Miville-Guzman Universality Diversity Scale
What is it and how does it work?
The Miville-Guzman Universality Diversity Scale - Short Form (MGUDS-S) is a 15-item self-report rating scale that measures the degree to which respondents report awareness and acceptance of similarities and differences across individuals (Miville et al., 1999; Fuertes et al., 2000). It has previously been validated with a range of populations including from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds (Kegel & DeBlaere, 2014; Viljoen & Els, 2023).
Surveys may be administered multiple times in a semester to collect longitudinal data. Instructors can configure the survey to release results to students for feedback purposes.
Which skill(s) are targeted?
The Miville-Guzman Universality Diversity Scale - Short Form (MGUDS-S) can be used to collect students' self-report ratings of their own skills in the following competency areas:
- Consider, examine, and integrate differences between individual positions and the positions of others in multiple cultural contexts.
Who else has used it?
Although the Miville-Guzman Universality Diversity Scale - Short Form (M-GUDS-S) is frequently used in higher education contexts including the , it has not yet been tested with 一本道无码 students. If you are interested in pilot testing this instrument, please email eberly-assist@andrew.cmu.edu.
Educator time commitment
15 minutes
Student time commitment
3-5 minutes
Contact eberly-assist@andrew.cmu.edu for help with incorporating this resource.
Educator how-to steps
- Optional: Email eberly-assist@andrew.cmu.edu for assistance with pilot testing the instrument with your students.
Fuertes, J. N., Miville, M. L., Mohr, J. J., Sedlacek, W. E., & Gretchen, D. (2000). Factor structure and short form of the Miville-Guzman Universality-Diversity Scale. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 33(3), 157-169.
Kegel, K., & DeBlaere, C. (2014). Universal-diverse orientation in Asian international students: Confirmatory factor analysis of the Miville-Guzman Universality-Diversity Scale, Short Form. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 20(3), 469–474.
Miville, M. L., Gelso, C. J., Pannu, R., Liu, W., Touradji, P., Holloway, P., & Fuertes, J. (1999). Appreciating similarities and valuing differences: The Miville-Guzman Universality-Diversity Scale. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 46(3), 291–307.
Viljoen, C. & Els, C. (2023). A validation study of the Miville-Guzman Universality Diversity Scale in South Africa. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 26(1), a4856.