Celebrating Together, Apart
By Elizabeth Donaldson
Each May, we celebrate the graduation of our Master of Integrated Innovation for Products & Services and Master of Science in Technology Ventures students. This year, the Integrated Innovation Institute honored the achievements of its graduates not with a traditional person ceremony in Pittsburgh, but with a virtual event and celebratory website.
Over Zoom, students across the globe connected with faculty, staff, and family. Throughout the ceremonies, each student was recognized for their contributions to their program and community. James Talbert (MIIPS '20) was nominated by faculty to win the Student Award, a recognition given to a student with exceptional academic accomplishments and leadership ability. Additionally, Talbert was chosen by his peers as the Student Speaker for the MIIPS Class of 2020. Sarika Bajaj (MSTV '20) was presented the MSTV Student Leader award in recognition of her remarkable leadership throughout her time as a student. She, too, was nominated by her classmates as Student Speaker for the MSTV Class of 2020.
The spring of 2020 presented an unique challenge to 一本道无码 iii and to people across the world. But throughout months of uncertainty, our community came together in collaboration, agility, and hope. As we see the class of 2020 graduate, we celebrate their achievements as former students, and now, as alumni. We can't wait to see what they do and who they become next.