck, T. W., & Marsland, A. L. (1999). Negative emotions and acute physiological response to stress. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 21, 216-222.

Cohen, S. (1999). Social Status and Susceptibility to Respiratory Infections. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 896, 246-253.

Helgeson, V. S., Cohen, S., Schulz, R., & Yasko, J. (2000). Group support interventions for people with cancer: Who benefits from what? Health Psychology, 19, 107-114.

Cohen, S., Brissette, I., Doyle, W. J., & Skoner, D. P. (2000). Social integration and health: The case of the common cold. Journal of Social Structure.

Cohen, S., Hamrick, N., Rodriguez, M., Feldman, P. J., Rabin, B. S., & Manuck, S. B. (2000). The stability of and interrelations among cardiovascular, immune, endocrine, and psychological reactivity. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 22, 171-179.

Cohen, S. (2001). Social relationships and health: Berkman & Syme [1979]. Advances in Mind-Body Medicine, 17, 4-6.

Cohen, S., Gottlieb, B. H., & Underwood, L. G. (2001). Social relationships and health: Challenges for measurement and intervention. Advances in Mind-Body Medicine, 17, 129-141.

Cohen, S., Miller, G. E., & Rabin, B. S. (2001). Psychological stress and antibody response to immunization: A critical review of the human literature. Psychosomatic Medicine, 63, 7-18.

Marsland, A. L., Cohen, S., Rabin, B. S., & Manuck, S. B. (2001). Associations between stress, trait negative affect, and acute immune reactivity and antibody response to Hepatitis B vaccination. Health Psychology, 20, 4-11.

Miller, G. E., Cohen, S. (2001). Psychological interventions and the immune system: A meta-analytic review and critique. Health Psychology, 20, 47-63.

Stone, A. A., Schwartz, J.E., Smyth, J., Kirschbaum, C., Cohen, S., Hellhammer, D., & Grossman, S. (2001). Individual differences in the diurnal cycle of salivary free cortisol: A replication of flattened cycles for some individuals. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 26, 295-306.

Helgeson, V. S., Cohen, S., Schulz, R., & Yasko, J. (2001). Long-term effects of educational and peer discussion group interventions on adjustment to breast cancer. Health Psychology, 20, 387-392.

Brissette, I., & Cohen, S. (2002). The contribution of individual differences in hostility to the associations between daily interpersonal conflict, affect, and sleep. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, 1265-1274.

Cohen, S., Hamrick, N., Rodriguez, M. S., Feldman, P. J., Rabin, B. S., & Manuck, S. B. (2002). Reactivity and vulnerability to stress-associated risk for upper respiratory illness. Psychosomatic Medicine, 64, 302-310.

Hamrick, N., Cohen, S., & Rodriguez, M. S. (2002). Being popular can be healthy or unhealthy: Stress, social network diversity and incidence of upper respiratory infection. Health Psychology, 21, 294-298.

Kubzansky, L. D., Wright, R. J., Cohen, S., Rosner, B., Weiss, S., & Sparrow, D. (2002). Breathing easy: A prospective study of optimism and pulmonary function in the Normative Aging Study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 24, 345-353.

Marsland, A. L., Bachen, E. A., Cohen, S., Rabin, B. S., & Manuck, S. (2002). Stress, immune reactivity and susceptibility to infectious disease. Physiology and Behavior, 77, 711-716.

Miller, G. E., Cohen, S., Ritchey, A. K. (2002). Chronic psychological stress and the regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines: A glucocorticoid resistance model. Health Psychology, 21, 531-541.

Wright, R. J., Cohen, S., Carey, V., Weiss, S. T., & Gold, D. R. (2002). Parental stress as a predictor of wheezing in infancy: A prospective birth-cohort study. The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 165, 358-365.

Cohen, S., Doyle, W. J., Turner, R. B., Alper, C. M., & Skoner, D. P. (2003). Emotional style and susceptibility to the common cold. Psychosomatic Medicine, 65, 652-657.

Cohen, S., Doyle, W. J., Turner, R. B., Alper, C. M., & Skoner, D. P. (2003). Sociability and susceptibility to the common cold. Psychological Science,14, 389-395.

Krahnke J, Gentile DA, Cordoro K, Angelini BA, Cohen S, Doyle WJ, Skoner DP. (2003). Comparison of subject-reported allergy versus skin test results in a common cold trial. American Journal of Rhinology, 17, 159-62.

Cohen, S., & Hamrick, N. (2003). Stable individual differences in physiological response to stressors: Implications for stress-elicited changes in immune related health. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 17, 407-414.

Cohen, S. (2004). Social relationships and health. American Psychologist, 59, 676-684.

Cohen, S., Doyle, W. J., Turner, R., Alper, C. & Skoner, D. P. (2004). Childhood socioeconomic status and host resistance to infectious illness in adulthood. Psychosomatic Medicine, 66, 553-558.

Jackson, B., Kubzansky, L.D., Cohen, S., Weiss, S., & Wright, R. (2004). A matter of life and breath: Childhood socioeconomic status is related to young adult pulmonary function in the CARDIA Study. International Journal of Epidemiology, 33, 271-278.

Miller, G. E., Cohen, S., Pressman, S. D., Rabin, B. S., Barkin, A., & Treanor, J. (2004). Psychological stress and antibody response to influenza vaccination: When is the critical period for stress, and how does it get inside the body? Psychosomatic Medicine, 66, 207-214.

Wright, R.J. Conteras, P., Cohen, S., Wright, R.O., Staudenmayer, J., Wand, Matthew, Finn, P., Perkins, D., Weiss, S.T., & Gold, D.R. (2004). Chronic caregiver stress and IgE expression: Allergen-induced proliferation, and cytokine profiles in a birth-cohort predisposed to atopy. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 113. 1051-1057,

Wright, R. J., Visness, C. M., Cohen, S., Stout, J., Evans, R., & Gold, D. R. (2004). Community violence and asthma morbidity in the Inner-city Asthma Study. American Journal of Public Health, 94, 625-632.

Feldman, P. J., Cohen, S., Hamrick, N., & Lepore, S. J. (2004). Psychological stress, appraisal, emotion and cardiovascular response in a public speaking task. Psychology and Health, 19, 353-368.

