

Johannes Bauer

Johannes M Bauer

Quello Chair in Media and Information Policy, Michigan State University


Johannes M. Bauer is a researcher, writer, teacher, and academic entrepreneur. He is interested in the digital economy next-generation media. His position as  facilitates the pursuit of rigorous and actionable research. Educated as an engineer and social scientist, he obtained advanced degrees in economics from the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria. Michigan State University has been his home institution since 1990. He had the privilege to spend extended times affiliated with Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (2000-2001), the University of Constance, Germany (Summer 2010), and the University of Zurich, Switzerland (2012).

Appropriately designed, governed, and used, advanced information and communication technologies (ICTs) create tremendous opportunities. They enable individuals to realize their capabilities, support sustainable communities, and support inclusive and livable societies. Harnessing these potential benefits will require public interest technology, good governance models, as well as competition and cooperation. Dr. Bauer's ongoing research focuses on digital innovation (Internet of Things, 5G wireless), digital entrepreneurship (both for-profit and social), and governance challenges. His work greatly has greatly benefited from collaboration with students and practitioners in many countries and regions.


My research, teaching and writing focus on the digital economy. I am concerned about harnessing the benefits of information and communication technologies (ICTs) while avoiding their downsides. Much of this work is international and comparative in scope. It is funded by public and private foundations and organizations. Recent articles are published or forthcoming in the Journal of Management Information Systems, Telecommunications Policy, and the Social Science Computer Review.

Thematic Research Areas

Research Centers and Labs



Prado, T.S., & Bauer, J.M. (in press). Big tech platform acquisitions of start-ups and venture capital funding for innovation, Information Economics and Policy.

Bauer, J.M. (2022). Toward new guardrails for the information society. Telecommunications PolicyAvailable online 6 April 2022, 102350.

Bauer, J.M., & Bohlin, E. (2021). Regulation and innovation in 5G markets. Telecommunications Policy.

Knieps, G., & Bauer, J.M. (2021). Internet of Things and the economics of 5G-based local industrial networks. Telecommunications Policy

Hampton, K.N., Robertson, C.T., Fernandez, L., Shin, I., & Bauer, J.M. (2021). How variation in internet access, digital skills, and media use are related to rural student outcomes: GPA, SAT, and educational aspirations. Telematics and Informatics, 101666, .

Reisdorf, B.C., Blank, G., Bauer, J. M., Cotten, S., Robertson, C.T., & Knittel, M. (2021). Information Seeking Patterns and COVID-19 in the United States. Forthcoming in Journal of Quantitative Description-Digital Media, 1. 

Prado, T.S., & Bauer, J.M. (2021). Improving broadband policy design using market data: A general framework and application to Brazil, Telecommunications Policy, 45(5), 102111, 

Banerjee, S.; Swearingen, T.; Shillair, R.; Bauer, J.M.; Holt, T.J.; & Ross, A. (2021). Using machine learning to examine cyberattack motivations on web defacement data. Social Science Computer Review, Published online on 23 February 2021, 

Hong, S.J., Bauer, J.M., Lee, K., & Granados, N.F. (2020). Drivers of supplier participation in ride-hailing services, Journal of Management Information Systems, 37(3): 602-630, open access, available at 

Feijóo, C., Kwon, Y., Bauer, J.M., Bohlin, E., Howell, B., Jain, R., Potgieter, P., Vu, K., Whalley, J., & Xia, J. (2020). Harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) to increase well-being for all: The case for a new technology diplomacy, Telecommunications Policy, 44(6): 101988, available under a Creative Commons license at .

Bauer, J.M. (2018), The Internet and income inequality, Telecommunications Policy, 42(4): 333-343, available online at .


Bauer, J.M. & Latzer, M. (eds.), , Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2016. Paperback edition 2017.


Bauer, J.M. "Digital innovation ecosystems: Aligning private and public interests", Gothenburg, Sweden, November 13, 2020.

Bauer, J.M. “The gig economy and income inequality”, Barcelona, Spain, July 2, 2018.

Bauer, J.M. “The digital economy”, Sao Pãolo, Brazil, April 24, 2018.