Graduate Courses
We offer the following graduate level courses. Some courses are taught annually, while others are taught less frequently. The content of special topics courses will vary as determined by the instructor.
Please visit the and the for additional information on these courses (course descriptions, prerequisites, etc.)
21-603 Model Theory I
21-604 Introduction to Recursion Theory
21-605 Teaching Mathematics
21-606 Mathematics Course Design
21-610 Algebra I
21-620 Real Analysis
21-621 Introduction to Lebesgue Integration
21-623 Complex Analysis
21-624 Selected Topics
21-630 Ordinary Differential Equations
21-632 Introduction to Differential Equations
21-640 Introduction to Functional Analysis
21-651 General Topology
21-660 Introduction to Numerical Analysis I
21-690 Methods of Optimization
21-681 Stochastic Calculus in Finance
21-700 Mathematical Logic II
21-701 Discrete Mathematics
21-702 Set Theory II
21-703 Model Theory II
21-715 Commutative Algebra
21-720 Measure and Integration
21-721 Probability
21-723 Advanced Real Analysis
21-732 Partial Differential Equations I
21-737 Probabilistic Combinatorics
21-738 Extremal Combinatorics
21-742 Calculus of Variations
21-752 Algebraic Topology
21-759 Differential Geometry
21-762 Finite Element Methods
21-765 Intro Parallel Computing and Scientific Computation
21-770 Introduction to Continuum Mechanics
21-800 Advanced Topics in Logic
21-801 Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics
21-803 Model Theory III
21-805 Lambda Calculus
21-820 Advanced Topics in Analysis
21-830 Advanced Topics in Partial Differential Equations
21-832 Partial Differential Equations II
21-860 Advanced Topics in Numerical Analysis
21-880 Stochastic Calculus
21-881 Advanced Stochastic Calculus II
21-882 Advanced Topics in Financial Mathematics
21-900 Reading and Research
21-901 Master Degree Research
21-902 Doctoral Thesis Research
Selected Courses in:
Department of Statistics
36-705 Intermediate Statistics
36-707 Regression Analysis
36-755 Advanced Statistical Theory I
Tepper School of Business
47-720 Seminar in Finance I
47-721 Seminar in Finance II
47-724 Seminar in Finance IV
47-800 Microeconomics
47-830 Integer Programming (6 units)
47-831 Graphs and Network Flows in Operations Research (12 units)
47-832 Linear Programming (6 units)
47-838 Advanced Linear Programming (6 units)
School of Computer Science
15-754 Complexity Theory
15-850 Advanced Topics in Theory