Cohen, S. (2005). Keynote presentation at the eighth International Congress of Behavioral Medicine: The Pittsburgh Common Cold Studies: Psychosocial Predictors of Susceptibility to Respiratory Infectious Illness. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 12, 123-131.

Polk, D. E., Cohen, S., Doyle, W. J., Skoner, D. P., & Kirschbaum, C. (2005). State and trait affect as predictors of salivary cortisol in healthy adults. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 30, 261-272.

Pressman, S. & Cohen, S. (2005). Does positive affect influence health? Psychological Bulletin, 131, 925-971.

Pressman, S., Cohen, S., Miller, G. E., Rabin, B. S., Barker, A., & Treanor, J. (2005), Loneliness, social network size, and immune response to influenza vaccination in college freshmen. Health Psychology, 24, 297-306. [Correction]

Wright, R. J. & Cohen, S. (2005). Stress and atopic disorders: Asthma and the seasonal allergic response. Cyberounds: Psychiatry-Neuroscience.

Wright, R. J., Cohen, R. & Cohen, S. (2005). The impact of stress on the development and expression of atopy. Current Opinions in Allergy and Immunology, 5, 23-29.

Cohen, S., Alper, C.M., Doyle, W. J., Treanor, J. J., & Turner, R. B. (2006). Positive Emotional Style Predicts Resistance to Illness after Experimental Exposure to Rhinovirus or Influenza A Virus. Psychosomatic Medicine, 68, 809-815.

Cohen, S., & Pressman, S. (2006). Positive affect and health. Current Directions in Psychology, 15, 122-125.

Cohen, S., Doyle, W.J., & Baum, A. (2006). Socioeconomic status is associated with stress hormones. Psychosomatic Medicine, 68, 414-420.

Cohen, S., Schwartz, J.E., Epel, E., Kirschbaum, C., Sidney, S. & Seeman, T. (2006). Socioeconomic status, race and diurnal cortisol decline in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 68, 41-50.

Doyle, W. J., Gentile, D. A., & Cohen, S. (2006). Emotional style, nasal cytokines and illness expression after experimental rhinovirus exposure. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 20, 175-181.

Kubzansky, L.D., Sparrow, D., Jackson, B., Cohen, S., Weiss, S.T., & Wright, R.J. (2006). Angry breathing: A prospective study of hostility and lung function in the Normative Aging Study. Thorax, 61, 863-868.

Marsland, A. L., Cohen, S., Rabin, B. S., & Manuck, S. B. (2006). Trait positive affect and antibody response to Hepatitis B vaccination. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 20, 261-269.

Matthews, K. A., Schwartz, J., Cohen, S. & Seeman, T. (2006). Diurnal cortisol decline is related to coronary calcification: CARDIA Study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 68, 657-661.

Scheier. M. F., Wrosch, C., Cohen, S., Martire, L. M., Matthews, K. A., Schulz R. & Zdaniuk, B. (2006). The Life Engagement Test: Assessing Purpose in Life. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 29, 291-298.

Janicki-Deverts, D., Zilles, K., Cohen, S., & Baum, A. (2006). Can a 15-hour (Overnight) Urinary Catecholamine Measure Substitute for a 24-hour Measure? Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 11, 1-11.

Anderson, B. P., Kamarck, T. W., Frank, E., Cohen, S., Tyrrell, K. S. & Muldoon, M. (2007). Marital status, chronic stress and the 3-year progression of carotid atherosclerosis: The Pittsburgh Health Heart Project. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 33, S68-S68 Supplement.

Cohen, S. & Lemay, E. (2007). Why would social networks be linked to affect and health practices? Health Psychology, 26, 410-417.

Jackson, B., Kubzansky, L. D., Cohen, S., Jacobs, D. R. Jr., Wright, R. (2007). Does Harboring Hostility Hurt? Associations between Hostility and Pulmonary Function in the CARDIA Study.  Health Psychology, 26, 333-340.

Janicki-Deverts, D., Cohen, S., Adler, N. E., Schwartz, J. E., Matthews, K. A., and Seeman, T. E. (2007). Socioeconomic Status is related to urinary catecholamines in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 69, 514-520.

Janicki-Deverts, D., Cohen, S., Doyle, W. J. Turner, R. B., & Treanor, J. J. (2007). Infection-induced pro-inflammatory cytokines are associated with decreases in positive affect, but not increases in negative affect. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 21, 301-307.

Pressman, S. D. & Cohen, S. (2007). The Use of Social Words in Autobiographies and Longevity. Psychosomatic Medicine, 69, 262-269.

Cohen, S., Janicki-Deverts, D., & Miller, G. E. (2007). Psychological stress and disease. Journal of the American Medical Association, 298,1685-1687.

Gianaros, P. J., Horenstein, J. A., Cohen, S., Matthews, K. A., Brown, S. M., Flory, D., Critchley, H. D., Manuck, S. B., & Hariri, A.R. (2007). Perigenual anterior cingulate morphology covaries with perceived social standing. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2, 161-173.

Cohen, S., Alper, C., Doyle, W. J., Adler, N., Treanor, J. and Turner, R. (2008). Objective and subjective socioeconomic status and susceptibility to the common cold. Health Psychology, 27, 268-279.

Gianaros, P., Horenstein, J. A., Cohen, S., Matthews, K. A., Sheu, L. K., & Hariri, A. R. (2008). Potential neural embedding of parental social standing. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 3, 91-96.

Janicki-Deverts, D., Cohen, S., Matthews, K. A. & Cullen, M. R. (2008). History of unemployment predicts future elevations in C-reactive protein among male participants in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 36, 176-185.

Marsland, A. L., Prather, A. A., Petersen, L. L., Cohen, S., & Manuck, S. B. (2008). Antagonistic Characteristics are Positively Associated with Inflammatory Markers Independently of Trait Negative Emotionality. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 22, 753-761.

Cohen, S., Doyle, W. J., Alper, C. M., Janicki-Deverts, D., Turner, R. B. (2009). Sleep habits and susceptibility to the common cold. Archives of Internal Medicine,169, 62-67.

Cohen, S. & Janicki-Deverts, D. (2009). Can we improve our physical health by altering our social networks? Perspectives in Psychological Science, 4, 375-378.

Gruenewald, T. L., Cohen, S., Matthews, K., Tracy, R., Liu, K., & Seeman, T. E. (2009). Associations of socioeconomic status with inflammation markers in black and white men and women in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. Social Science & Medicine, 69, 451-459.

