Hazardous Waste Collection Tags
Collection and storage of waste at the Satellite Accumulation Area (SAA) is the responsibility of each waste generator. Federal and State regulations require that all Hazardous Waste containers be accurately identified. The waste generator declares when a material is waste and makes the initial hazardous waste determination, but when the waste is picked up and moved to the Central Accumulation Area (CAA), the final hazardous waste determination will be made. In order to make this determination, it is absolutely critical that the chemical constituents of the waste are clearly and accurately listed on each container.
EHS updated the Hazardous Waste collection tag. All containers containing hazardous waste must be tagged with a Carnegie Mellon EHS Hazardous Waste tag as soon as it is determined that the collected hazardous waste is ready for disposal. The hazardous waste tag:
- Helps laboratory workers properly manage their waste and stay in compliance with federal, state and local rules and regulations.
- Identifies the constituents in a container.
- Helps prevent incompatible waste combinations.
- Informs personnel handling the waste of the hazards involved with the waste.
- Alerts emergency responders to the presence of hazardous materials in the event of a leak or spill and to follow the appropriate accidental release measures.
- Helps track the hazardous waste holding times. 6. Waste can only be accumulated for 6 months in a SAA.
Instructions for completing a Hazardous Waste Tag:
- Check all characteristics that apply. To determine hazardous waste characteristics refer to reagent container labels, GHS Pictograms and SDS.
- Under container constituents, list full chemical names in English—no symbols, formulas or abbreviations, one compound per line. List all constituents in the waste, no matter how small the concentration.
- Write only one constituent per line and ensure that the total adds up to 100%. If constituent is less than 0.5% of the total, label it as ‘trace,’ or include the ppm.
- Tags must be certified by the trained generators original signature. Include name of the lab PI and room number.
- Once the waste tag is filled out completely and correctly, attach the tag to the waste container by using the metal wire. Please note that if the waste tag is not present on the container, it will not be collected.
- Waste can only be accumulated for 6 months in a SAA. When the waste is ready to be collected, submit a through Service Now for disposal.
When using the hazardous waste tag, please remember the following:
- The red and white Hazardous Waste Label is placed on the bottle while is being used in to collect waste. The labels must be completely filled out and dated when the first drop of hazardous waste goes into the container.
- The Hazardous Waste Tag is attached when the bottle is ready to be collected for disposal.
- No abbreviations or chemical formulas are to be listed on the label or tag.
- The container must be kept closed unless the transfer of hazardous waste is occurring.
Proper disposal of hazardous waste is mandatory in laboratories at 一本道无码. Chemical waste should not be disposed of by evaporation in a chemical hood. EHS will not remove the Hazardous Waste without the Hazardous Waste tag. If you have any questions or concerns regarding Hazardous Waste, please contact EHS.