Terms & Conditions for Attendees
Alcohol & Drugs: The university supports and requires compliance with applicable law in all matters concerning alcohol and other controlled substances on university premises. All visitors/guests must abide by the university's Alcohol and Drug Policy.
Alcoholic beverages may not be consumed in the public areas of university premises (such as a residence hall lounge) without prior approval from Conference & Event Services. Alcoholic beverages may not be sold on university premises.
Alterations: Guests may not make any alterations, changes or repairs or do any remodeling or painting of the accommodation or any associated facilities, furnishings or equipment provided. Guests may not use padlocks or change room locks nor move any university furnishings or equipment. Guests who make alterations to their rooms will be charged for the cost of having the room professionally repaired.
Arrival/Check-in: The Guest’s accommodation will be available for check-in on or after 3:00p.m. Earlier arrivals will not be accommodated. If the guest will be arriving later than midnight on the check-in date, the guest must contact Conference & Event Services no later than 5:00p.m. on the check in-date. Failure to notify Conference & Event Services of the Guest’s late check-in may result in the guest’s inability to check in or a significantly delayed check-in.
At the time of check-in, each guest will be required to complete a Guest Information Card and Agreement, wherein the guest provides the university with the guest’s emergency contact information and the guest acknowledges and agrees to these Terms and Conditions.
Only the guest(s) designated by Conference & Event Services to occupy the assigned accommodation may occupy the accommodation.
Bicycles/Wheeled Transportation: All visitors/guests must comply with the Personal Wheeled Vehicle Transportation Policy. With the exception of transportation for persons with disabilities, no wheeled transportation (including inline skates, skateboards, bikes, scooters and motorized caters) may be operated inside any building or pedestrian ramp on university premises. All such vehicles must yield to pedestrians' right of way, and no vehicles may be parked in any location or manner that violates fire and/or safety laws. The university strongly recommends that guests register their bicycles and similar vehicles with University Police. This is a free service for the University community that helps recover stolen property and enables the University Police to notify the owner before the vehicle is impounded for any reason.
Candles and Incense: Absolutely no fire is permitted within an accommodation or in any other areas of the building in which the accommodation is located. Candles for decoration only, sachets and air fresheners are permitted.
Common Area Responsibility: Each resident/group is responsible for any damages or losses that occur in the assigned living areas or to any of the furnishings therein and the residents/group may be charged the cost of any repairs, replacement or reasonable custodial service. Each student/group is, with the other residents, jointly responsible for whatever damage may occur, for any cause, to public and semi-public areas in the residence halls. All residents/groups may be charged a prorated share of the cost of repairing public areas.
Compliance with Laws and University Policies: While on university premises, all guests must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, these Terms and Conditions for attendees and other relevant university published policies and/or rules. Guests and who violate any of the foregoing and/or who behave in an unsafe or careless manner as determined by the university may be asked to leave or be removed from the university’s premises and may be held responsible or accountable for their actions.
Damage or Injury to Others: The Guest is responsible and liable for, and shall hold the university harmless from, any and all injury and damage to persons or property caused, directly or indirectly, by the Guest’s negligent or intentional acts or omissions (including injury or damage caused by guest’s defective property). The Guest is responsible and liable for, and shall hold the university harmless from, any and all injury and damage to persons or property caused, directly or indirectly, by any animal under the custody, care and/or control of the Guest, including but not limited to pets, service animals, and/or emotional support animals and without regard to whether the animal was approved or permitted by Carnegie Mellon.
Damage to or Loss of Guest Property: The guest is responsible and liable for insuring the guest’s own personal property, including for losses due to fire, smoke, water or theft. The university is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage to the guest’s personal property and does not provide any property or liability insurance coverage for guest’s benefit. The university reserves the right to discard or donate personal property or any other belongings remaining in an accommodation without any liability therefor after the accommodation has been assigned to another guest or has not been vacated by the prescribed time.