Janicki-Deverts, D. Cohen, S., Matthews, K. A., & Jacobs, D. R., Jr. (2009). Socioeconomic status, antioxidant micronutrients, and correlates of oxidative damage: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 71, 541-548.

Phillips, J.E., Marland, A. L., Flory, J., Muldoon, M.F., Cohen, S., and Manuck, S.B. (2009). Parental education is related to C-reactive Protein among female middle aged community volunteers. Brain, Behavior & Immunity, 23, 677-683.

Pressman, S. D., Matthews, K. A, Cohen, S., Martire, L., Scheier, M., Baum, A. & Schulz, R. (2009). Association of enjoyable leisure activities with psychological and physical well-being. Psychosomatic Medicine, 71, 725-732.

Sternthal, M. J., Enlow, M. B., Cohen, S. Canner, M. J., Staudenmayer, J., Tsang, K. & Wright, R. J. (2009). Maternal interpersonal trauma and cord blood IgE levels in an inner-city cohort: A life-course perspective. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 124, 954-960.

Chen, E., Cohen, S., Miller, G. E. (2010). How low socioeconomic status affects 2-year hormonal trajectories in children. Psychological Science, 21, 31-37.

Doyle, W. J., Casselbrant, M. L., Li-Korotky, H., Cullen Doyle, A. P., Lo, C. & Cohen, S. (2010). The IL-6 (-174, C/C) genotype predicts greater rhinovirus illness. The Journal of Infectious Disease, 201, 199-206.

Janicki-Deverts, D. Cohen, S., & Doyle, W. (2010). Cynical hostility and simulated Th-1/Th-2 cytokine production. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 24, 58-63.

Janicki-Deverts, D. Cohen, S., DiLillo, V.G., Lewis, C.E., Kiefe, C., Whooley, M. & Matthews, K.A. (2010). Depressive Symptoms, Race, and Circulating C-Reactive Protein: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 72, 734-741.

Suglia, S. F., Staudenmayer, J., Cohen, S. & Wright, R. J. (2010). Posttraumatic stress symptoms related to community violence and children's diurnal cortisol response in an urban community-dwelling sample. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 17, 43-50.

Suglia, S. F. Staudenmayer, J., Cohen S., Enlow, M. B., Rich-Edwards, J. W., & Wright, R.J. (2010). Cumulative stress and cortisol disruption among black and Hispanic pregnant women in an urban cohort. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 2, 326-334.

Carroll, J. E., Cohen, S., & Marsland, A. L. (2011). Early childhood socioeconomic status is associated with circulating interleukin-6 among mid-life adults. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 25, 1468-1474.

Carroll, J. E., Low, C. A., Prather, A. A., Cohen, S., Fury, J. M., Ross, D. C., & Marsland, A. L. (2011). Negative affective responses to a speech task predict changes in interleukin (IL)-6. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity, 25, 232-238.

Long, K. A., Ewing, L. J., Cohen, S., Skoner, D., Gentile, D., Koehrsen, J., Howe, C., Thompson, A., Rosen, R., Ganley, M., & Marsland, A. L. (2011). Preliminary evidence for the feasibility of a stress management intervention for 7- to12-year olds with asthma. Journal of Asthma, 48,162-170.

Matthews, K. A., Schwartz, J. E., & Cohen, S. (2011). Indices of socioeconomic position across the life course as predictors of coronary calcification in black and white men and women: Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. Social Science & Medicine, 73, 768-774.

Sternthal, M. J., Coull, B. A., Chiu, Y. H. M., Cohen, S., & Wright, R. J. (2011). Associations among maternal childhood socioeconomic status, cord blood IgE levels, and repeated wheeze in urban children. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 128, 337-345.

Janicki-Deverts, D., Cohen, S., Matthews, K. A., Jacobs, D. R., Jr., & Adler, N. E. (2011). Occupational mobility and carotid artery intima-media thickness: Findings from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 79, 795-802.

Cohen, S., & Janicki-Deverts, D. (2012). Who's stressed? Distributions of psychological stress in the United States in probability samples from 1983, 2006 and 2009. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42, 1320–1334.

Cohen, S., Janicki-Deverts, D., Doyle, W. J., Miller, G. E., Frank, E., Rabin, B. S., and Turner, R. B. (2012). Chronic stress, glucocorticoid receptor resistance, inflammation and disease risk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109, 5995-5999.

Peters, J. L., Cohen, S. Staudenmayer, J., Hosen, J., Platts-Mills, A. E., & Wright, R. (2012). Prenatal negative life events increases cord blood IgE: Interactions with dust mite allergen and maternal atopy. Allergy, 67, 545-551.

Pressman, S. D. & Cohen, S. (2012). Positive emotion word use and longevity in famous deceased psychologists. Health Psychology, 31, 297-305.

Sneed, R., Cohen, S., Turner, R.B. & Doyle, W. J. (2012). Parenthood and host resistance to the common cold. Psychosomatic Medicine, 74, 567-573.

Janicki-Deverts, D., Cohen, S., Kalra, P., & Matthews, K. A. (2012). The association of socioeconomic status with Inflammatory marker levels in the CARDIA Study: A prospective multiple-mediation analysis. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 26, 1128-1135.

Janicki-Deverts, D., Cohen, S., Matthews, K. A., & Jacobs, D. R., Jr. (2012). Sex Differences in the Association of Childhood Socioeconomic Status with Adult Blood Pressure Change: The CARDIA Study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 74, 728-735.

Prather, A. A.,Hall, M., Fury, J. M., Ross, D. C., Muldoon, M. F., Cohen, S., & Marsland, A. (2012). Sleep and antibody response to Hepatitis B vaccination. Sleep, 35, 1063-1069.

Yueh-Hsiu, M.C., Coull, B .A., Cohen, S., Wooley, A., & Wright, R. J. (2012). Pre- and postnatal maternal stress and wheeze in urban children: Effect of maternal sensitization. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 186, 147-154.

Cohen, S., Janicki-Deverts, D., Turner, R. B., Casselbrant, M. L., Li-Korotky, H-S., Epel, E. S. & Doyle, W. J. (2013). Association between telomere length and experimentally induced upper respiratory viral infection in healthy adults. Journal of the American Medical Association, 309, 699-705.

