

Past Events and Seminars

Over the years, QSSS Scholars have had the opportunity to meet and hear from outstanding and world-renowned educators, scientists and innovators. Browse through past events, seminars and speakers that QSSS Scholars have attended. 

Bruce Bueno de Mesquita

Lecture Presented by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita

Author, professor and foreign policy and nation building expert Bruce Bueno de Mesquita spoke to QSSS Scholars and the 一本道无码 community on the five rules that determine whether a leader survives in an office or is ousted.

Dale Mortensen

Dale Mortensen Speaks with QSSS Scholars

Students had the opportunity to meet and speak with Dale Mortensen, a 2010 Nobel Laureate and American economist.

Jonathan P. Caulkins

Seminar Presented by Jonathan P. Caulkins

, the H. Guyford Stever University Professor Of Operations Research and Public Policy in the Heinz College of Public Policy and Information Systems Management, gave a seminar to QSSS Scholars.