Damage to or Loss of University Property: Guests will be charged with the cost of restoring to its proper condition any Carnegie Mellon property that, through their negligence or misuse, has been damaged. Guests will also be charged with the cost of restoring and/or repairing any and all damage to property caused by, directly or indirectly, any animal under the custody, care and/or control of the Guest, including but not limited to pets, service animals, and/or emotional support animals and without regard to whether the animal was approved or permitted by Carnegie Mellon. Responsible parties will be subject to disciplinary action if said damages are found to have been intentional or caused as a result of improper behavior. All such damages should be reported promptly to the Campus Police. When individual responsibility cannot be assigned, the members of the group to whom a space has been assigned or property supplied may be charged (as individuals) for the cost of repairs, and may be subject to disciplinary action.
Departure/Check-out: Guests are required to check-out of their accommodation by noon on the date of departure. All electronic key cards are set to expire at noon on the date of departure. Hard keys must be returned to Conference & Event Services (Summer Housing Guest Services Office, 1st Floor, Stever House) prior to departing in order to finalize the check-out process.
Electrical Appliances/Prohibited Appliances: No electrical appliances that incorporate unshielded heating elements and/or draw more than 700 watts may be used in campus residence buildings, including student rooms, kitchens and building common areas.
Microwaves, refrigerators and Keurigs, as well as standalone rice cookers and electric kettles are only permitted if they are 700 watts or less. Electric irons may be used only in areas where special utility outlets are provided, such as designate utility or laundry rooms. For a list of prohibited items, please refer to the Housing Services Policy.
Fire Safety: University premises are equipped with working smoke detectors for guest safety. In the interest of safety, guests should confirm the location(s) of the fire alarms and emergency exit escapes and doors in relation to the guest’s accommodation. Please refer to the Housing Services Fire Safety Policy for complete Fire Safety guidelines.
Improper Use of University Facilities: Improper use of facilities will be construed as the occupation, alteration or use of university facilities that would create a potential fire hazard or safety hazard to any person or property, or potential danger to any person or property.
Inspection & Privacy: Authorized representatives of the university, including law enforcement, may enter resident accommodations at any time to inspect facilities or to carry out repairs and maintenance or respond to an emergency. The inspection of facilities will be conducted with at least 24 hours prior notice in writing whenever that notice can be reasonably given. The university may authorize entrance to an accommodation if convinced that a clear and present danger or a violation of the university's regulations requires such entrance. Please refer to the Inspection & Privacy Policy for additional guidelines.
Keys: One electronic key card or hard key will be provided to each paid guest at check-in. Guests will be responsible for a key replacement charge for lost keys as follows: electronic key card - $5.00 for each lost key after the first loss key; hard key – a hard key replacement and re-coring fee will be assessed. Guests may not duplicate keys under any circumstances.
Mail, Packages, and Deliveries: No mail or packages of any kind are to be sent directly to the street address of the residence hall or apartment building. Conference & Event Services bears no responsibility for the damage, theft, or removal of any mail or packages that are sent directly to the building addresses. Please contact your program coordinator to determine an appropriate mailing address.
Deliveries of food or groceries through a delivery service such as InstaCart or PostMates should only be placed when you will be present and available to accept the delivery of your order. Food or groceries that are delivered and not received directly by the resident may be removed and discarded as they create health issues and can attract unwanted pests.
Noise Levels and Nuisance Behavior: Guests/residents are expected to maintain a minimum noise level at all times. Some groups may have explicit quiet hours established by the program. Guests are not permitted to engage in any unacceptable behavior that causes a nuisance or disturbance to other guests. If a guest or group has any questions or concerns regarding noise levels, please reach out to Conference & Event Services.
Non-availability of Accommodation: Accommodations may be unavailable for reasons beyond the university’s control or for other unforeseen reasons. In such case, the university may attempt to offer the guest an alternative accommodation. If this is not possible for the university, or if this is unacceptable to the guest, then the university will refund to the guest the amount previously paid by the guest to the university for the accommodation that was unavailable for the date(s) on which the accommodation was not available. The university’s liability does not extend beyond this refund. In no event will the guest be entitled to any refund if the accommodation is unavailable for reasons due to the guest, such as the guest’s removal from university premises for violating these Terms and Conditions for Conference Housing & Guest Housing.