Cohen, S., Janicki-Deverts, D., Turner, R. B., Marsland, A. L., Casselbrant, M. L., Li-Korotky, H-S, Epel, E. S., & Doyle, W. J. (2013). Childhood Socioeconomic Status, Telomere Length, and Susceptibility to Upper Respiratory Infection. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 34, 31-38.

Sneed, R. & Cohen, S. (2013). A prospective study of volunteerism and hypertension risk in older adults. Psychology and Aging, 28, 578-586.

Wright, R. J., Fisher, K., Y-H. M. Chiu, Wright, R. O., Fein, R., Cohen, S., Coull, B. A. (2013). Disrupted prenatal maternal cortisol, maternal obesity, and childhood wheeze: Insights into prenatal programming. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 187, 1186-1193.

Crittenden, C.N., Pressman, S.D., Cohen, S., Janicki-Devert, D., Smith, B. W. & Seeman, T. E. (2014). Social integration and pulmonary function in the elderly. Health Psychology, 33, 535-543.

Janicki-Deverts, D., Cohen, S., Doyle, W. J., Marsland, A. L. & Bosch, J. (2014). Childhood environments and cytomegalovirus serostatus and reactivation in adults. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 40, 174-181.

Seeman, T., Gruenewald, T., Cohen, S., Williams, D, & Matthews, K. (2014). Social relationships and their biological correlates: Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 43, 126-138.

Sneed, R. S, & Cohen, S. (2014). Negative social interactions and incident hypertension among older adults. Health Psychology, 33, 554-565.

Chiu, Y.H., Coull, B. A., Sternthal, M. J., Kloog, I., Schwartz, J., Cohen, S., & Wright, R. J. (2014). Effects of prenatal community violence and ambient air pollution on childhood wheeze in an urban population. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 133, 713-722.

Cohen, S., Janicki-Deverts, D. & Doyle, W. J. (2015). Self-rated health in “healthy” adults and susceptibility to the common cold. Psychosomatic Medicine, 77, 959-968. (Accompanying editorial by H.J. Cho and M.R. Irwin)

Cohen, S., Janicki-Deverts, D., Turner, R. B., & Doyle, W. J. (2015). Does hugging provide stress-buffering social support? A study of susceptibility to upper respiratory infection and illness. Psychological Science, 26,135–147.

Molesworth, T., Sheu, L., Cohen, S., Gianaros, P., & Verstynen, T. D. (2015). Social network diversity predicts white matter microstructural integrity in humans. Social, cognitive and affective neuroscience, 10, 1169-1176.

Prather, A.A., Janicki-Deverts, D., Hall, M, & Cohen, S. (2015). Behaviorally assessed sleep and susceptibility to the common cold. Sleep, 38, 1353-1359.

Cohen, S., Gianaros, P., & Manuck, S. B. (2016). A stage theory of stress and disease. Perspectives in Psychological Science, 11, 456–463.

Janicki-Deverts, D., Cohen, S., Turner, R., and Doyle, W.J. (2016). Basal salivary cortisol secretion and susceptibility to upper respiratory infection. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 53, 255-261.

Lockwood, K. G., Marsland, A. L., Cohen, S. & Gianaros, P. J. (2016). Sex differences in the association between acute stressor-evoked Interleukin-6 responses and C-reactive protein. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 58, 173-180.

Miller, G.E., Cohen, S., Janicki-Deverts, D., Brody, G.H., & Chen, E. (2016). Viral challenge reveals further evidence of skin-deep resilience in African Americans from disadvantaged backgrounds. Health Psychology, 35, 1225-1234.

Bose, S., Chiu, Y—H.M., Hsu, H-H.L., Di, Q., Rosa, M.J., Lee, A., Kloog, I., Wilson, A., Schwartz, J., Wright, R.O., Cohen, S., Coull, B.A., & Wright, R.J. (2017).  Prenatal nitrate exposure and childhood asthma: Influence of maternal prenatal stress and fetal sex. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 196, 1396-1403.

Chin, B., Murphy, M. L. M., Janicki-Deverts, D., & Cohen, S. (2017). Marital status as a predictor of diurnal salivary cortisol output and slopes in a community sample of healthy adults. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 78, 68-75.

Cohen, S., Chin, B., Murphy, M. L. M., Janicki-Deverts, D. (2017). A lesson in controlling for third factors and reading before you write: A reply to Giannouli. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 81,158.

Janicki-Deverts, D., Cohen, S., & Doyle, W. J. (2017). Dispositional affect moderates the stress-buffering effect of social support on risk for developing the common cold. Journal of Personality, 85, 675-686.

Lee, A.G., Chiu Y-H M., Rosa, M.J., Cohen, S., Coull, B.A., Wright, R.O., Morgan, W.J., Wright, R. J. (2017). Association of prenatal and early childhood stress with reduced lung function in 7-year-olds. Annals of Allergy and Asthma Immunology, 119, 153-159.

Murphy, M. L. M., Cohen, S., Janicki-Deverts, D., & Doyle, W. J. (2017). Offspring of parents who were separated and not speaking to one another have reduced resistance to the common cold as adults. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114, 6515–6520.

Prather, A.A, Janicki-Deverts, D., Adler, N.E., Hall, M., & Cohen, S. (2017).  Sleep habits and susceptibility to upper respiratory illness: the moderating role of subjective socioeconomic status. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 51, 137-146.

Rosa, M.J., Just, A.C., Kloog, I., Pantic, I., Schnaas, L., Lee, A., Bose, S., Chiu, Y-H.M., Hsu, H-H.L., Coull, B., Schwartz, J., Cohen, S., Rojo, M.M.T., Wright, R.O., & Wright, R.J. (2017). Prenatal particulate matter exposure and wheeze in Mexican children: Effect modification by prenatal psychosocial stress. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 119, 232-237.

Chin, B., Murphy. M. L. M., & Cohen, S. (2018). Age moderates the association between social integration and diurnal cortisol measures. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 90,102-109.

Crittenden, C. N., Murphy, M. L. M., & Cohen, S. (2018). Social integration and age-related decline in lung function. Health Psychology, 37, 472-480.

Murdock, K. W., Seiler, A., Chirinos, D. A., Garcini, L. M., Acebo, S. L., Cohen, S., & Fagundes, C. P. (2018). Low childhood subjective social status and telomere length in adulthood: The role of attachment orientations. Developmental Psychobiology, 60, 340-346.

