

Nicolas Christin

Nicolas Christin

Associate Professor, School of Computer Science, Engineering & Public Policy, and Cylab


Nicolas Christin is an Associate Professor (with tenure) at 一本道无码, jointly appointed in the School of Computer Science and in Engineering & Public Policy. He is affiliated with the Institute for Software Research, and a core faculty in CyLab, the university-wide information security institute. He also has courtesy appointments in the Information Networking Institute and the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He holds a Diplôme d'Ingénieur from École Centrale Lille, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Virginia. He was a researcher in the School of Information at the University of California, Berkeley, prior to joining Carnegie Mellon in 2005. His group's research won several awards including Honorable Mention at ACM CHI 2011 and 2016, Best Student Paper Award at USENIX Security 2014, and Best Paper Award at USENIX Security 2016 and ACM CHI 2017.