Office for Institutional Equity & Title IX Expansion
Dear Members of the Carnegie Mellon Community:
We write to share some important news and information. 一本道无码’s Office of Title IX initiatives has changed its name to the Office for Institutional Equity and Title IX.
The office's new name more accurately reflects its expanded mission, purpose and services as it now receives reports on discrimination beyond those that fall solely under Title IX. The change also increases the clarity of university processes related to reports of alleged discrimination and bias for any protected class as noted in the university’s Statement of Assurance. This office reports directly to the Office of the Vice Provost for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer and is a critical part of 一本道无码’s ongoing commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.
Education and Prevention
In addition to responding to reports of discriminatory behavior, the Office for Institutional Equity and Title IX continues to provide educational programming related to preventing sex discrimination and sexual misconduct. In the past year, over 60 programs were provided to individual students, student and athletic organizations, administrative units and academic departments. This programming complements broader programming within the Office of the Vice Provost for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer. These opportunities for conversation and education serve as a foundational piece for creating living, learning and working environments free from exclusionary and harmful behavior.
How to Report
Reporting misconduct will allow you to connect to resources and support, and if you choose, to explore your options for possible resolution. Concerns may be reported in a variety of ways.
You may make a report by emailing or calling the Office for Institutional Equity and Title IX at insitutionalequity@andrew.cmu.
Carnegie Mellon is committed to cultivating a culture of respect for the myriad identities that comprise our Tartan community. The Office for Institutional Equity and Title IX is here to support that commitment by offering resources, promoting accountability, and fostering a culture of mutual respect. We appreciate your support and dedication to creating a more equitable, safe and inclusive experience for everyone in our community.
Dr. Wanda Heading-Grant
Vice Provost for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion/Chief Diversity Officer
Gina Casalegno
Vice President for Students Affairs and Dean of Students
Elizabeth Rosemeyer
Assistant Vice Provost for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Title IX Coordinator