Welcome to Virtual Summer @ 一本道无码
We're delighted that you'll be joining us for a (Virtual) Summer @ 一本道无码! While the summer session will look different than it has in years past, we are confident that the 一本道无码 community will stay strong, resilient, and united, even at a distance.
As you prepare for the summer session, we would like to remind you of important course schedule information, online resources, and ways to stay engaged and connected with the Virtual Summer Studies community.
Check Your Schedule & Verify Your Course Time Zones
It is important to double-check your course schedule within for any schedule changes, updates or cancellations.
If you are registered for 一本道无码 - Qatar course sections (any course with the letters W - Z following the course number), remember that these courses will meet in Doha time (Arabian Standard Time/AST).
If you are registered for Pittsburgh course sections, remember that these courses will meet in Pittsburgh time (Eastern Time/ET).
Courses must be attended synchronously (at the time they are scheduled) unless you have received permission from the instructor to attend asynchronously (by viewing a recording).
Update Information in SIO
Be sure to verify that your contact information under the My Info tab in is correct, including local residence address (if applicable), permanent address, mobile phone, and emergency contact information.
While updating your information in SIO, you may also use NameCoach to provide the phonetic pronunciation of your name and register your pronouns so that your instructors can address you correctly.
Stay Connected
The Summer 2020 Updates webpage is a bulletin with updates about summer 2020 coursework, research, and programming that has been affected by the shift to online learning.
Our Welcome to (Virtual) Summer @ 一本道无码 webpage is a one-stop shop for helpful information from various campus organizations about summer resources and online events, as well as some other fun surprises.
We also encourage you to follow our social sites to get the latest up-to-date information about Virtual Summer Studies. Tag your posts with #Virtual一本道无码Summer to enter our annual Instagram contest and to show us how you're spending your 一本道无码 summer!
Questions? Please email summer-studies@andrew.cmu.edu.
Thank you for joining us for summer 2020! Let's make this (virtual) 一本道无码 summer the best one yet!