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John Heinz III College, School of Public Policy and Management һ January 2006-present Founder and Faculty Director, PROGRESS (Program for Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society) July 2000-May 2001 Acting Dean June 1999-present James Mellon Walton Professor of Economics June 1994-June 1999 Associate Professor of Economics August 1988-June 1994 Assistant Professor of Economics Harvard Business School Harvard University October 1998-August 1999 Thomas Henry Carroll Ford Visiting Associate Professor of Economics Graduate School of Business University of Chicago June 1996-August 1996 June 1994-December 1994 Visiting Associate Professor of Behavioral Science Division of Humanities and Social Sciences California Institute of Technology January 1995-June 1995 Visiting Associate Professor of Economics Awards and Honors Tribute article, Linda Babcock: Go-Getting and Do-Gooder, written by Max Bazerman, Iris Bohnet, Hannah Bowles, and George Loewenstein, 2018, for the special issue of Negotiation and Conflict Management Research celebrating the Rubin Award Recipients. Biz Journals 20 Most Important Business Books Ever Written (Women dont ask and Ask for it), 2015 Most Influential Article Award (for article published 2007-2010), Conflict Management Division of Academy of Management, 2015. MHS Woman of Distinction Award, 2013. Distinguished Women in Economics and Strategy Annual Speaker, Washington University, 2013. Finalist, Books for a Better Life Award (Ask For It), 2009. Strong Women, Strong Girls, Achievement Award, 2009. Recipient of the 2008 Rubin Award, presented by the International Association for Conflict Management (given bi-annually for putting research into practice). Toastmasters Community Service Award, 2008. American Association of University Women Award, 2008 Women Dont Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide, was named by Fortune Magazine as one of the 75 smartest business books of all time, 2006. Honorable Mention, The Independent Publisher Book Awards, 2004, for Women Dont Ask. 40 under 40, Pittsburgh Magazine and Pittsburgh Urban Magnet Project, 2001 Martcia Wade Teaching Award, һ, 2001 James Mellon Walton Chair in Economics, awarded May 1999 Visiting Olin Fellow, University of Southern California Law School, Fall, 1999. Dean's Career Development Chair in Economics, awarded November, 1995 Best Paper Award, International Association for Conflict Management, Elsinore, Denmark, June 1995 (Choosing the Wrong Pond: Social Comparisons that Reflect a Self-Serving Bias). Research Fellow, Institute in Behavioral Economics, Sponsored by the Russell Sage Foundation, Summer 1994. Emil Limbach Teaching Award, һ, 1991. Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1986. Phi Beta Kappa, Cum Laude, University of California, Irvine, 1983. Grants Russell Sage Foundation Grant, Understanding the impact of stereotype threat on decision making, 2019-2021, ($169,611). BNY Mellon Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2017-2018, ($35,000). BNY Mellon Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2016, ($25,000). FISA Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2015-2017, ($80,000). Heinz Endowments, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2017, ($40,000). Highmark, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2016, ($10,000). Elsie Hillman Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2016, ($25,000). Young Women's Giving Association, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2016, ($2000). PNC Charitable Trusts, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society,2016, ($15,000). National Science Foundation Grant (funded by Economics), Time Allocation: Gender Differences in Propensity to Receive and Agree to Work-Related Requests, 2014-2016, ($465,247). Highmark Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2014-2015, ($10,000). Jewish Womens Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2014-2015, ($10,000). Judy Obermayer Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2014-2015, ($10,000). FISA Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2013-2015, ($80,000). BNY Mellon, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, $50,000, 2013-2014. Heinz Endowments, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2013-2015, ($100,000). FISA Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2012, ($40,000). Girls of Steel Robotics Team, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2012, ($15,000). BNY Mellon, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2012, ($25,000). Buhl Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2012, ($25,000). Consortium for Public