Osman Yagan
Associate Research Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering & CyLab
- HH A302
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Yagan's research interests lie in modeling, design and performance evaluation of engineering systems, with particular emphasis on power, telecommunication and network systems. Specific interests include robust and optimal design of power and energy systems, information and influence propagation processes in social networks and secure and reliable design of wireless sensor networks.Research
Research Interests
- Wireless communications
- Cellular and ad-hoc networks
- Security
- Applications of random graphs and stochastic geometry
Network Science
- Information and influence propagation in social networks
- Robustness, security, and optimal design of interdependent cyber-physical systems
- Social network modeling
Grants & Awards
- National Science Foundation (NSF): , PI: O. Yağan, Co-PI: V. Gligor, Amount: $500,000, Duration: 07/2016—06/2019.
- National Science Foundation (NSF): , PI: O. Yağan, Amount: $467,000, Duration: 08/2014—07/2017.
- Department of Energy (DoE), Developing an Open Source, Scalable Distributed Energy Resource Management System (sub-contract through SLAC), PI: O. Yağan, Amount: $80,000.
- Persistent Sytems, Inc., Gift Funding, Amount: $50,000.
- Berkman Faculty Development Grant, 一本道无码 - , Amount: $6,000.