Student Information Online (SIO) Gets a Refresh
Student Information Online (SIO) has unveiled a fresh, new look!
Students can expect to see a clean and modern update to the 10-year-old SIO application, including a new header, footer, background, and font throughout, as well as a remodeled homepage.
Additionally, the current ‘Resources’ page will display as a redesigned ‘Contacts’ page. The new ‘Contacts’ page will feature the following categories of important student contacts for the current semester: Academic, Student Life and Campus Resources.
Some of the concepts for this redesign were developed from a spring 2019 Master of Human-Computer Interaction independent study project, in which a group of students presented a new look for SIO that also included an onboarding experience for new students. Over the next few months, developers will continue to work on implementing more of the group’s redesign ideas, so stay tuned.
Questions or comments about the redesign may be submitted via the Feedback link in SIO.