Education, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2012, ($15,000). Grable Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2011, ($25,000). FISA Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2011, ($35,000). Girls Coalition, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2011, ($15,000). Mellon Bank Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2010, ($75,000). Grable Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2010, ($25,000). FISA Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2010, ($35,000). Mellon Bank Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2008, ($50,000). Grable Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2007, ($100,000). FISA Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2007, ($35,000). Women and Girls Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2006, ($20,000). Jewish Womens Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2006, ($7,500). Alcoa Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2005, ($35,000). Grable Foundation, Program of Research and Outreach on Gender Equity in Society, 2004, ($15,000). National Science Foundation Grant (funded by Decision, Risk, and Management Science), A Contextual Perspective on Gender and Negotiation, 2002-2005, ($336,747). National Consortium for Violence Research, Violence over Life Stages: An Integration of Psychological, Economic, and Sociological Perspectives, 2000-2002, ($1,027,362) National Consortium for Violence Research, The Role of Self-Serving Biases In Causing Aggressive Behavior, 1999 ($14,821) National Science Foundation Grant (funded by Decision, Risk, and Management Science, Economics, and Law and Social Science), "The Impact of Damage Caps on Civil Litigation: Experimental and Field Analyses," 1998-2000 ($160,485) National Science Foundation Grant (Decision, Risk, and Management Science), "Comparability and Egocentric Biases," 1994-1995 ($29,735). һ Faculty Development Grant, "Wage Determination and Characteristics of the Bargaining Unit," 1994 ($2,400). Funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to participate in the Summer Institute on Negotiation and Dispute Resolution at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, July and August, 1992. National Science Foundation Grant (Economics), "A Structural Model of Collective Bargaining and Turnover," Co-principal Investigator, 1991-1993 ($118,541). Sloan Foundation, Center for the Study of Public Policy, "Mobility Decisions of Public School Teachers," 1990 ($5,000). Books The No Club: Putting a Stop to Womens Dead-End Work, with Brenda Peyser, Lise Vesterlund, and Laurie Weingart, 2022, Simon & Schuster; Little Brown (UK version). Women Dont Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide, with Sara Laschever, Princeton University Press, October 2003, translated into Chinese, Danish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. Paperback issued February 2007 by Bantam Books/Random House. Paperback re-issues 2021 by Princeton University Press. Ask For It: How Women Can Use The Power of Negotiation to Get What They Really Want, with Sara Laschever, Bantam Books/Random House, February 2008. Paperback issued January 2009. Research Papers "The Causes of Impasses in Labor Disputes," with Craig A. Olson, Industrial Relations, 31, Spring 1992, pp. 348-360. "Strategic Behavior in Negotiations and the Use of Arbitration," Industrial Relations Research Association 44th Annual Proceedings, 1992, pp. 375-384. "Self-Serving Assessments of Fairness and Pretrial Bargaining," with Colin Camerer, Sam Issacharoff, and George Loewenstein, Journal of Legal Studies, 22, January 1993, pp. 135-159. "Review of Game-Theoretic Models of Cooperation and Conflict" by John P. Mayberry, The International Journal of Conflict Management, 4, 1993, pp. 377-379. "Forming Beliefs about Adjudicated Outcomes: Risk Attitudes, Uncertainty, and Reservation Values," with Henry Farber, Cynthia Fobian, and Eldar Shafir, International Review of Law and Economics, 15, 1995, pp. 289-303. . "Biased Judgments of Fairness in Bargaining," with Colin Camerer, Sam Issacharoff, and George Loewenstein, American Economic Review, 85(5) 1995, pp. 1337-1343. "The Relationship Between Uncertainty, the Contract Zone, and Bargaining Efficiency," with George Loewenstein and Xianghong Wang, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 22, 1995, pp. 475-485. "Choosing the Wrong Pond: Social Comparisons in Negotiations that Reflect a Self-Serving Bias," with George Loewenstein and Xianghong Wang, Quarterly Journal of Economics, CXI(1), 1996, pp. 1-19. "Salary Comparisons and Public School Teachers Strikes," with Xianghong Wang, Industrial Relations Research Association 48th Annual Proceedings, 1996, pp. 224-230. "The Role of Arbitrator Uncertainty in Negotiation Impasses," with Lowell Taylor, Industrial Relations, 35(4), 1996, pp. 604-610. "Explaining Bargaining