

Integrated Innovation Institute

Engineering + Design + Business

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How can we make digital memories more delightful?

The Solution

MyGlobe shares your international travels from your living room, modernizing the typical push pin globe. Rather than another digital screen or photo frame, the ambient device displays your travels as a spinning globe.

Push Pin Globe
MyGlobe digitizes the typical "push pin globe" to mark your travels. tbd
Globe Still
The medium-fidelity prototype is designed with the Persistence Of Vision (POV) method.
Globe Lights
Still shots of MyGlobe's color themes.

Powered by the internet of things and persistence of vision (POV) display, MyGlobe extracts the location data of photos and maps them with brightly colored LED lights. The prototype uses geo-tag from Instagram posts to keep users' travel memories going, extending the positive experience from sharing on social media into your living room.

By using POV display, this medium-fidelity prototype requires a robust mechanical rotating system as well as precisely paced LED refresh synchronized to the rotation.