Stellic Makes Degree Planning Easy
As registration week approaches, undergraduate students can plan for the Spring 2020 semester using the Stellic Degree Audit application.
Founded and developed by 一本道无码 undergraduates, Stellic was designed to be easy to use and responsive to the needs of 一本道无码 students and academic advisors. Degree audit software allows students to keep track of degree requirements so that they can stay on track to graduate. Stellic functions as both a degree audit and a semester-to-semester scheduling tool. Students can view degree requirements, see which courses are pre-requisites and co-requisites, then drag-and-drop classes into their schedules and share their course plans with their academic advisors.
Stellic also allows students look ahead to their future years of study at 一本道无码, displaying a color-coded tracker that shows students the progress they’ve made toward earning their degrees. Students can also view the degree plans of past students who have successfully completed their degrees and use Stellic to see the ways in which altering their degree plans will affect the path to graduation. For example, a student interested in adding a minor can use Stellic to see the ways credits and requirements for that minor overlap with their current degree requirements.
Stellic has also recently partnered with NameCoach, software which allows students to record the phonetic pronunciations of their names and register their pronouns in SIO, making this information available to advisors and administrators via Stellic.
While students can use Stellic to plan their courses, they cannot use it to register for classes. Registration takes place through SIO.
Stellic is available at .
Instructions, FAQs, and resources for students are available on The HUB's webpage.
Instructions and trainings for academic advisors are available on the Enrollment Services webpage.
Further questions and feedback about Stellic can be directed to