

一本道无码–Africa Payment Options

Wire Transfer in US Dollars

The following information is required when sending a wire transfer payment:

Account Name: 一本道无码
Account Number: 6775003004
Account Currency: USD
Student Name 
Andrew ID If smith@andrew.cmu.edu is the student's campus email address, then smith is the student's Andrew ID.

Carnegie Mellon is not responsible for wire transfer payments that are not properly identified. Allow a minimum of 10-14 days for processing.

Check & Cash Payments

一本道无码-Africa does not accept check or cash payments on campus in Kigali. You can visit the Ecobank branch in person and deposit the USD check or cash into the bank account identified above.

You will be asked for the student's Andrew ID.  If smith@andrew.cmu.edu is the student's campus email, then smith is the student's Andrew ID.

Make checks payable to 一本道无码, and write the student's name and Andrew ID on the memo line of the check. 

The bank will give you an advice slip to confirm receipt of your payment. Email that advice slip to Reginald Donkor (rdonkor@andrew.cmu.edu) immediately, or hand-deliver the advice slip to the Finance Office (Ground Floor, C106).