April 1, 2020
Dear Faculty Colleagues,
Thank you again for your tremendous efforts to transition to remote teaching, research, practice and administrative work, and for your steadfast support of our Carnegie Mellon community through these unprecedented past few weeks.
We are writing to provide details of flexibility with respect to timing of reviews for reappointment, promotion, and/or tenure. We are providing a link to a memo that describes the process for requesting an extension on your tenure decision deadline (for tenure track faculty) and the process for requesting a delay in your next review (for tenure-track, teaching-track, research-track, librarian/archivist track and special faculty subject to college-level reviews).
We hope you find this information helpful. If you have process questions, you can contact the Vice Provost for Faculty at VPFaculty@andrew.cmu.edu. If you have specific questions about your appointment or your next review, please contact your department head or dean.
We are deeply grateful for all that you are doing for our university during this challenging time.
Jim Garrett, Provost
Jeanne VanBriesen, Vice Provost for Faculty