

Summer Undergraduate Applied Mathematics Institute

May 28 - July 20, 2024


► Uncertainty Quantification of Diffusion Coefficient Estimation, Jennifer Zhang, Travis McVoy, Courtney Francois

Advisors:  Rachel Kurchin and Jerry Wang
Abstract:  The process of diffusion in materials is well-approximated by a random walk. The diffusion coefficient is the slope of the mean-squared displacement vs. time of particles undergoing such a process. Estimation of this quantity is challenging due to the heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation inherent in the process. In this project, we explore approaches for quantifying the quality of such estimates as well as for improving them, and test these approaches on random walks generated from standard distributions as well as from molecular dynamics simulations.

Uncertainty Quantification of Diffusion Coefficient Estimation

► Forbidden Posets: Small Posets on Small Lattices, Georgia Sanders, Laura Prince, Michael Pilson

Advisor:  Shanise Walker
Abstract:  Induced saturation for posets was introduced by Ferrara et al. in 2017. An induced family $\mathcal{F}$ in $\mathcal{B}_n$ is induced-$\mathcal{P}$-saturated if it does not contain an induced copy of $\mathcal{P}$, but every proper induced superset of $\mathcal{F}$ contains an induced copy of $\mathcal{P}$. Ferrara et al. established on the induced saturation number for various small posets and a logarithmic lower bound was proved for the saturation number of posets from a rich infinite family.

We proved lower bounds on size of an induced saturated family for the $k$-diamond poset $\mathcal{D}_k$, the fork with $k$ tines $\mathcal{V}_k$, and its dual $\Lambda_k$ when the family contains a maximal chain. For posets $\mathcal{V}_3$, and $\Lambda_3$, we give an exact result when the family lies in the $3$-dimensional Boolean lattices. We give an exact bound for the poset $2\mathcal{C}_2$ of two incomparable pairs in the 3-dimensional lattice.

Small Posets on Small Lattices

► A Quadratic Penalty and Moreau Envelope Descent Algorithm for Constrained Global Minimization, Jordan Banks, Stephanie Wang

Advisor:  Lucas Bouck
Abstract:  Global minimization arises in many applications from fitting equations of state of fluids to experimental data to solving variational problems in materials science. In 2022, Heaton, Fung, and Osher proposed an algorithm that guarantees convergence to a global minimum of unconstrained optimization problems using the Moreau envelope. We build on their algorithm by combining it with a quadratic penalty method to tackle optimization problems with constraints. We also improve on aspects of its accuracy, efficiency, and/or computational requirements.

A Quadratic Penalty and Moreau Envelope Descent Algorithm

► Markoff triples modulo p, Alette Wells, Vernon Naidu, Claire Dunn

Advisor:  Elisa Bellah
Abstract:  The Markoff equation $X_1^2+X_2^2+X_3^2 = 3X_1X_2X_3$ is well-known to have infinitely many integer solutions called Markoff triples, which can be arranged into a tree via the action of the Vieta group. Analogously, the modulo $p$ solutions to the Markoff equation can be arranged into a graph via the action of the Vieta group. It can be shown that this graph is connected if and only if any modulo $p$ solution to the Markoff equation has an integer lift.

In 2016, Bourgain, Gamburd, and Sarnak proved that a component of this graph called the cage is always connected by corresponding the orbit lengths of Markoff triples modulo $p$ to the order of certain matrices in $\text{GL}_2(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})$. In our research, we explore how close the special point $(1,1,1)$ is to the cage and how many Markoff triples are in the cage. Since $(1, 1, 1)$ remains fixed under reduction modulo any prime, the connectedness of $(1, 1, 1)$ to the cage would guarantee that every modulo $p$ point in the cage has an integer lift, and thus if there are ``many" points in the cage we can guarantee many integer lifts.

Our main result generalizes ideas from Vince in 1978 to show that $(1,1,1)$ is connected to the cage for special families of primes. A result of this theorem is that for Mersenne primes greater than $5$ where $p$ is congruent to $\pm 2$ modulo $5$, $(1,1,1)$ is in the cage. We also explore the probability that a point is in the cage and provide a lower bound using heuristic methods, as well as providing a promising method using the inclusion-exclusion principal to improve the lower bound.

Markoff triples modulo p

To reach our main results, we experimented using various coded programs to gather data, which led to several further observations and conjectures. Namely, through numerical experimentation we provide a conjecture for the density of primes where $(1, 1, 1)$ is in the cage.


  • Jordan Banks, Howard University
  • Claire Dunn, Oregon State University
  • Courtney Francois, University of Southern Mississippi
  • Travis McVoy, Skidmore College
  • Vernon Naidu, San Francisco State University
  • Michael Pilson, 一本道无码
  • Laura Prince, Clark Atlanta University
  • Georgia Sanders, Clark Atlanta University
  • Stephanie Wang, University of Rochester
  • Alette Wells, Yale University
  • Jennifer Zhang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Group photo SUAMI 2024
Front row: Lucas Bouck, Rachel Kurchin, Jordan Banks, Jennifer Zhang, Laura Prince, Stephanie Wang, Courtney Francois; back row: Shanise Walker, Claire Dunn, Alette Wells, David Offner, Michael Pilson, Vernon Naidu, Travis McVoy, Jerry Wang, Georgia Sanders
Travis McVoy at a poster session
Travis McVoy
group of people at poster sessions
(from left to right) Rachel Kurchin, Travis McVoy, Courtney Francois, Jennifer Zhang, Jerry Wang
group of people at poster sessions
(from left to right) Laura Prince, Georgia Sanders, Michael Pilson, Shanise Walker
group of people at poster sessions
(from left to right) Stephanie Wang, Jordan Banks, Lucas Bouck
group of people at poster session
(from left to right) Alette Wells, Claire Dunn, Vernon Naidu
Jordan Banks at poster session
Jordan Banks
Laura Prince at poster session
Laura Prince
Vernon Naidu at poster session
Vernon Naidu


Elisa Bellah
Postdoctoral Associate

Lucas Bouck
Postdoctoral Associate

E-mail:  lbouck@andrew.cmu.edu

Rachel Kurchin
Assistant Research Professor

E-mail:  rkurchin@andrew.cmu.edu

Shanise Walker
Assistant Professor
Clark Atlanta University

David E. Offner
Associate Teaching Professor

E-mail:  doffner@andrew.cmu.edu

Jerry Wang
Assistant Professor

E-mail:  gjwang@cmu.edu