Impasse: The Role of Self-Serving Biases," with George Loewenstein, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 11(1), Winter 1997, pp. 109-126. Reprinted in Behavioral Law and Economics, Cass Sunstein (Ed.), Cambridge University Press, 2000. "A Dynamic Model of Public Sector Employer Response to Collective Bargaining," with John Engberg, Journal of Labor Research, XVIII(2), Spring 1997, pp. 265-286. "One Day at a Time: Labor Supply Decisions of Cab Drivers," with Colin Camerer, George Loewenstein, and Richard Thaler, Quarterly Journal of Economics, CXII(2), 1997, pp. 407-441. Reprinted in Advances in Behavioral Economics, Colin Camerer, George Loewenstein, and Matthew Rabin (Eds.), Princeton University Press, 2004. Revised as "Labor Supply of Taxi Cab Drivers," in Choices, Values, and Frames, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky (Eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2000. "Wages and Employment in Public Sector Unions," with Amihai Glazer and John Engberg, Economic Inquiry, 35, July 1997, pp. 532-543. "Creating Convergence: Debiasing Biased Litigants," with George Loewenstein and Samuel Issacharoff, Law and Social Inquiry, 22, December 1997, pp. 401-413. "Pittsburgh Labor Market Adjustments in the 1980s: Who Gained and Who Lost?," with Mary Ellen Benedict and John Engberg, Journal of Urban Affairs, 20(1), 1998, pp. 53-68. Self-Serving Bias: Response, with George Loewenstein, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 12(2), Spring 1998, pp. 244-245. "Bargaining Unit Composition and the Returns to Education and Tenure," with John Engberg, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 52(2), 1999, pp. 163-178. Negotiating Advice for Women: How Not to Lose Your Skirt, Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession Newsletter, Winter 1999. The Art of Negotiation, AUT Woman, 47, Summer 1999. The Information Dilemma in Negotiations: Effects of Experience, Incentives, and Integrative Potential, with Keith Murnighan, Leigh Thompson, and Madan Pillutla, International Journal of Conflict Management, 10, 1999, 313-339. "Damage Caps Cast a Long Shadow: An Experimental Investigation of the Impact on Expectations and Settlement," with Greg Pogarsky, Journal of Legal Studies. XXVIII(2), 1999, pp. 341-370. Damage Caps, Motivated Anchoring, and Bargaining Impasse, with Greg Pogarsky, Journal of Legal Studies. XXX(1), 2001, pp. 143-160. Nice Girls Dont Ask, with Sara Laschever, Michele Gelfand, and Deborah Small, Harvard Business Review, October 2003. "Settlement Escrows in Negotiations," with Claudia Landeo, Journal of Economics, Behavior, and Organizations, 2003. Wage Spillovers in Public Sector Contract Negotiations: The Importance of Social Comparisons, with John Engberg and Robert Greenbaum, Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 34(5), 2005, pp. 395-410. Constraints and Triggers: Situational Mechanics of Gender in Negotiation with Hannah Riley Bowles and Kathleen McGinn, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89(6), pp. 951-965, 2005. Gender in Negotiations: A Motivated Social Cognitive Analysis, with Laura Kray, in Frontiers of Social Psychology: Negotiations (Leigh Thompson, Ed.), 2006. Propensity to Initiate Negotiations: A New Look at Gender Variation in Negotiation Behavior, with Michele Gelfand, Deborah Small, and Heidi Stayn, in Social Psychology and Economics, (D. De Cremer, M. Zeelenberg, & J.K. Murnighan, Eds.). Mahwah, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006, pgs. 239-259. Dinner Parties and Poker Games: Setting the Table, Shaping the Game, and Other Negotiation Metaphors, Negotiation Journal, 23(1), January 2007, pp. 75-83 (One of the top 10 downloads for 2007.) Split-Awards and Disputes: An Experimental Study of a Strategic Model of Litigation, with Claudia Landeo and Maxim Nikitin, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 63(3), 2007, pgs. 553-572. Who Goes to the Bargaining Table? The Influence of Gender and Framing on the Initiation of Negotiation, with Deborah Small, Michele Gelfand, and Hilary Gettman, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93(4), 2007, pgs. 600-613. Social Incentives For Gender Differences in the Propensity to Initiate Negotiations: Sometimes It Does Hurt to Ask, with Hannah Riley Bowles and Lei Lai, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 103(2), 2007, pgs 84-103. Most Influential Article Award (for article published 2007-2010), Conflict Management Division of Academy of Management, 2015. Constitutional Interpretation and Intuitions of Public Policy, with Joshua Furgeson and Peter Shane, Law and Human Behavior, 32, 219-227, 2008. Behind the Mask of Method, with Joshua Furgeson and Peter Shane, Law and Human Behavior, 32, 502-510, 2008. An Answer to Womens Negotiation Compensation