

Fourth Economy Webinar

Metro21 Lunch and Learn features Fourth Economy

Metro21 was joined by members of Fourth Economy's analytics team on Friday, September 17, 2021 to discuss "Economy & Community Development" with Metro21 Executive Director Karen Lightman.

Economic & Community Development deals with problems that are often ill-defined - either as to the cause of the problem, or even whether a problem exists at all. Even when there is agreement that a  problem exists, that does not guarantee that it is a problem that can be solved by collective action, or that people can agree on what that action might be. Programs like those offered at Heinz College can equip you with the tools to whittle away at some of the uncertainties that surround these kinds of challenging problems. At Fourth Economy, these skills are part of the tool box we bring to our consulting work with community developers, nonprofits and local governments around the country.

Read the summary of the webinar here.

View the Fourth Economy presentation here.