Dantzer, R., Cohen, S., Russo, S. J., & Dinan, T. G. (2018). Resilience and immunity. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 74, 28-42.

Lee, A. G., Hsu, H-H. L., Chiu, Y-H. M., Bose, S., Rosa, M. J., Kloog, I., Wilson, A., Schwartz, J., Cohen, S., Coull, B. A., Wright, R. O., Wright, R. (2018). Prenatal fine particulate exposure and early childhood asthma: effect of maternal stress and fetal gender. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 141, 1880-1886

Murphy, M. L. M., Janicki-Deverts, D., & Cohen, S. (2018). Receiving a hug is associated with the attenuation of negative mood that occurs on days with interpersonal conflict. PLOS ONE, 13,e0203522.

Doryab, A., Villalba, D., Chikarsel, P.,  Dutcher, J.M., Tumminia, M., Liu, X., Cohen, S., Creswell, K., Mankoff, J., Creswell, D., Dey, A.K. (in press). Identifying behavioral phenotypes of loneliness and social isolation with passive sensing: A three-fold analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research.

Marsland, A., Gentile, D., Hinze-Crout, A., von Stauffenberg, C., Rosen, R., Tavares, A., Votruba-Drzal, E., Cohen, S., McQuaid, E., & Ewing, L. (in press). A randomized pilot trial of a school-based psychoeducational intervention for children with asthma. Clinical and Experimental Allergy.

Cohen, S., Murphy, M. L. M., & Prather, A. A. (2019). Ten surprising facts about stressful life events and disease risk. Annual Review of Psychology, 70, 577-597,


Editorial Work



Applied Biobehavioral Research, 1992-

British Journal of Health Psychology, 1995-

Current Directions in Psychological Science (Advisory Board), 2013-

Environment & Behavior, 1981-

Health Psychology, 1985-1993; 2000-2008

Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 1982-



Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 1997-2008

British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1992-1995

Environmental Psychology and Nonverbal Behavior, 1978-1979

Handbook of Environmental Psychology, published 1987

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1979

Perspectives in Psychological Science, 2007-2008

Population and Environment: Behavioral and Social Issues, 1981-1985

Review of Personality and Social Psychology, 1989-1992



American Journal of Epidemiology; American Psychologist; Annals of Behavioral Medicine; Annals of Internal Medicine; APA Divisions 8, 34 & 38; Basic and Applied Social Psychology; Allergy; Biological Psychiatry, Brain, Behavior and Immunity, Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science; Current Directions in Psychological Science; Ergonomics; European Journal of Social Psychology; International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, Journal of Abnormal Psychology; Journal of the American Medical Association; Journal of Behavioral Medicine; Clinical Psychology Review; Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology; Journal of Environmental Psychology; Journal of Experimental Child Psychology; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance; Journal of Health and Social Behavior; Journal of Personality; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; Journal of Memory and Language; Journal of Research in Personality; Journal of Social Issues; Mayo Clinic Proceedings; Natural Immunity; Nature immunology; New England Journal of Medicine, Pediatrics, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin; Perspectives in Psychological Science; Preventive Medicine; Proceedings of the National Academy of Science; Psychological Bulletin; Psychological Review; Psychological Science; Psychology and Health; Psychoneuroendocrinolgy; Psychophysiology; Psychosomatic Medicine; Social Science and Medicine; Statistics Canada



National Institutes of Health, Chair, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Clinical Studies of CAM Therapies Study Section (ZAT1 HS-06), November, 2011

National Institutes of Health, Center for Scientific Review, Risk Prevention and Health Behavior 20L Study Section, (ZRG1 RPHB 20 L), March, 2004

National Institutes of Health, Center for Scientific Review, Special Study Section, (Special Emphasis Panel ZRG1 SSS-C [03]), March, 2003

National Institutes of Health, BBBP-2 Review Committee, June, 1999

National Institutes of Health, Reviewers Reserve (NRR), 1994-1998

National Institute of Mental Health, Behavioral Science Track Award for Rapid Transition (B/Start) Review Pool, 1994-

National Institute of Mental Health, Health, Behavior, and Prevention Review Committee, Charter Member, 1992-1994

National Institute of Health, Behavioral Medicine Study Section, Adhoc Review Committee [Social Support, 1991 (x2)]; Chair Adhoc Review Committee and Site Visit, 1992

National Institute on Aging, Adhoc Review Committee (Gerontology and Geriatrics: Program Project) & Site Visit, 1989

National Cancer Institute, Grants Review Branch, Special Review Committee (Cancer Prevention: Program Project) & Site Visit, 1989

National Institute of Mental Health, Special Review Committee (Mental Health Aspects of of AIDS), 1988

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Special Review Committee, (Biological and Behavioral Factors in Smoking Relapse), 1987

National Institute of Health, Behavioral Medicine Study Section, Site Visit Review, 1986

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Special Review Committee, (Smoking Cessation in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease), 1985



Medical Research Council, London, Adhoc Reviewer, 1997, 1998

Wellcome Foundation, London, Adhoc Reviewer, 1997

National Institute of Aging, Adhoc reviewer, 1992

National Institute of Mental Health, Adhoc reviewer for Review Committee (Mental Health Aspects of AIDS), 1989

National Science Foundation, Outside Reviewer (Social-Developmental Program; Sensory Physiology & Perception Program; Sociology Program; Psychobiology Program)

Veterans Administration, Outside Reviewer



National Institute of Aging, Stress Measurement Network. Core member, 2005-present

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Task Force on Social Economic Status and Health, 1993-1996

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Core Group, Network on Social Economic Status and Health, 1996-2008

Fetzer Institute, Core group, Network on Psychosocial Factors in Asthma, 1996-2002

Charles A. Dana Foundation, Advisory Council for the Brain-Body Institute, 1999

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Planning Group, Planning for a Research and Policy Network on Social Connectedness and Health, 2001-2003, Chair, 2002-2003



National Institute on Aging Behavioral and Social Research Program, Workshop on Stress Measurement, Los Angeles, 2012

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NIH), Member National Advisory Council, 2006-2010

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NIH), Keynote Address, National Advisory Council, Bethesda, MD, 2010

National Scientific Advisory Board of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Ad Health), 2006-

National Institutes of Health, Invited Address, Gene-Environment Interaction Grantee Workshop on Measures of Psychosocial Stress, Bethesda, 2008

