Welcome to Community Leaders!
Community leaders and their organizations often face complex problems which must be solved quickly or long-term, difficult problems with no clear answers. Carnegie Mellon's Community Think Tank can help leaders, their organizations, and the communities they serve solve problems together before they happen as well as begin to take steps to solve long-term, socially embedded problems (such as unemployment, child care, or housing).How can the Think Tank help my community?
How can the Think Tank help my community?
Sometimes the outcome is new, clearly documented knowledge; sometimes it is practical results and individual or community change; and sometimes it is a change in the way people in an organization or community work and talk together. We have, for instance, seen Think Tank sessions:
- Turn "complaint and blame" community meetings into a search for options.
- Open a productive dialogue between community-based organizations and the people they serve.
- Create an atmosphere of respect for diverse sorts of expertise.
What do I and others have to do?
What do I have to do? What do others do?
Community members play a key role in this process through working with the Think Tank team to develop a problem scenario for your organization and community, organizing the dialogue sessions, and collecting evidence of results. The Participation chart breaks down everyone's part in the process.
Community members play a key role in this process through working with the Think Tank team to develop a problem scenario for your organization and community, organizing the dialogue sessions, and collecting evidence of results. The Participation chart breaks down everyone's part in the process.
How do the decision maker's tools support personal development?
How do the decision maker's tools support personal development?
The Decision Maker's Asset Assessment and Journey Book is an online tool and CD based mini-curriculum that allows community members (adults/youth/CBO staff) and their mentors to:
The Decision Maker's Asset Assessment and Journey Book is an online tool and CD based mini-curriculum that allows community members (adults/youth/CBO staff) and their mentors to:
- Asses their personal assets and networks of support.
- Make plans for change.
- Learn strategies for WorkPlace and WorkLife decision making in dialogue with others.
- Take responsibility for monitoring and documenting their growth in assets and reflective decision making skills.