
Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory

Previous Newsletters

Fall 2009

FALL 2009


Our Members
New Research
New Publications
Conferences and Conference Papers

Our Members

Congratulations to Lelyn Saner, who will be starting his research professorship at the 's this fall.

Jolie Martin joins us as a Post-Doctoral Fellow. She completed her Ph.D. in Science, Technology, and Management from a joint program between the Harvard Business School and Computer Science department. Jolie's past research explores various aspects of judgment and decision-making, including preferences for risk in experience, sharing of opinions in social networks, and the impact of interface design on user perceptions.

Tomás Lejarraga will be joining the lab as another Post-Doctoral Fellow this October. Tomás completed his Ph.D. in Economics from the in Barcelona, Spain; where he was also a part of the .

In addition, our lab will also be joined by Michael Yu, a second-year graduate student from the Department of Social and Decision Sciences at Carnegie Mellon, and Ripta Pasay as a part-time research programmer.

Dr. Cleotilde Gonzalez recently spoke to a large group of faculty in computer science, psychology and management at the (National-Louis University) in Nowy Sacz, Poland. She also taught a summer course in Human Factors in her time in Poland.

Both Varun Dutt and Jolie Martin attended the organized by the in Berlin, Germany.


New Research

Earlier this year, the Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory partially sponsored the . The challenge was open to everyone and invited participants to develop computational models that simulate human performance in the Dynamic Stock and Flow task in a variety of conditions. The top three model developers (Reitter, Iglesias, and Halbruegge) were invited to talk about their models at a symposium on model comparison held at the in Manchester, UK this summer.

Further expanding on the work from the model comparison challenge, Dr. Gonzalez will be editing an upcoming special issue of the on Cognitive Architectures, Model Comparisons, and AGI. All participants of the model comparison challege will be invited to submit a paper to the special issue on their model. Other submissions from those in a position comment on a number of topics relevant to model comparison will also be encouraged. So please keep an eye out for the call for submissions!

In collaboration with Christian Lebiere, a research faculty member in the Department of Psychology, Dr. Gonzalez recently obtained a five-year, $1.75 million grant from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency to conduct basic research to determine the socio-cognitive factors that lead to conflict between two constituencies and the factors that aid in conflict resolution.

Dr. Gonzalez is also investigating solutions for the Cyber Situation Awareness problem through a five-year, multimillion dollar Multi-University Research Initiative grant in collaboration with Penn State University and Arizona State University.

Dr. Gonzalez has also obtained a two-year grant from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health to conduct research that will be used to develop and test technology that can aid miners in escaping an underground mine following an emergency situation (e.g., explosion, sustained mine fire, equipment fire, or gas or water inundation).


Recent Publications

Gonzalez, C., & Brunstein, A. (2009). Dynamic decision making and training in disaster triage. Journal of Trauma, Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 67(2), 100-105.

Gonzalez, C., & Czlonka, L. (in press). Games for peace: Empirical investigations with PeaceMaker. In J. Cannon-Bowers & C. Bowser (Eds.), Serious game design and development: Technologies for training and learning.

Gonzalez, C., & Saner, L. D. (in press). Thinking or feeling? Effects of decision making personality in conflict resolution. In J. V. Brinken, H. Konietzny & M. Meadows (Eds.), Emotional gaming.

Gonzalez, C., Thomas, R. P., & Madhavan, P. (in press). The effects of stimulus and response mapping on the development of automaticity in complex environments. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making.

Gonzalez, C., Thomas, R. P., & Madhavan, P. (2009). The effects of conjunctive search and response mappings on automatic performance in a complex visual task. In D. H. Andrews, R. P. Herz, & M. Wolf (Eds.), Human factors issues in combat identification (pp. 85-98). Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited.

Lebiere, C., Gonzalez, C., & Warwick, W. (2009). Convergence and constraints revealed in a qualitative model comparison. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 3(2), 131-155.

Madhavan, P. & Gonzalez, C. (in press). The relationship between stimulus-response mappings and the detection of novel stimuli in a simulated luggage screening task. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science.

Saner, L. D., Bolstad, C. A., Gonzalez, C., & Cuevas, H. M. (in press). Measuring and predicting shared situation awareness in teams. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making.

Strater, L. D., Cuevas, H. M., Connors, E. S. Gonzalez, C., Ungvarsky, D, M., & Endsley, M. R. (in press). Optimizing technology-mediated ad hoc team performance: Consideration of cognitive, behavioral, and attitudinal factors. In Mosier and Fischer (Eds.), Informed by knowledge: Expert performance in complex situations.


Conferences and Conference Papers

Members of the lab have or will be attending the following conferences:

Varun presented A model of human perceptions of climate change at the in April.

Lelyn presented Naturalistic Decision Framing in Computer Mediated Scientific Exploration at the in June.

Varun presented Human control of climate at the in July.

Dr. Gonzalez presented Instance and strategy based models for skill acquisition in RADAR detection at the in July.

Dr. Gonzalez presented Comparison of Instance and Strategy Models in ACT-R at the in July.

Dr. Gonzalez took part in a symposium, Predicting cognitive performance in open-ended dynamic tasks a modeling comparison challenge, at the in July.

Varun will be presenting Climate risk communication: A cure for people's mental models at the this coming December.

Other accepted peer-reviewed conference papers:

Brenan R., Madhavan, P., & Gonzalez, C., (2009). The impact of performance incentives during training on transfer of learning. Paper to be presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 53rd Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX, October 19-23, 2009.

Dutt, V., & Gonzalez, C. (2009a). How do we perceive carbon-dioxide lifetimes? Paper to be presented at USSEE 2009 Conference. Washington D.C., MD.

Dutt, V., & Gonzalez, C. (2009b). Human "mis"-perceptions of climate change. Paper to be presented at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 53rd Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX.

Dutt, V., Yamaguchi, M., Gonzalez, C., & Proctor, R. (2009). An Instance-Based Learning model of stimulus-response compatibility effects in mixed location-relevant and location-irrelevant tasks. Poster presented at the 9th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. Manchester, UK.



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