Dilemma, with Hannah Bowles, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2009. Legal Interpretations and Intuitions of Public Policy, with Joshua Furgeson, in Ideology, Psychology, and Law (Series in Political Psychology), edited by Jon Hanson, Oxford University Press, 2012. Negotiation Topic as a Moderator of Gender Differences in Performance, with Julia Bear, Psychological Science. July 2012, Volume 23, pp. 743-744. Notes on Behavioral Economics and Labor Market Policies, with William Congdon, Sendhil Mullainathan, and Lawrence Katz, IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 1(2), October 2012. Relational Accounts: An Answer for Women to the Compensation Negotiation Dilemma, with Hannah Riley Bowles, Psychology of Women Quarterly, 37(1), pp. 80-96, 2013. A Model of When to Negotiate: Why Women Dont Ask, with Hannah Bowles and Julia Bear, in The Oxford Handbook of Economic Conflict Resolution, edited by Rachel Croson and Gary Bolton, pp. 313-331, 2013. Social Costs of Setting High Aspirations in Competitive Negotiation, with Lai Lei and Hannah Bowles, forthcoming, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 6(1), pp. 1-12, 2013. Asian Americans and Workplace Discrimination: The Interplay between Sex of Evaluators and the Perception of Social Skills, with Lei Lai, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(3), pp. 310-326, 2013. Experimental Research on the Psychology of Disputes, with Joshua Furgeson, in Research Handbook on the Economics of Torts, edited by Jennifer Arlen, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014. Negotiating Femininity: Gender Identity Affects Womens Outcomes in Negotiations, with Julia Bear, Academy of Management Annual Meetings Proceedings, 2015. Gender Differences in Negotiation, with Julia Bear, in Handbook of Negotiation, edited by Andrea Schneider, 2016. Gender Differences in Accepting and Receiving Requests for Tasks with Low Promotability, with Lise Vesterlund, Maria Recalde, and Laurie Weingart, American Economic Review, 107(3), March 2017. Gender Differences in the Allocation of Low-Promotability Tasks: The Role of Backlash, with Lise Vesterlund and Maria Recalde, American Economic Review, papers and proceedings, 107(5), May 2017. Negotiating Femininity: Gender-Relevant Primes Improve Womens Economic Performance in Gender Role Incongruent Negotiations, with Julia Bear, Psychology of Women Quarterly, 2017, 41(2), 163-174. Who Gets the Benefit of the Doubt: The Impact of Causal Reasoning Depths on How Violations of Gender Stereotypes are Evaluated, with Steffen Keck, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2017, 39(3). Raise the Curtains: The Effect of Awareness about Targeting on Consumer Attitudes and Purchase Intentions, with Sonam Samat and Alessandro Acquisti, Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, 2018 Why Women Volunteer for Tasks that Dont Lead to Promotions, Harvard Business Review, with Maria Recalde and Lise Vesterlund, 2018. Gender Gaps in Negotiation: Implications for Individuals and Organizations, with Julia Bear, in Schneider and Honeyman, Essentials of Negotiation, 2019. Research in Progress Delegating Non-Promotable Tasks: How People Respond to the Gender of the Asker, with Maria Recalde and Lise Vesterlund. Can You Do Me a Favor? A Diary Study Responding to Requests in the Workplace, with Laurie Weingart, Lise Vesterlund, and Amanda Weirup. Gender Differences in Response to Requests to do Non-Promotable Tasks: The Role of Guilt, with Amanda Weirup and Taya Cohen. Lets Go It Alone: The Use of Gender Stereotypes in Forming Judgments by Individuals and groups, with Steffen Keck. The Impact of Stereotype Threat on Gender Differences in the Decision to Seek Help, with Kevin Jarbo, Geoff Kauffman, and Kody Manke. Recent Academic Presentations 2000 National Consortium on Violence Research Summer Workshop, St. Petersburg, FL, "The Behavioral Economics of Crime" Behavioral Economics Institute, Berkeley, CA, Behavioral Economics and Public Policy Economic Science Association, Tucson, AZ, Gender in Negotiation: Causes and Effects of Gender Differences in Pre-Negotiation Goals and Expectations 2001 Conference on Intertemporal Choice, Russell Sage Foundation, Present-Orientation and Risky Behavior National Consortium on Violence Research Summer Workshop, Montreal, Canada, Present-Orientation and Risky Behavior" 2002 International Association for Conflict Management, Park City, Utah, Self-serving Biases, Enron, and Arthur Andersen Social and Decision Sciences, һ, Women Dont Ask 2003 Mosaic Annual Conference on Womens Issues, һ, Women Dont Ask Women Transcending Boundaries Conference, University of Pittsburgh, Women Dont Ask Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, A Situational Perspective on Gender and Negotiations Program