

Integrated Innovation Institute

Engineering + Design + Business

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MoodRing 2.0

How can couples better understand one another?

The Solution

MoodRing 2.0 is an IoT device that uses a mobile app and a pair of rings to promote better emotional communication. MoodRing 2.0 users can reflect on their moods by choosing colors to represent emotions in the app, then adjusting their rings to the color that reflects their current mood. Users can also adjust the ring to see the mood their partner last experienced.

moodring rendering
Rendering of MoodRing 2.0

Users can track their emotions with MoodRing 2.0 and notice patterns in their behavior, while also staying connected with how their partner is feeling. MoodRing 2.0 makes emotional communication colorful, trackable, and a little bit more comfortable for those who are reserved about sharing their feelings. 
