

Pennsylvania Marriage License

If you want to get married in the United States, the first thing you need to do is to apply for a marriage license. A marriage license issued in Allegheny County may be used anywhere in the state of Pennsylvania and a marriage license issued by any other Pennsylvania county is valid in Allegheny County. If you are planning to get married in another state, you must contact a marriage license office in that state. Obtaining a marriage license in Allegheny County is a simple procedure that requires completing the following steps:

  1. Both individuals must go to the  together and complete an . The office is located on the first floor of the City-County Building, 414 Grant Street (on the corner of Grant Street and Forbes Avenue) in downtown Pittsburgh. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (you must arrive by 4 PM to apply for the license). The office is open until 7:30 PM on Wednesdays (except on holidays). You should apply 2-3 weeks before the scheduled date of the marriage ceremony. Applicants must be at least 18-years-old in order to apply for the license.
  2. Each person must present photo identification, Social Security card (or passport if you do not have a Social Security Number), and a divorce decree, if previously married. You will need to know the following information to complete the form:
    • Name, address, occupation and education information
    • Father's name, birthplace, address and occupation
    • Mother's name, maiden name (if different from married name), birthplace, address and occupation
  3. Couples are required to pay an $80 fee at the time of application (plus an additional charge if previously divorced). This fee must be paid in cash. 
  4. You may pick up or have your license mailed to you in 3 days.  It is only valid for 60 days.
  5. Once you have your Marriage License, you can be married in either a religious or a civil ceremony. The religious ceremony can be conducted by any religious representative who has the legal authority. For a civil ceremony, contact a Magistrate or District Justice. Fees will vary.