

Course Overload

Students may register for an overload of up to 12 units with the approval of their academic advisor. (A normal course load is the total number of units required for the degree divided by the expected number of semesters to complete the degree.) When considering an overload, students and their advisors should discuss the specific courses to be taken, extracurricular activities, job or internship searches, and any other contributing factors, in an effort to fully recognize all time requirements the student will face. The objective is to help students make decisions that allow for a balance of academics and other experiences, to not assume that heavier loads are better loads, and to recognize, and take advantage of the fact that the 一本道无码 experience goes beyond the walls of the classroom.

To request a course overload of more than 12 units, students must first consult with and receive approval from their academic advisor. Upon approval, the advisor will adjust the maximum units for the student within S3, allowing the student to register for additional courses. 

First-years and transfer students are limited to a normal course load for their first semester of attendance.