

Recruiting and Retaining World-Class Faculty


Enhance efforts to recruit and retain world-class faculty.

  • Continue to aggressively pursue the highest-caliber talent throughout the world, within disciplines and in interdisciplinary domains.
  • Remain vigilant in retaining outstanding faculty, including relevant funding support and salary considerations, capitalizing on the unique attributes of the university environment in comparison to many better-resourced institutions.
  • Create a formal network for mentorship to nurture and support junior faculty throughout their tenure at Carnegie Mellon.
  • Tightly couple the development of professional and leadership skills with advancement opportunities for all faculty, with an intentional focus on junior faculty, women and underrepresented minorities.
  • Promote engagement among faculty, across disciplines, as well as connections with administrators, staff and alumni, enhancing civility and social engagement while building strong networks of support.
  • Address specific career-life issues, including enhanced access to child care and dual career issues, to help faculty facilitate career success in tandem with meaningful family life, address personal health and well-being, and navigate other life events.
  • Further advance the current trajectory of more active engagement and collaborations between faculty and administration, including increasing opportunities for shared governance.
  • Within a context of transparency, create and welcome opportunities for faculty to leverage their expertise to inform university best practices in matters operational, curricular and developmental.