National Institute of Aging, Invited Speaker, Workshop on Allostatic Load, Washington DC, 2007

National Heart Lung and Blood Institute/American Thoracic Society, Workshop on Stress and Asthma, Bethesda, MD, 2003

National Institutes of General Medical Sciences & NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research, Workshop on Allostatic Load and the Response to Traumatic Injury, Bethesda, MD, 2003

National Institute of Mental Health, Workshop on the Effect of Psychological Variables on the Progression of HIV Disease, Bethesda, MD, 2002

National Institutes of Health/MacArthur Foundation, Science of Mind-Body Interaction, Bethesda, MD, 2001

National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, Workshop on Stress and Asthma, Bethesda, MD, 2000

National Institute of Mental Health, Workshop on Research Issues in the Prevention of Co-morbidity, Bethesda, MD, 1998

Public Health Service, Healthy Women 2000 conference on Mind/Body Interactions. Washington, DC, 1996

National Institutes of Health, Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research, Conference of Promoting Psychoneuroimmunology, Bethesda, MD, 1996

National Institute of Mental Health, NIMH Priorities in Health Research Meeting, Washington, DC, 1995

National Science Foundation, Social/Developmental Psychology Program, Committee to Develop Program Announcement in Regard to NSF Global Change Initiative, Washington, 1994

National Institutes of Health Reunion Task Force, “PNI Aspects of Health and Disease”, Washington, 1994

National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, Conference on Stress and Asthma, Washington, DC, 1993

National Institute of Mental Health Workshop on CNS, Immune, Endocrine and Viral Interactions, Washington, DC, 1992

National Institute on Aging and MacArthur Foundation Workshop on Social Support, Sense of Control, and Aging, Alexandria, VA, November, 1989

National Institute of Mental Health Conference, Mechanisms of Neuroimmune Interaction, Pittsburgh, September, 1989

Office of Naval Research Workshop, Herpes Reactivation as an Immune Function Marker in Man, Pittsburgh, September, 1989

National Cancer Institute, Expert Advisory Panel on Self-Help Minimal Intervention Strategies for Smoking, Bethesda, MD, June, 1988

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Adhoc Member, Clinical Applications and Prevention Advisory Committee (CAPAC, Behavioral Medicine Working Group), 1986-1987

Office of Naval Research, Behavioral Immunology Workshop, Tanque Verde, Arizona, October, 1986

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Workshop on Social Support and Cardiovascular Disease, Irvine, CA, April, 1986

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Organizational Committee for Workshop on Social Support and Cardiovascular Disease, October, 1985

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Smoking Relapse Workshop, Washington, July, 1985




Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award and Presidential-Track Address, 2004

Invited Addresses, 2006; 1997; 1994; 1992 (Science Weekend Address), 1987

Symposia chairperson, 1986

Symposia paper presentation, 1992, 1985(2), 1983, 1982, 1981, 1980, 1979, 1977(2)

Symposia discussant, 1982, 1981

Paper presentation, 1979, 1977(2), 1976

Workshop panelist, 1976, 1975



President’s Symposium Address, Society for Affective Sciences, Chicago, 2016

Address, University of Michigan Dearborn, Symposium on Health Psychology, Dearborn, 2014

Keynote Address, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Pre-conference on Social Factors and Health, New Orleans, 2013

Invited Speaker, Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society, Symposium on Psychosocial Factors in Immunity, Chicago, 2011

Speaker, National Academy Institute of Medicine’s workshop, Assessing the Human Health Effects of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill, New Orleans, LA, 2010

Keynote Address, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), National Institutes of Health, National Advisory Council. Bethesda, MD, 2010

Award Address, International Positive Psychology Association, Philadelphia, PA, 2009.

NIH/OBSSR Conference, Complex Systems Approaches to Stress, Stress Biology, Population Health, and Health Disparities, Ann Arbor, MI, 2009

Invited Speaker, National Research Council/Institute of Medicine Board on Children, Youth and Families, Washington, DC, 2009

Keynote Address, Society of Personality and Social Psychology, Albuquerque, 2008

Invited Address, NIH Gene-Environment Interaction Grantee Workshop on Measures of Psychosocial Stress, Bethesda, 2008

Discussant, American Psychosomatic Society, Symposium on Novel Measures of Biological Correlates of Socioeconomic Status, 2008.

Discussant, From Molecules to Society Conference, Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, Vancouver, BC Canada, 2008

Keynote Address, Pennsylvania Psychological Association, Harrisburg, PA 2007

Invited Speaker, Unilever SPARK Conference on Vitality and Well-being, NYC 2007

Invited Speaker, Pittsburgh Center for Cognitive and Neural Bases of Behavior, Annual Retreat, 2007, Seven Springs, PA

Invited Speaker, National Institute of Aging, Workshop on Allostatic Load, Washington DC, 2007

Patricia Barchas Award Address, American Psychosomatic Society, Denver, 2006

Invited Speaker, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Assessing Interactions among Social, Behavioral, and Genetic Factors in Health, Washington, DC, 2005

Keynote Address, Eighth International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Mainz, Germany, 2004

Invited Speaker, Shock Society, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2004

Invited Speaker, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute and American Thoracic Society, “Stress and Asthma Workshop”, Arlington, VA, 2004

Invited speaker, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, NJ, 2003

Award Address, American Psychological Society, Atlanta, GA, 2003

Invited Speaker, Eli Lilly and Company, Role of stress, coping and resiliency in anxiety and stress disorders. Washington, DC, 2003

Invited Speaker, National Institute of Child Health Development, Family and Child Well-being Research Network, Washington, DC, 2003

Invited speaker, National Institutes of Health (NIGMS & OBSSR), Workshop on Allostatic Load and the Response to Traumatic Injury, Bethesda, MD, 2003

Invited Speaker, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, Planning Meeting on Health Disparities, Washington, DC, 2002

Keynote Address, Fourth Dutch Conference on Psychology and Health, Kerkrade, Netherlands 2002

National Institute of Mental Health (speaker), Career Opportunities in Research Education and Training Colloquium, Minneapolis, MN 2002

Mind, Brain Body Initiative for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Speaker, “Models of Social Connectedness and Health, Palo Alto, CA, 2002; Speaker, “Social Connectedness, Infectious Disease and Cytokines”, Phoenix, AZ, 2002; Speaker, “How Social Relationships Get Inside the Body”, Chicago IL, 2001; Participant-discussant, “Social Interventions and Health, Chicago, IL, 2001

