Principal Investigator, the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, R01 AT006694, “Social Ties and Health: Aggregating Data from Five Viral-Challenge Trials,” 2011-2018
Co-Investigator, National Institute of Aging, R01 AG041778, Social integration, daily social interaction, and health risk pathways in midlife,” 2013-2018
Co-Investigator, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, U10HL098177, “AsthmaNet: Phenotypic Influences on Asthma Treatments,” 2009-2015
Co-Investigator, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, R34 HL107613, “A Pilot Stress Management Intervention for High Risk Children with Asthma,” 2011-2014
Principal Investigator, National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease, R01 AI066367, “Social and psychological risk for infectious illness,” 2005-2012
Co- Investigator, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, R01 HL092858, “Lifecourse socioeconomic status and cardiovascular disease risk,” 2009-2013
Principal Investigator, National Center for Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, RC1AT005799 (Challenge Grant), “Stress, cellular aging and susceptibility to infectious disease,” 2009-2011
Core Leader, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, R24 HL076858 “Pittsburgh Mind-Body Center II,” 2004-2010
Co-Investigator, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. R01HL080674, “Stress, Environment, and Genetics in Urban Asthma Project,” 2005-2010
Co-Investigator, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. R01 HL073975, “Socioeconomic status, stress, and asthma biological markers,” 2005-2010
Co-Investigator, National Institute of Nursing, R01 NR008237, “Psychological stress and immune response to vaccination,” 2003-2008
Project Director, National Institutes of Health, PO1 HL65111, Mind-Body Center: “Understanding Shared Psychobiological Pathways” [Project 1: Psychobiological Pathways: Risk for Respiratory Illness], 1999-2005
Awardee, National Institute of Mental Health K05 MH00721, Senior Scientist Award, “Social supports, stress and upper respiratory infections,” 1997-2002
Awardee, National Institute of Mental Health, K02 MH00721, Research Scientist Development Award, “Stress, immunity and infectious disease,” 1987-1992; 1992-1997
Principal Investigator, National Institute of Mental Health, R01 MH50429, “Social support, stress, and susceptibility to infection,” 1993-1997; 1997-2003. Awarded Competitive Supplement, NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Research, 1995
Co-principal Investigator, National Cancer Institute, R01 CA61303, “Adjustment to Breast Cancer,” 1993-1997; 1997-2002
Co-principal Investigator, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, R01 HL56346, “Biobehavioral Factors in Atherosclerotic Progression,” 2001-2003
Principal Investigator, National Institute of Mental Health, R01 MH47234, “Social stress and susceptibility to infectious disease,” 1991-1995
Principal Investigator, National Institute of Mental Health, R01 MH50430, “Mechanisms linking major depression to immunity,” 1993-1997
Principal Investigator, Office of Naval Research, N00014-88-K-0063, “Behavior, immunologic response, and upper respiratory infection,” 1988-1990
Principal Investigator, National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, R01 AI23072, “Social support and susceptibility to infection,” 1986-1991
Principal Investigator, National Cancer Institute, R01 CA38243, “Stress and social support in the self-quitting of smoking,” 1984-1988
Co-principal Investigator, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, R01 HL29547, “Psychosocial stress, social support, and smoking cessation,” 1982-1985
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, BNS 79-23453, “Mechanisms involved in the behavioral aftereffects of stress,” 1980-1983
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, BNS 77-08576, “Effects of prolonged noise exposure: A longitudinal study,” 1977-1980
Principal Investigator, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, R01 ES01764, “Prolonged noise exposure: Phase II, retesting,” 1978-1980
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, SOC 75-09224, “Environmental load and the allocation of attention,” 1975-1977
Principal Investigator, Fetzer Institute, “Stress and asthma”, 1994-1995
Principal Investigator, Fetzer Institute, “The roles of positive and negative emotions in disease susceptibility”, 1993-1995
Principal Investigator, Fetzer Institute, Norman Cousins Fund for Psychoneuroimmunology, “Stress, immunity and susceptibility to infectious disease”, 1991-1993
Principal Investigator, Committee on Social Science Research in Computing, “Effects of computers on interpersonal relations and the health and well-being of students”, 1983-1984 (with M. Clark)
Principal Investigator, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Grant-in-Aid, “Effects of prolonged noise exposure: A longitudinal study (Phase II)”, 1977
Principal Investigator, University of Oregon Bio-Medical Funds Summer Award, “The effects of class-room noise level on the health and intellectual development of children,” 1977
Principal Investigator, University of Oregon Summer Faculty Research Award, “The implications of overload for social 'margin-bottom:6.0pt'>
Co-Director, National Institute of Mental Health, T32 MH18903, “Post-doctoral training in behavioral immunology,” 1989-1994, 1994-1999
Director, National Institute of Mental Health, T32 MH19953, “Pre- and Post-doctoral training in health psychology,” 1995-2000; 2001-2006