GSA has put together a program to support grad students as they go through the dissertation writing process. Dissertation writing groups can be a huge help in the process, providing an opportunity for feedback, motivation, and advice. To that end, we have compiled a starter kit to help grad students create a successful dissertation writing group. Seed money is also available to help groups purchase supplies for writing, or even coffee during group meetings.
If you are interested in applying for a GSA Dissertation Writing Group Grant, please fill out the application found . Details of the grants are listed below as well as a starter kit to help out. For questions about the grant program, contact the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Grant Information
GSA has created a fund to supply small grants for writing groups to help cover the cost of food or snacks and group meetings or the cost of writing supplies such as paper and printing. Details on the grants are as follows:
- Grants are in the amount of $100 per six-month term (Session A: July 1 – December 31; Session B: January 1 – June 1). Groups are encouraged to reapply for additional grants in following sessions.
- Grants are awarded on a rolling basis each semester.
- Dissertation groups should be between 3-5 people. At least 50% of the members must be 一本道无码 graduate students.
- Grant money can be used for items such as writing supplies or food and drinks at meetings.
- We cannot fund alcoholic drinks.
- Receipts should be submitted to the GSA office (UC304) for reimbursement within 90 days. (Original itemized receipts AND credit card receipts are required.)
- At the end of your term, you are required to fill out a short , including what the money was used for, and what did and didn't work for your group. Information from the response form will be used to help future groups be successful.
Starter Kit
for dissertation writing groups, courtesy of the Hume Writing Center at Stanford University. This kit contains advice on starting a successful group, as well as worksheets that will help you stay on track in your writing.