Agoston Pisztora
Associate Professor
7212 Wean Hall
Department of Mathematical Sciences
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Ph.D., ETH Zürich
Postdoctoral Appointments:
- Courant Institute, NYU
My research interest is concerned with probabilistic analysis of random fields, certain disordered systems and of phase transitions. The basic goal is to explain phenomena observed at a macroscopic level by a probabilistic analysis based entirely on microscopic hypotheses on the underlying system. Random systems often behave deterministically on the macroscopic level due to some kind of self-averaging behavior. In other cases randomness might be retained (or even created) on the macroscopic level as well (for instance turbulence or critical systems in statistical physics). To understand the mechanism responsible for either type of behavior poses challenging research problems.
Select Publications
Pisztora, A. (1996). Surface order large deviations for Ising, Potts and percolation models. Probab. Theory Rel. Fields. 104, 427–466.
Pisztora, A. and Povel, T. (1999). Large deviation principle for random walk in a quenched random environment in the low speed regime. Ann. Probab. 27, 1389–1413.
Cerf, R. and Pisztora, A. (2000). On the Wulff crystal in the Ising model. Ann. Probab. 28, 947-1017.
Pisztora, A. (2002). Renormalization, large deviations, phase separation in the Ising model and percolation. Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, (3) 79–95.