


Good housekeeping practices in the workplace can be the largest contributor to both safety and productivity when completed regularly. Keeping work areas clean and organized can prevent trips and falls, fires, blocked exits and damage to material and equipment. Housekeeping also contributes to increased air quality, better inventory tracking, faster job completion and an overall better workflow in a space. The following practices are just a few ways to achieve these benefits:
  • Organize and put away all tools and materials at the end of each work shift. Remove all trash and debris daily to maintain a clean jobsite. Maintain at least a 3 foot walkway through the space.
  • Do not store any items in front of doorways or emergency exits. Ensure that stairwells are not used for storage of any combustible materials. Always store oily or greasy rags in a metal container and dispose of it daily.  
  • Make sure that access to equipment such as fire extinguishers, sprinkler heads, safety showers and eyewashes, AEDs, first aid stations and electrical equipment remains open and not blocked. 
  • Scan the work area for any fall or trip hazards before working. Correct the hazards that can be safely fixed, and prevent access to the area for the hazards that cannot. Notify EHS or a supervisor of any area where fall hazards cannot be corrected.
  • Return all chemicals and flammables to their proper storage areas when they are not actively in use. Secure any materials stored higher than 6 feet to prevent them from falling.

Training on the contents of this program and additional information on best housekeeping practices is available on SciShield under the “Training” section.