The DDMLab was founded in 2002 by Prof. Cleotilde Gonzalez. Initially supported by a grant from the Army Research Laboratories (Advanced Decisions Architectures, Collaborative Technology Alliance), the DDMLab is now a group fully funded by grants from research institutions such as National Science Foundation, Army Research Labs, Army Research Office, Air Force Research Laboratories, and others. The laboratory is interdisciplinary, including post-docs and student from Behavioral Decision Research, Psychology, Engineering, and Computer Science.
The Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory facility is located at , integrated within the Social and Decision Sciences Department. Our facilities allow us to do laboratory experiments, online studies, and create computational models.
Every year, the Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory releases an issue of the lab newsletter about current and new research to members, alumni, collaborators, and other interested parties. We appreciate the opportunity to share our progress with the world. Current and past issues are always available on our webpage.