on Negotiations, Harvard University, Women Dont Ask. 2004 Ohio State Law School, Women Dont Ask. Yale Law School, Women Dont Ask. Princeton University, Women Dont Ask George Washington University, Women Dont Ask Behavioral Decision Research in Management Conference, Duke University, Gender Differences in the Initiation of Negotiation. UC Santa Barbara, Women Dont Ask. University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, Women Dont Ask. Harvard University, Women Dont Ask. Conference on Gender and Negotiation (Kennedy School), Gender Differences in the Propensity to Initiate Negotiation. Boston College Law School, Women Dont Ask. University of California, Irvine, Women Dont Ask. 2005 Harvard University, Women Dont Ask. University of California, Los Angeles, Women Dont Ask. Northwestern University, Women Dont Ask. 2006 Center for Public Leadership Conference on Women, Social Incentives for Gender Differences in the Propensity to Initiate Negotiations. Radcliffe Institute, Social Incentives for Gender Differences in the Propensity to Initiate Negotiations. 2007 Society for Personality and Social Psychology, invited talk, Social Incentives for Gender Differences in the Propensity to Initiate Negotiations. University of Chicago, Social Incentives for Gender Differences in the Propensity to Initiate Negotiations. Arizona State University, School of Communications, Social Incentives for Gender Differences in the Propensity to Initiate Negotiations. University of Pittsburgh, Social Incentives for Gender Differences in the Propensity to Initiate Negotiations. Society for Judgment and Decision Making Annual Meetings (Keynote), Women Dont Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide. 2008 Stanford University, When doesnt it hurt her to ask. American Bar Association Annual Conference, Women Dont Ask. Program on Negotiation, Harvard, When doesnt it hurt her to ask. Yale University, When doesnt it hurt her to ask. Harvard University, Why women dont ask. 2009 University of Pittsburgh, The gender wage gap Radcliffe, Why women dont ask American College of Physician Executives, Why women dont ask University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Relational Accounts New York University, Why women dont ask. 2011 INSEAD, Why women dont ask 2013 Washington University in St. Louis, CRES Distinguished Women in Economics & Strategy Annual Speaker, What do we really know about women and negotiation? International Association for Conflict Management, When Negotiation Fits Women: Gender Role Incongruity and Negotiation Outcomes 2014 UCLA Law School, What Do We Really Know About Women and Negotiation? UCLA Anderson School, The Demand and Supply of Non-Promotable Tasks Behavioral Decision Research in Management, London, The Demand and Supply of Non-Promotable Tasks Conference on Barriers to Women in Workplace, The Demand and Supply of Non-Promotable Tasks Women in STEM, Negotiation and the Gender Divide, Carnegie Mellon Conference on Inequality and Identity, University of Chicago, Identity and Gender Differences in Negotiation 2015 Wharton, The Demand and Supply of Non-Promotable Tasks Behavioral Economics Annual Meeting, The Demand and Supply of Non-Promotable Tasks International Association of Conflict Management, The Demand and Supply of Non-Promotable Tasks 2016 Harvard University, The Demand and Supply of Non-Promotable Tasks The White House, Barriers to Women in the Workplace Behavioral Exchange, Barriers to Women in the Workplace University of California at Berkeley, The Demand and Supply of Non-Promotable Tasks Stanford University, The Demand and Supply of Non-Promotable Tasks Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Keynote Address, Understanding Barriers to Womens Advancement in the Workplace: Applied and Action-Oriented Research 2018 University of California at San Diego, Barriers to Womens Advancement, to UCSD senior leadership University of California at San Diego, The Demand and Supply of Non-Promotable Tasks, University Colloquium Thomas Jefferson Law School, Ruth Bader Ginsburg Lecture, Barriers to Womens Advancement in the Workplace 2019 University of Michigan, Interdisciplinary Committee on Organizational Studies, Understanding the Barriers to Womens Advancement in the Workplace University of Pittsburgh, Understanding the Barriers to Womens Advancement in the Workplace Recent Non-Academic Presentations Luxury Products Marketing Council (NYC, Virgin Islands, and Atlanta), The Junior League (Pittsburgh), Association of Women in Communication (Pittsburgh and San Francisco), Womens Information Network (D.C.), Womens Business Center (D.C.), U.S. Congressional Staff Briefing, Microsoft, University of Chicago Womens Business Group, California Institute of Technology Womens Center, Andrew Carnegie Society, һ alumni of