Speaker, NIH Mind-Body Center Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 2002

Healthy Brain Project (participant, discussant), NIH, Bethesda, MD 2001

Science of Mind-Body Interactions (speaker, discussant), NIH and the MacArthur Foundation, Bethesda, MD, 2001

Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research, Behavioral and psychological mediators linking stress to disease, Tucson, AZ, 2001

Lovelace Respiratory Research Symposium, Susceptibility factors for respiratory diseases, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2000

Keynote Address, British Psychological Society, Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference, Canterbury, England, 2000

Keynote Address, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, Workshop on Stress and Asthma, Bethesda, MD, 2000

Psychoneuroimmunology Conference, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, 2000

Keynote Address, European Health Psychology Society, Florence, Italy, 1999

New York Academy of Sciences, Conference of Socioeconomic Status and Health in Industrial Nations, Bethesda, MD, 1999

John Templeton Foundation, Research Symposium: “Psychoneuroimmunology  and the “Faith Factor” in human health. Durham, NC, 1999

Society of Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh (SACP) and the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh (SSP), Pittsburgh, PA, 1999

National Institute of Mental Health, Workshop on Research Issues in the Prevention of Co-morbidity, Bethesda, MD, 1998

Keynote Address, American Psychosomatic Society, Florida, 1998

Keynote Address, European Conference on Psychosomatic Research, Manchester, England, 1998

Workshop lectures, Workshop in Psychoneuroimmunology, University of Missouri, 1998

Charles A. Dana Foundation, Workshop on Brain-Body Interaction, New York, NY, 1998

Medical Research Council (Great Britain), Conference on “Neuroimmunoedocrinology: Interactions with Mood, Behavior and Health,” London, 1997

National Institute of Health, Invited Address, Campus Wide Intramural Program, “Social Stress, social ties, and susceptibility to the common cold, Bethesda, MD, 1997

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Invited Symposium Presentation, Seattle, WA, 1997

Invited Address, American Psychological Association, Annual Meeting, Chicago, ILL, 1997

APA Distinguished Scientific Lecturer, Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA, 1997

Third Annual Wisconsin Symposium on Emotions, Featured Speaker, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WN, 1997

APA Distinguished Scientific Lecturer, Northeastern Psychological Association, Easton, MA, 1997

Invited Address, International Society for the Study of Work Stress, Stockholm, Sweden, 1996

International Society for Neuroimmunomodulation, Washington, DC, 1996

Public Health Service, Healthy Women 2000 conference on Mind/Body Interactions, Washington, DC, 1996

National Institute of Mental Health, Conference entitled “Where is the ‘neuro’ in psychoneuroimmunology,” Santa Monica, CA, 1996

Fetzer Institute, Conference of Stress and Asthma, Kalamazoo, 1996

MacArthur Foundation, Working Group on SES and Health, Conference on Chronic Stress, Pittsburgh, 1996

National Institutes of Health, Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, Committee to Develop a Definition for Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, Bethesda, MD, 1995

Keynote Address, Frontiers in Pediatric Psychology, Fifth Florida Conference on Child Health Psychology, Gainesville, FL, 1995

Transatlantic Airway Conference: The Biology of Viral Infections, Key Biscayne, FL, 1995

National Institute of Mental Health, Conference to Set Priorities in Health Psychology Research, Washington, DC, 1995

First World Congress on Stress, National Institutes of Health, International Society for the Investigation of Stress, and Hans Selye Foundation, Invited speaker, Bethesda, MD, 1994

National Institutes of Health Reunion Task Force, “PNI aspects of Health and Disease”, Washington, 1994. (Public Speaker, Scientific Speaker, & Working Group Chair

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Workshop on Stress and Asthma, Invited Speaker, Washingon, 1993

American College of Epidemiology, Washington, 1993

Psycho-oncology V, Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute, New York, 1993

American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, GA, 1993

Research Perspective in Psychoneuroimmunology IV, Invited Workshop on Measuring stress in Human PNI, Boulder, CO, 1993

American Heart Association Prevention Conference III: “Behavioral Change and compliance: Keys to improving cardiovascular health”, Monterey, CA, 1993

MacArthur Foundation, Workshop on “Psychosocial processes linking SES to health”, San Francisco, CA, 1993

National Institute of Mental Health Workshop on “CNS, Immune, Endocrine and Viral interactions”, Washington, DC, 1992

American Psychosomatic Society, New York, NY, 1992

Fetzer Institute, Conference on “Implications of Psychoneuroimmunology for Disease”, Kalamazoo, MI, 1992

MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Health, Conference on “Social Econonic Status and Disease”, Care Free, AZ, 1991

Research Perspective in Psychoneuroimmunology III, Columbus, OH, 1991

MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Successful Aging, San Francisco, 1991

University of Miami, Stress and Coping Conference, Miami, 1991

Werner-Reimers-Stiftung Institute, Conference on “The meaning and measurement of social support”, Bad Homburg, Germany, 1990

Annual Meeting of the South Wilts Virology Group, Salisbury, England, 1990

VIIIth International Congress of Virology, Berlin, Germany, 1990 (with David Tyrrell)

MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Health, meetings on “Psychosocial measures in Biobehavioral Research”, San Francisco, 1990

Society of Behavioral Medicine, Institute Speaker, “Assessment of Social Networks and Social Supports”, Chicago, 1990

Research Perspectives in Psychoneuroimmunology II, Rochester, NY, 1990

Annenberg Center for Health Sciences meeting on Psychoneuroimmunology: Basic and Clinical Implications”, Rancho Mirage, CA, 1990

National Institute on Aging and MacArthur Foundation Workshop on “Social support, sense of control, and aging”, Alexandria, VA, 1989

Pennsylvania State University Gerontology Conference on “Aging, health behaviors, and health outcomes.” College Park, PA, 1989

National Institute of Mental Health Conference, on Mechanisms of neuroimmune interaction”, Pittsburgh, PA, 1989

Office of Naval Research workshop on “Herpes reactivation as immune function marker,” Pittsburgh, 1989

Annual Meeting of the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research, Mohonk Lake, New Paltz, New York, 1989

Second Jay Yardley Symposium, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 1989

