

Integrated Innovation Institute

Engineering + Design + Business

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Team LUV Water Tank

LUV Water Tank

How can we improve access to clean drinking water?

Around the world, more than three million people die each year from water-related diseases[1]. 

The Solution

LUV Water is a self powered water purification unit that works with UV-LED lights, making potable water accessible to everyone. Our concept is to use the gravitational weight of water to rotate a motor that powers the UV-LED lights. These UV-LED lights disrupt the microbes and coupled with a particle filter, have the ability to provide clean drinking water.

Team LUV Water
MIIPS student team LUV Water designs a smart water system.

The cap uses two systems to purify water in real time. The first is a pair of UV-LED lights that shine when water is being poured from the cap. This is able to kill 99.9% (up to 7 logs) of water born pathogens to ensure that the water won’t be the cause of illness for the person using it. To protect the LEDs and to optimize the volume of the purification chamber, we utilize a coarse particulate filter.


1. http://water.org/