Pittsburgh, Margaret Morrison Alumni, Executive Womens Council, һ Women of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, һ Alumni Club of New York, Committee for the Advancement of Women in Chemistry, National Association of Women Business Owners, George Washington University Womens Leadership Program, University of California at Santa Barbaras Advancement of Women in Science Program, Turknetts Women Executive Leadership Program, Rivers Clubs Executive Womens Council, Seton Hills Conference on Women in Business, The Pittsburgh Foundation, Professional Businesswomen of California, IBM, Commercial Real Estate Womens Group, CEO Forum of Pittsburgh, Ernst and Young, Cleveland Clinic, һ University Lecture Series, GMAC, St Louis Business Journal, Monsanto, St. Louis Regional Business Council, Executive Women International, St.Vincents College, The Child Welfare League of America, the Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood Education, National Coalition of Campus Childrens Centers, National Association of Women Business Owners (Philadelphia), Midwest Women in Science, Women in Higher Education Leadership, GlaxoSmithKlein, St. Louis University, Strong Women Strong Girls, Pittsburgh Athena Awards, Future Tenant, Womens Lyceum of Kansas City, Athena of San Diego, Women in Cable Telecommunications, Google, Alcoa, Mellon Bank, Deutsche Bank of New York, Goldman Schools Women in Public Policy Club, Women Legislatures of Minnesota, Conference on Women in Business, Women Rule Leadership Conference, the Ellis School, PA Governors Conference for Women, Yale Womens Faculty Caucus, Yale SOM MBA students, Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates, UNC-CH MBA students, Oakwood Hospital System, Olin Business School, UBS, W.O.M.E.N in America, Ernst & Young, Accenture, Deloitte, Roche, Integrating Women Leaders Foundation, Goodwin Law, Charlotte Womens Leadership Forum, Tepper Women in Business, Acronis Cybersecurity Forum. Media Coverage of Women Dont Ask and Ask For It National TV: CNN (multiple appearances), CBS Early Show (multiple appearances), NBC Weekend Today Show, ABC World News, MSNBC, Bloomberg TV, First Business, Time Warner Cable, CNNfN, Good Morning America (multiple appearances), Fox Business News, Ivanhoe Broadcast News, The Australian Today Show, The Katie Couric Show. Local TV KRON (San Francisco), WXPI (Pittsburgh), New York 1 News (New York), Ch 3 (Barcelona, Spain), WTAE (Pittsburgh), WSB (Atlanta) Radio: National Public Radio (multiple appearances), Marketplace Radio, Minnesota Public Radio, WTOP (D.C.), The Motley Fool Radio, CBS Marketwatch Radio, AP Radio Network, KQED (S.F), KMPS (Seattle), WNTN (Boston), WGN (Chicago), WBUR (Boston), WBNW (Boston), WBCN (Boston), NPR Hearsay, NPR Day-to-Day, Oprah and Friends, WNYC (Brian Lehrer), The Small Business Advocate, KNX (CBS), KDKA, BBC, WBAI, KKNW Magazines: The Economist, Business Week, Harvard Business Review, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Self (multiple times), Fitness, Time, Glamour (multiple times), the Library Journal, Kiplingers, Pittsburgh Magazine, French Cosmopolitan, American Way, Leadership and Change, Foreword, Womens Business US, SFO, Parents, British Cosmopolitan, Telva (Spain), U.S. News and World Report (multiple times), Fortune, Cosmopolitan, Alive, Shape (multiple Times), More, Redbook, Oprah (multiple times), Womens Health, HR Connection, Eve, Congressional Quarterly Researcher, Womens Day, Quick and Simple, Prevention, Evonne, You (U.K.), Australia Glamour, Fortune, RH for Educators, Human Resources Executive, The Atlantic, Womens World, Portland Business Journal, ACPE Magazine, Scientific American. Newspapers The New York Times, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, Christian Science Monitor, Sunday Times (London), Scripps Howard, Ascribe Newswire, Publishers Weekly, Times Colonist (Canada), The Sentinel (U.K), Exame (Brazil), Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, Western Mail (U.K), London Times, Guardian (U.K.), New Zealand Management, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Pittsburgh Tribune Review, The Sun, Anchorage Daily News, The Ithaca Journal, Business Review Weekly (Australia), Newsday, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Chicago Tribune, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Tribune, Akron Beacon Journal, San Jose Mercury News, Edmonton Journal, The New York Post, The State, Star Tribune, Investors Business Daily, Argus Leader, Vancouver Sun, Rocky Mountain News, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Seattle Times, The Gazette, The Times Union, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, La Vanguardia (Spain), El Peridicio (Spain), Glasgow Daily Record, Toronto Globe and Mail, Arizona Republic, Monterrey County