
Carnegie Mellon News Online Edition
In This Issue

Pitching In For NYC

State Grant Supports Panther Hollow Research Facility

Annual United Way Campaign Has Begun

Six Alumni Were Victims of Terrorist Attacks

Kathleen Carley Garners Lifetime Achievement Award

PSC Installs Most Powerful Computing System

Kiron Skinner Named to U.S. Defense Policy Board

Carnegie Mellon Co-Hosts Cybersecurity Brainstorming Series

Economist Robert Strauss Says Consumer Spending Will Rebound

Extraordinary Freshman Enjoys Independence

NSF Grants SCS Faculty More Than $24 Million For Research

News Briefs
-Technology Impacts
-Mile of Quarters
-Westinghouse Gift
-Honorary Degrees
-Acting Head of SDS
-Boxed Out
This Issue's Front Page
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Carnegie Mellon News
Cleaning Chairs for SUNY
Pitching In For NYC
Kyle Tomer (above right) and Barbara Kviz (above left) were among a group of staff and students who recently cleaned 218 armchair desks to send to the City University of New York (CUNY). CUNY classrooms were damaged in the Sept. 11 attacks. Cleaning supplies were donated by Central Property Services and the chairs, which had been stored underneath Gesling Stadium, were shipped by Maroadi Transfer.
$6.2 Million State Grant Supports Panther Hollow Research Facility
Building to House Technology Companies, Start-Ups

Pennsylvania Governor Mark Schweiker has pledged $6.2 million in state funding to support a new $31.4 million corporate research facility in Panther Hollow on the Carnegie Mellon campus.

The new 120,000-square-foot building, scheduled to begin this spring with occupancy slated for summer 2003, is a project of the Panther Hollow Development Corporation (PHDC), a nonprofit partnership between Carnegie Mellon and the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh. More..

Annual United Way Campaign Has Begun;
Special Sept. 11th Fund Created

Eagle and Flag
Carnegie Mellon's annual United Way Campaign began on Oct. 2 and members of the university community are being encouraged to support the many deserving United Way health and human services organizations in the region.

In addition, the university community is being asked to supplement their annual donation with a gift to The September 11th Fund, a special fund created by the United Way to support victims and their families in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Somerset, Pa.

"United Way supports local organizations that provide key safety net services to those in need in this region," said Provost Mark Kamlet, chairman of the university's campaign. "These agencies provide respite services and home delivered means to senior citizens, health services to individuals affected by crippling diseases, food pantries for the hungry and family services for the abused. More..