Payment at Registration; Cancellations for Guest Housing: The total estimated cost of the guest’s accommodation must be paid by personal credit card at the time of registration. Cancellations must be made in writing by email to Conference & Event Services, at confserv@andrew.cmu.edu, and will only be effective when received by Conference & Event Services at least 48 business hours prior to the guest’s original check-in date.
Guests who cancel reservations in writing at least 48 business hours prior to the guest’s original check-in date will receive a 50% refund of the total estimated cost of the guest’s accommodation previously paid by the guest. Cancellations after the check-in date, no shows or cancellations not received by Conference & Event Services at least 48 business hours prior to the guest’s original check-in date are not eligible for a refund, and guest will remain liable for the full cost of the booking value.
Personal Use Only: The accommodations may not be used as a place of business, for storage or sale of commodities, or any purpose other than sleeping accommodations/temporary personal stays, unless approved in advance and in writing by Conference & Event Services. There are to be no overnight guests. Only the guest(s) who registered and paid for the accommodation are permitted to be in the space.
Pets: Pets are not permitted in university housing facilities or academic buildings. Please refer to the Office of Disability Resources for additional information about Specific Service Requests such as Service Animal and Emotional Support Animal Guidelines.
Photo ID Card: A lost or stolen 一本道无码 ID Card must be immediately reported by visiting Student Information Online or by contacting The HUB. A replacement fee applies for all lost ID Cards. Once a new ID Card has been created, your old ID Card will be invalid, and if found cannot be reactivated. ID Card Terms of Use are required to be followed.
Pricing: 一本道无码 reserves the right to increase or decrease the prices of accommodations at any time. The price of a guest’s stay will be confirmed by Conference & Event Services at the time of registration.
Security Camera Policy: All building entry doors are locked 24 hours a day and right of entry is granted through access on an individual's 一本道无码 ID card or housing key card. Additionally, security cameras are located at the main entrances and high pedestrian traffic locations on building perimeters. The security cameras are not monitored live unless deemed necessary by 一本道无码 Police and recordings obtained with the use of the cameras will be exclusively accessed by 一本道无码 Police for safety and law enforcement purposes.
Recorded images will be stored for 30 days and will be erased unless retained as part of a criminal investigation, court procedure, or other necessary safety practice.
Smoking Policy: All university buildings are smoke-free. Smoking outdoors is permitted only in designated areas on university premises. Please refer to the Designated Smoking Locations Map. Littering is prohibited; therefore, all cigarette butts should be properly disposed of in the cigarette butlers located in the designated areas.
Solicitation/Advertising Policy: Solicitation/advertising is not permitted.
Special Accommodations: Guest are required to communicate medical or special needs at the time of registration and/or sufficiently in advance in order for the university to be able to accommodate these needs with an appropriate accommodation when possible and appropriate. In some cases, written approval through the Office of Disability Resources may be required.
Statement of Assurance: The university does not discriminate in admission, employment, or administration of its programs or activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap or disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, ancestry, belief, veteran status or genetic information. Furthermore, 一本道无码 does not discriminate and is required not to discriminate in violation of federal, state or local laws or executive orders. Please refer to the university's official Statement of Assurance for additional details.
University Deadly Weapons Policy: Deadly weapons are not permitted on any property owned or controlled by the university. Please refer to the Deadly Weapons Policy for examples of deadly weapons, exceptions and violations.
University-Related Business or Purpose: Summer Guest Housing is available for persons visiting the university campus for university-related business or university-related purposes only, such as full-time or part-time students or other attendees participating in university summer sessions or seminars, visiting students or professors or research sponsor employees working with university faculty or staff, guest lecturers, visiting researchers or scientists, and prospective students and parents who are visiting the university campus or participating in a university campus tour. All guests staying in Guest Housing represent and warrant to the university that they are staying and visiting the university campus for university-related business or university-related purposes. Summer Intern (Guest) Housing is available during summer occupancy periods specified by Conference & Events Services for students fulfilling summer internships with local Pittsburgh businesses. To be eligible for Summer Intern (Guest) Housing, students must be 18 years or older, must occupy the accommodation for a minimum of 31 consecutive nights, and must provide evidence of their internship (such as a letter of acknowledgment from the company as well as the name and contact information of their corporate internship supervisor) to Conference & Event Services during the registration process.