

David Rounce is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.  His research focuses on quantifying the response of glaciers, water resources, and natural hazards to climate change to information adaptation and mitigation strategies at local to global scales.  He leads the CryoTartan research group, which includes projects related to:

  • refining glacier projections through the integration of diverse remote sensing observations
  • evaluating the impacts associated with glaciers' response to climate change at local and global scales with a specific focus on sea-level rise and water resources
  • developing user-focused tools to support the use of dynamic adaptive policy pathways for coastal adaptation strategies
  • advancing our process-based understanding of glaciers' response to climate change and extreme events (e.g., heatwaves and wildfires)
  • developing and implementing new field techniques for measuring contemperaneous surface mass balance and flux divergence
  • quantifying changes in urban flooding in response to climate change to support adaptation strategies for stormwater management

Outside of work, David loves spending time with family, playing sports (especially basketball, running, biking, swimming, pickleball) and board games (especially Ticket to Ride, Catan, and similar), being outside, homebrewing, and fixing things around the house.

For more information please visit my faculty home page.