Pennsylvania State University Gerontology Conference on “Self-directedness and efficacy: Causes and effects throughout the life course.”  College Park, PA, 1988

Eleventh Biennial West Virginia University Conference on Life-Span Developmental Psychology: Stress and coping across the life-span, Morgantown, WV, March, 1988

Keynote Address, Nordic Conference of Social and Preventive Medicine, Linkoping, Sweden, 1987

The Fourth Annual Claremont Symposium on Applied Social Psychology, Claremont Graduate School, Claremont, CA, February, 1987

Nags Head Conference on Emotions and Health, Nags Head, NC, June, 1986

NHLBI Workshop on Social Support and Cardiovascular Disease, Irvine, CA, April, 1985

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Smoking Relapse Workshop, Washington, July, 1985

NATO Workshop on Social Support: Theory, Research and Applications, Chateau de Bonas, France, September, 1983

Fourth International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, Turin, Italy, June, 1983

Annual Meeting of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, Pittsburgh, October, 1983

Nags Head Conference on Behavioral Medicine, Nags Head, North Carolina, May, 1983

Third International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, Freiburg, Germany, September, 1978

NATO Advanced Study Institute—Environmental Stress, Life Crisis and Social Adaptation, Cambridge, England, August, 1978

Eastern Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., 1978

International Conference on Urban Housing and Transportation, Detroit, 1975



Amherst College, 1973

Brooklyn College, 1973

一本道无码, 1982, 1989, 1992

一本道无码, Parent Weekend Address, 1993, 1999

一本道无码, Heinz School, 1994

一本道无码, Department of Decision & Social Sciences, 2000

一本道无码, Board of Trustees, 2004

一本道无码, Center for Behavioral Decision Research, 2005

一本道无码, International Festival, 2006

一本道无码, University Symposium, Research into Practice: Health and Wellness for Us and Our Community, 2014

Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Allergy Department, 1992, 1994

Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pediatrics Department, Retreat Speaker, 2008, Grand Rounds, 2005, 2013

City University of New York Graduate Center, 1993

Claremont Graduate School, 1980, 1987

Columbia University, Department of Psychiatry, Grand Rounds, 1998

Columbia University, Department of Psychology, 2005

Columbia University, Department of Cardiology, Grand Rounds, St. Luke’s Memorial Hospital Center, 2008

Columbia University, Robert Wood Johnson Health & Society Scholar's Program, and Departments of Social Epidemiology and Infectious Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health, 2013

Dennison University, 1984; Herrick Neuroscience Lecturer, 1994

Detroit Hypertension Program, Henry Ford Hospital, 1983

Drexel University, 1973

Greater Pittsburgh Psychological Association, 1990, 1994

Harvard Center for Society and Health, 2002

Harvard School of Public Health, Department of Society, Human Development, and Health, 2002

Harvard School of Public Health, Center for Population and Development Studies, 2012

Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2001

Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research, New Brunswick, NJ, 2002

Magee-Women’s Hospital of UPMC, 2012

Medical College of Pennsylvania (Drexel Medical School), Department of Microbiology, 1991

Memorial Sloan Kettering, Department of Psychiatry, Grand Rounds, 1991

Mount Sinai Hospital, NYC, Department of Pediatrics, Department of Preventive Medicine, 2015

National Institutes of Health, Extramural Staff Training Program, 2010

New Jersey School of Medicine and Dentistry, Department of Psychiatry, Grand Rounds, 1991

Northwestern University, Cells to Society (C2S): The Center on Social Disparities and Health, Evanston, IL, 2005

Ohio State University, Department of Psychology, 1996

Ohio State University, Department of Medical Microbiology, 1996

Ohio State University, Institute for Behavioral Medicine, 2010

Oregon Research Institute, 1990, 1997

Pennsylvania State University, 1980; Biobehavioral Health, 2015

Pittsburgh Allergy Society, 1996

Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, 1992

RAND, Santa Monica, CA, 2007

Reed College, 1982

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2003

Rutgers University, 1992, 2002

Saint Joseph’s University, Hyatt Lecture, 2009

Stanford University, 2009

State University of New York at Buffalo, 1992

State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1988

Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, 1980, 1983, 1999

University College London, Departments of Psychology & Epidemiology, 2000

University of California at Irvine, Social Ecology, 1976, 1990, 2016

University of California Los Angeles, Psychoneuroimmunology Program, 2007

University of California at San Francisco, 2007

University of Cardiff, 2000

University of Chicago, Keynote Address, Scientific Advisory Board Meeting, Program Project “Social Isolation, Loneliness and Health”, 2002

University of Colorado School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Grand Rounds, 1990

University of Illinois, Chicago Circle Campus, Prevention Research Center, 1991

University of Illinois, Distinguished Lecture, Institute for Health Research Policy, 2007

University of Miami, 1991

University of Michigan, Evolution and Human Adaptation Program, 2008

University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research, 1992

University of Michigan, School of Public Health, 1998, 2003

University of Michigan, School of Medicine, 2003

University of Michigan, Dearborn, 2014

University of Oregon, 1973, 1990

University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine & Positive Psychology Program, Plenary Lecture, 2009

University of Pittsburgh, 1987, 1994, 2004 (Department of Psychology Centennial Lecturer)

University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public Health, 1983, 1998

University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, General Clinical Research Center, 1997; Grand Rounds, Internal Medicine, Shadyside Hospital, 2009

University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, 1989

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Public Health, Infectious Disease Research Seminar (Division of Infectious Disease and Departments of Infectious Disease, Microbiology, and Molecular Virology), 2003

University of Pittsburgh, Center for Research in Chronic Disorders, Graduate School of Nursing, 1997

University of Rochester School of Medicine (Grand Rounds), 2005

University of Southern California, 1976, 2004

University of Trier, Germany, 1998

University of Virginia School of Medicine, (Festschrift for Jack Gwaltney), 2003

University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology, 1980

University of Washington, 1978, 1982, 2010 Allen Edwards Endowed Lectureship in Psychology

Wayne State University, 1985, 2006 Lachman Lecture; 2015 Keynote Address Researchers of Biobehavioral Health in Urban Setting Today

Wellesley College, 1973

Willamette University, Convocation Speech, 1977

Yale University, 1991

Yale University, Psychiatry: Research Consortium for the Study of Stress on Neural Systems Affecting Brain-behavior Mechanisms, 2010