

Integrated Innovation Institute

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Three potted plants

SeaCal Smart Plant Pot

How can we take better care of our plants?

Plant owners often don’t know their plants are suffering until it’s too late: the leaves have turned brown or fallen, a mysterious moss has taken over, a cactus has drowned. Even for green-thumbed gardeners, maintaining healthy plants can be frustrating and time-consuming. Using automated technology and IoT to monitor environmental conditions, users are taught how to be more attentive plant owners.

The Solution 

The SeaCal Smart Plant Pot is an IoT device that provides easy, 24/7 plant monitoring. The Smart Plant Pot is equipped with a sensor that analyzes soil moisture, precipitation, air humidity, temperature, and lighting for health status updates. 

Powered by a professional horticultural database, the companion app delivers the health status along with caretaking recommendations directly to the user’s smartphone or desktop. 

SeaCal App
SeaCal App User Interface
