March 02, 2020
一本道无码's Merit Badge University returns for 2020
MARCH 2, 2020, PITTSBURGH, PA - 一本道无码’s Merit Badge University returned for the 2020 year this past Saturday with several offerings for scouts to earn their merit badges. CMRA hosted 20 scouts who are well on their way to earning their Robotics Merit Badge.To obtain the Robotics Merit Badge, scouts must complete a set of requirements such as researching first aid techniques involved with the use of robotics, careers in robotics, types of robots in the world, and demonstrating the design of a robot.
The scouts then had to learn how to program their robot to complete different challenges that involved maneuvering the robot to avoid crossing over lines. The behaviors that they’re learning are contextualized around a scenario where an automated tractor may have to go around lines of a field to care for their orchard.
This session is one of two where they will have to do research on first aid techniques involved with the use of robotics, careers in robotics, types of robots in the world, and demonstrating the design of a robot.