Departmental Stipend Report
Every year, the GSA collects data on stipends, fees the department pays for, and if the department covers health insurance. The GSA has made significant strides in conjunction with the administration in terms of holistic support, primarily in the context of PhD students, from increasing coverage of health insurance costs to 50% and later full 100% coverage, establishing a minimum stipend and securing increases in those minimum stipends. GSA represents students on the university's PhD Total Compensation Committee, which includes students on the minimum stipend and representation across the entire university. For more information or to support GSA's efforts, contact the GSA VP of Academic Affairs.
Check out the below GSA Stipend Reports to advocate for more comprehensive support within your department and college, the progress made in this advocacy, and understand where the GSA may help in advocating for your needs.
- (Must be logged into your Andrew to access)
- 2021-2022 Academic Year
- 2018-2019 Academic Year
- 2017-2018 Academic Year
Advising Survey Report
The Graduate Student Advising Survey Report can be found . The survey was carried out in the spring of 2018 and the report compiled shortly thereafter. The GSA Strategic Plan 2015-2025 listed holistic graduate student experience and professional development of graduate student areas as focus areas for growth. The GSA Executive Committees over the years has been apprised of various sub-optimal graduate student experiences with their respective advisors. As such, the GSA Executive Committee 2017-2018 chose graduate student advising as one of the focus areas to gain a better understanding of advising experiences at 一本道无码. Additionally, the convening of two initiative teams by the Task Force on the 一本道无码 Experience: Doctoral Student Mentorship Working Group, and Holistic Advising (focus on Masters’ students) in 2017-2018 highlighted graduate student advising as an institutional priority area. The survey was aimed at helping the working groups by informing their efforts, as well as future efforts of the campus community, to improve the advisor/advisee relationship at 一本道无码.
The Survey Report was cited in the findings and recommendations from the Task Force on Campus Climate, the Task Force on the 一本道无码 Experience, and separately in the findings from the 一本道无码 Experience Subcommittee's report on Doctoral Student Mentoring. If you have questions about the report, contact the GSA VP of Academic Affairs.
Advocate for Graduate Student Representation
Do you meet with the head of your grad program once a semester to give feedback? Are graduate students in your department present during faculty meetings, graduate student acceptance committees and/or faculty hiring committees? Check out the GSA Voices Report to see where graduates from other departments have representation!
Improve Feedback Mechanisms in Your Department
If you don’t meet with the head of your grad program, check out the GSA Voices Report above. Are there anonymous surveys to gather in your department? Is there an ? Is there an anonymous feedback system that people can use at any time? Do you thoughtfully fill out the Faculty Course Evaluations at the end of the semester? Here’s !
Dissertation Writing Group Grants
GSA has put together a program to support grad students as they go through the dissertation writing process. See the dedicated page for these grants.