Herald, San Antonio Express News, Home News Tribune, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, The Irish Independent, Toronto Star, Monterey County Herald, Washington Times, Irish Examiner, City A.M. (London), The Advertiser (Australia). Online Newspapers and Blogs (sample outlets) Fox Business News, MSNBC, Savvy Sugar, CNET, mediationchannel.com, portfolio.com, Bloomberg.com, women-drivers.com, alter.com, Fortune.com, theDailyAsker.com, Forbes.com, salary.com. Professional Memberships American Economic Association American Law and Economics Association Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession Economic Science Association International Association for Conflict Management Society for Judgment and Decision Making Society of Labor Economists Professional Activities Conference Organizer, Workshop on Barriers to Women in the Workplace, 2015 Conference Organizer, Barriers to Women in the Workplace, 2014 Editorial Board, Behavioral Science and Policy, 2013-present Conference Organizer, Behavioral Decision Research in Management, 2010 Review Panel Member, National Science Foundation (Economics), 2000-2002 Consortium Member, National Consortium on Violence Research, 1998-2003 Russell Sage Foundation, Behavioral Economics Roundtable, 1998-present Executive Board Member, Economic Science Association, 1994-1997 Program Committee Member, International Association for Conflict Management, 1994-2000 Program Committee Member, Behavioral Decision Research in Management, 2000 Participant in MacArthur Foundation Behavioral Law Working Group, 1999 Conference Organizer, Russell Sage Foundation's Behavioral Economics Conference, 1997 Referee Acta Psychologica Applied Psychology: An International Review American Economic Review American Journal of Sociology Economic Inquiry Economic Journal Experimental Economics Human Relations Industrial and Labor Relations Review Industrial Relations Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Journal of Economic Education Journal of Economic Literature Journal of Economic Perspectives Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Journal of Human Resources Journal of Labor Economics Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Journal of Political Economy Journal of the American Statistical Association Management Science National Science Foundation (Economics, DRMS, and Social Psychology) Negotiation and Conflict Management Review Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Psychology of Women Quarterly Quarterly Journal of Economics Rand Journal of Economics Russell Sage Foundation Sex Roles Southern Economic Journal US-Israel Binational Science Foundation Consulting Activities Accenture Allegheny County Family Court System American Civil Liberties Union American College of Physician Executives/American Association for Physician Leaders Bravo/Independent Film Channel Cablevision City of Pittsburgh Cognizant Dance USA Deloitte Ernst & Young Freemarkets IBM Ketchum PR Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre Pittsburgh Post Gazette Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Committee Private Industry Council School District of Woodland Hills United Steelworkers of America USX Vanguard Health Systems Women in Cable Telecommunications University Service Heinz College Activities: Leadership Committee, 2014 Strategic International Negotiation Exercise, Team Mentor, 2014 Acting Dean: 2000-2001 C-squared Committee Chair, 2008-2010 Strategic Planning: 2007, 2008 Oversight committee for program in Adelaide, Australia, 2005-2008, 2010 Ph.D. Program Director: 1996-2000 Student Diversity Committee: 2002 Dean Search Committee: 2000-2001 Ph.D. Committee: 1989-2005 Ph.D. Admissions Committee: 1992, 1994, 1996-2000 Master of Arts Management Committee: 1992-1993 Heinz-Pitt Applied Micro Seminar: 1991-1994 Planning Committee: 1990-1994 Faculty Recruiting Committee: 1990-1993, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2005, 2009-2013 Department of Social and Decision Sciences Faculty Recruiting Committee: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019 Behavioral Economics, Policy, and Management, undergraduate advisor, 2016-2018. University Activities: һ Campus Climate Implementation Committee, co-chair, 2019- Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Planning Taskforce, head of Faculty Subcommittee for Dietrich College, 2019. Report to the Provost. Understanding the Barriers to Diversifying һ Faculty and Recommendations for Improving Diversity: A Focus on Under-Represented Minority and Female Faculty, with Rosalind Chow, 2018. Co-Founder and Faculty Director, һ Leadership and Negotiation Academy for Women, 2012-present Diversity Task Force (2015-2016) IRB Committee (2011-2015) Steering Committee, Center for Behavioral Decision Research, 2005-2010 (Director 2008-2009) Seminars on Negotiation to һ graduate students Negotiation training for Deans, Department Heads, and Staff Provost Search Committee: 2000 University Tenured Promotions Committee: 1999-2001 Strategic Planning Task Force: 1997-1998 University Department Heads Committee: 1996-2000 Educational Affairs and Enrollment Committee, Board of Trustees: 1995-1997, 2000-2001 University Non-Tenured Promotions Committee: 1995-1997, 2000-2001 Competitive Position Task Force: 1996-1997 Heinz School Dean Search Committee: 1993-1994 Dean Evaluation Committee: 1992 Commission on Status of Women in the University (subcommittee chair): 1991-1993 Faculty Senate: 1989-1991 Teaching Activities Courses Taught: Undergraduate Level International Negotiation Domestic Negotiation Behavioral Economics Capstone Masters Level Negotiation (Carnegie Mellon, University of Chicago, Harvard Business School) Negotiation in Complex Environments International Negotiation Statistical Analysis Applied Econometrics Labor Markets and Public Policy Systems Synthesis (Labor Markets, NAFTA) Ph.D. Level Econometric Theory Research Seminar Executive Level Negotiation Gender and Negotiation Barriers to the Advancement of Women in the Workplace Ph.D. Student Dissertations: Jean Abraham Idris Adjerid Julia Bear Joseph Besselman Elizabeth Campbell Heather Campbell Susan Elster Joshua Furgeson Carol Goldberg Keith Hunter Ania Jaroszewicz Claudia Landeo (University of Pittsburgh) Lei Lai Greg Pogarsky Hannah Riley Bowles (Harvard) Sonam Samat Deborah Small Don Smith Sam Swift Snehal Tijoriwala Rich Truncelito Seng-Su Tsang Nazli Turan Amanda Weirup Mike Yu Xianghong Wang    page \* arabic18 Ibv}     m  I % & ,LNT_͵ǻ͙ͩ񓍓z%ha\ha\CJaJfHq h7SCJ hMCJh&h&5CJ hCJ h}CJ hgw;CJ hdCJ hsCJ h&CJ hDWCJ hw]HCJjhw]HU hw]HCJjhw]HCJU hw]H5CJ hJs5CJ+c    6 T x {    d  p*$]^`p *$ $ *$a$ *$gdDWd    l m I ^ m  p*$]^`pgd& p*$]^`pgd} p*$]^`pgd} p*$]^`p  % & > Q l NOz *$]gd *$]gd& p*$]^`p^_  gh ``*$]^``gd0YM 1$9D^gda\ ``*$]^``gdwqF :H_eghiy>?FGHghýýɷ|qiaVh7Sh7SCJaJh7SCJaJh[RCJaJh{hzivCJaJhzivhziv5CJaJh$ACJaJh)ZhCJ hJ+'CJ h$ACJ h0YMCJ hKCJ hCJ h*lCJ h l4CJ heCJ hsI>CJ hMCJ ha\CJha\CJOJQJ^JaJ+ha\CJOJQJ^JaJfHq wx `c9;^` p*$]^`pgd0YM 0*$]^`0gd0YM ``*$]^``gd0YM>?FG.a' #$^a$gd{dd1$[$\$^gdd^gd7S ``*$]^``gdwqF 0*$]^`0gd0YM p*$]^`pgd0YMh$+,-.CDEFgſuiiiiiiiihJB*CJaJphhdB*CJaJhphhB*CJaJphhdB*CJaJphhCJaJhdCJaJhRhdCJaJhRhdCJ hdCJhdB*CJ\aJph233hB*CJ\aJph233h7SB*CJ\aJph233 h7Sh7SB*CJ\aJph233)2OPW^_`ikl$%&GHIJk᧙hCJOJQJ^JaJhw`CJOJQJ^JaJ h{h{CJOJQJ^JaJhCJaJhRhdCJhdB*CJaJphhB*CJaJphhJB*CJaJphhdCJaJhRhdCJaJ2:;z8Xdk䒱䠒䄒䠒䒱{ujbZbhCJaJhzivCJaJhhzivCJaJ hzivCJhRhzivCJhDWCJOJQJ^JaJhRCJOJQJ^JaJ hRhRCJOJQJ^JaJhRhRCJOJQJ^JhRCJOJQJ^Jh{CJOJQJ^Jh l4CJOJQJ^JhCJOJQJ^JaJh l4CJOJQJ^JaJ#no>?u ``*$]^``gdwqF ``*$]^``gdDW ``*$]^``gdziv #$^a$gd{klo~'3;<=>?ASr %DdkrstuźźŬ|hCJ\aJh$ACJaJhofCJaJhhofCJaJ hofCJ hXCJ h$ACJh0YMCJaJhh0YMCJaJ h0YMCJ h{CJ h>CJhDWCJaJhhzivCJaJ hzivCJhzivCJaJhCJaJ-uvK L !!y!z!!!H"I" `*$]^gds `*$]^gdof ``*$]^``gdwqF `*$]^gd `*$]gd@ A H I J K L _  ! ! !!!!!!!!(!H!n!o!v!x!y!z!!!!!!!!!!!"=">"A"E"F"G"Z"z""""""""#佲𲽲𲽲𲽩h)ZhJ+'CJhhsCJaJhsCJaJ hCJ hofCJhhofCJaJhofCJaJ hXCJ hCJhCJaJhCJaJBI"""######X$Y$$$,%-% 0*$]^`0 0*$]^`0gd4p ``*$]^``gd!Z ``*$]^``gdwqF `*$]^gds###q#t#|#}######M$N$U$V$$$$$$$!%"%)%*%-%%%%%7&8&&8'Q)5*R+X+Z+++++++,6---.L.`..///Ѻћєєю hwCJ hw]H>*CJ hw]H5CJ h CJ h}CJ hdCJ h7SCJ h7S5CJ hzivCJhw]H hCJ hw]HCJ h4pCJ haCJ hJ+'CJ hwqFCJ h!ZCJh)Zh*l5CJ8-%%%9&<&&&8'h'i'O(R(((Q)R) p*$]^`p ``*$]^`` 0*$]^`0 0*$]^`0gd0YM 0*$]^`0R)5*7***Q+R+X+Y+++ww *$]^gd7S p*$]^`pgd7Sgd7S *$]^ 0*$]^`0 p*$]^`p *$]^gdziv +7-8----. ...////s `p*$]^``p ``*$]^`` p*$]^`p p*$]^`pgdko *$]^ ``*$]^``gd7S ///)0Y0 14111x22N3l33444515b5~566666!7A77788,9B999N:n::;n;;;;<<g=== >{>>>>>????????^@@@@@@(AEAAAAAAAB haCJ huCJ h!ZCJ h >*CJh h CJ hw]H>*hw]Hh.a hw]H>*CJ hw]HCJL/q0s0M1O1112233-4.44455\6]6=8?88 `p*$]^``p p*$]^`p ``*$]^``88d9f9::::/;0;;;;;<<==(>)> `p*$]^``p ``*$]^`` p*$]^`p)>>>????@@FAGAtBuB8C9C~~~~^ `*$]^ p*$]^`p `p*$]^``pgd ^gd  `p*$]^``p! p*$]^`pBBBBBB$B.B0B7B`BdBsBtBBBB7C8CCCCCDDD&D_DDDDDDDDlEEEEEEEEEEEEĽ}w ha\CJ hACJhGha>*CJ hd>*CJ hCJ haCJh!;hGha>*hFheha ha>* hhw]H hh h>*hhw]H h_tCJhDhD>*CJ hDCJ h!ZCJ hw]HCJ heCJ.9CDDDDEE]F^FFF_G`GGGHH *$]^gd *$]^ `p*$]^``p 1$9D^gda\ *$]^gda!gda!E\F]F^FFFFFFFFF4GJGLGYG]G^G_G`GGGGGG3HPHqHyHHHHHթ˻{rjbZh<CJaJhofCJaJh5NCJaJhof>*CJaJh)Zh)Z>*CJaJh,h>*CJaJh)ZCJaJhCJaJ haCJ h4pCJ hwqFCJ hCJ h)D>CJhwqFhwqF>*CJhwqFha>*CJ hw]HCJ ha\CJha\ha\CJaJ%ha\ha\CJaJfHq HIII;I=IIIIII?J\JyJJJJJJJKK#K>ܰڰֹֹuuk˜M++6䴳ʴ>䴳ʴ5䴳ʴe䴳ʴ02>*䴳ʴe>*䴳ʴ䴳ʴ䴳ʴ#<>*CJaJh)D>h<CJaJh<CJaJh9 hQ>*䴳Q>*䴳Q䴳<0J(6]h,h<aJhwh<>*aJ h<aJH=I>IIIJJaKbKLLL|rr 1$^gdQ !^`gd++6 ``*$]^``gds *$]^gds ``*$]^``gd< ``*$]^``gdQ !^`gd< bKcKKKKLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLMMM3M6MaMMMMʿʿʓ|r|d|ZPhSCCJPJaJhgw;CJPJaJh0S2he>*CJPJaJh! 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