

I find myself putting off tasks I know I should do.

Procrastination: everyone suffers from it at some point, even the very best students. Procrastination can sometimes just be a sign that we need a physical or mental break, while other times it can more seriously affect our work and quality of life. The first step to beating procrastination is to identify what type of procrastinator you are – perhaps you are a perfectionist, or a crisis-maker, or even a dreamer. Read below to find and fix what causes you to lose those precious hours in your day.

STEP 2: SELECT THE REASON that best describes your situation, keeping in mind there may be multiple relevant reasons.

Being a perfectionist can be a blessing or a curse; attention to detail is something that is highly valued in both academic and professional settings. Ironically, however, perfectionism can lead to procrastination. Even if you would love to get a perfect score on that last homework assignment, it may not be a feasible goal if you have three other assignments due that week. Click the link below to learn more about how to prioritize and set realistic goals.

STEP 3: Explore potential STRATEGIES to address the problem.

If you’re a perfectionist, focus on realistic instead of ideal goals. It can be helpful to divide and conquer larger assignments; make each task something you can accomplish in 15 minutes or less. For example, if you have a Calculus assignment that consists of 20 problems, perhaps work on five problems at a time. Prioritize your tasks and accomplish first what is most urgent and important. You can visualize and track your progress by creating checklists, crossing off each item as you complete it.

Also, make sure you reward yourself for reaching your goals – but remember, a reward must be something you would genuinely withhold from yourself otherwise. When you legitimately reap your reward, notice how you feel; you may realize that your favorite things are more enjoyable when you’ve earned them!

Worrying is a difficult emotion to control; it accomplishes nothing, yet affects everything. If worrying prevents you from starting assignments, or if you feel hopeless when faced with studying for a large exam, there are measures you can take to make things more manageable.

STEP 3: Explore potential STRATEGIES to address the problem.

Break down tasks into smaller, easier to accomplish sections. Instead of focusing on your challenges, look for things you enjoy in your work or remind yourself of why you’re taking the class. Try to avoid thinking “what if” – focus on the present, take one step at a time, and don’t worry about the future. And finally, work in groups or go to your friends for support – you’ll quickly realize you’re not alone, and that your worst fears usually aren’t as bad as you think. A failed exam, or even a failed class, will not be the death of your career; remember that you always have the power to turn your failures into success stories.

One of the most common excuses for doing things at the last minute is, “I work best under pressure.” For example, if you have a paper due in two weeks, you may not have the motivation to focus, write, and make measurable progress. Whereas if the paper is due the next day, you have no choice – you have to write fast and uninterrupted if you want to turn the assignment in on time. This strategy, however, can lead to rushed, sloppy, or incomplete work, especially if you misjudge how much time an assignment is going to take.

STEP 3: Explore potential STRATEGIES to address the problem.

It’s important to strive for balance when managing your work; instead of trying to complete an assignment all at once, break it into smaller parts and create your own deadlines. Remind yourself that it may take starting a task to become interested in it; try using the “Five Minute Plan,” or sitting down with the intention to work on an assignment for just five minutes. If you find yourself making progress, continue to work for another five minutes, etc. Also, if you need adrenaline in your life, find activities to fill that gap, such as competitive sports and clubs.

If you’re this type of procrastinator, you probably find yourself thinking more about the future than the present, making it difficult to follow through on tasks. For instance, instead of completing your homework, you may spend your time browsing the Internet, looking at meaningless websites or researching far-off possibilities for jobs or activities.

STEP 3: Explore potential STRATEGIES to address the problem.

To prevent this type of procrastination, we advise planning out your assignments and commitments in writing. It can be helpful to keep a weekly schedule and to-do list, checking off items as you complete them. If you really need time to “daydream,” specifically plan it in your schedule. Additionally, use alarms to keep yourself on track; sit down to complete an assignment, set an alarm for an hour from that time, and work without distraction until the alarm goes off. As always, make specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and timely (SMART) goals, which can help turn your dreams into reality.

Although being hard working is a good thing, it can also lead to overload. You may want to be the best student possible, never let your friends or family down, or simply not miss out on anything in college. Either way, your activities and classes will be much more manageable - and enjoyable - if you choose them wisely and learn to say “no.”

STEP 3: Explore potential STRATEGIES to address the problem.

Practice saying "no." Check your schedule before saying yes to a commitment, ensuring that you actually have time to attend that meeting or help your friend. Write down and rank your priorities; think of your work and activities in terms of what is urgent and important. If something is both urgent and important, put that at the top of your to-do list. Conversely, if something is neither urgent nor important, place that at the bottom. If you realize that all your tasks are urgent and important, it may be time to re-evaluate your commitments. Additionally, if you’re the head of an organization or leader of a group project, try delegating some of your work to others. And finally, make sure you plan time in your schedule for relaxing and enjoying life - that can be urgent and important sometimes too!

We tend to prioritize tasks that we find most enjoyable and interesting. If something seems irrelevant, pointless, or unnecessarily difficult, we may put it off until the last minute, possibly spending more time complaining about it than actually working on it.

STEP 3: Explore potential STRATEGIES to address the problem.

Identify your options before acting; is procrastinating on a seemingly unfair assignment worth the consequences? If the work has to be completed regardless, it is best to get it done and out of the way as soon as possible - or, as we like to call it, “eat that frog.” Practice self-calming, keep your long-term goals in mind, and express your individuality through extracurricular activities.