

Congratulations to all of the certified Workplaces!

Leaderboard as of December 2024

First  -- Student Life Suite, gold (101/114 points)

Second --Chemical Engineering, silver (83/114 points)

Third -- Wilton E Scott Institute for Energy Innovation, silver (60/114 points)

Student Life Suite, Morewood Gardens (2024)

Chemical Engineering, Doherty Hall (2023)

Wilton E Scott Institute for Energy Innovation, Scott Hall (2023)

Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), Wean Hall (2024)

4700 5th Avenue Staff (2018), Bronze
Alumni Relations and Annual Giving (2015), Bronze
Athletics (2015, 2016), Bronze, Silver
Campus Services Administration, CUC Office (N/A), participating
CAPS (2015), Bronze, Silver
Career and Professional Development (2015, 2016), Bronze, Silver, Gold
Center for Machine Learning and Health (CMLH) (2016), Bronze
Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion (N/A), participating
Children's School (2019), Bronze
Civil and Environmental Engineering (2014, 2015), Bronze, Silver
Cohon University Center Administration (2015), Bronze
Computing Services (N/A), participating
Conference and Event Services (2014), Bronze
Dietrich College Academic Advisory Center (2019), Bronze
Dietrich College Dean's Office (2020), Bronze
Dining Services (2014), Bronze
Engineering Research Accelerator (2016), Bronze
Enrollment Services (2014, 2015, 2017), Bronze, Silver, Gold
Enrollment Systems (2015, 2017), Bronze, Silver, Gold
Environmental Health and Safety (2016), Bronze
Facilities Management Services Operations (2014, 2015), Bronze, Silver
Housing Services (2014, 2015, 2016), Bronze, Silver, Gold
Hunt Library (2015), Bronze
Integrated Innovation Institute (2015), Bronze
MCS Communications Office (2016), Bronze
Mellon Institute Library (2015), Bronze
Office of Student Activities (2015), Bronze
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (N/A), participating
Parking and Transportation Services (2015), Bronze, Silver
Physics Department (2018), Bronze
Postal Services (2015), Bronze
Provost Office (N/A), participating
Psychology Department (N/A), participating
Service Response Center, FMS (2015), Bronze, Silver
Sorrells Library (2015), Bronze
Student Affairs Operations (2014), Bronze
Student Life (2015), Bronze, Silver
Tepper School Building Operations & Facilities @GSIA (2016), Bronze
University Copy Centers (2015, 2016, 2017), Bronze, Silver, Gold
University Engineer, FMS (2015, 2017), Bronze, Silver, Gold
University Libraries at Penn Avenue (2015), Bronze
University Stores (2019), Bronze
Warner Hall 3rd Floor Student Affairs, Office of the Dean, OIE (2015, 2016), Bronze, Silver