


The NMR Facilities is primarily a user-operated center, although sample-drop-off is possible for NMR experiments. The center is open 24 hours a day, every day, for Carnegie Mellon users and non-Carnegie Mellon affiliates. Non-Carnegie Mellon users may use the center with permission from the Director.

Before you arrive


  • Users must receive training
  • If you are going to use the NMR instruments on a weekly basis, training to become a user-operator is recommended for faster turnaround time and lower cost to the user.

Reserving Instruments

What to do when you arrive

  • The usage of the instrument is automatically logged by the NMR software
  • Users must provide Prof. Gil a charge number for the usage
  • Please report all instrument problems to the director or assistant in the NMR Center.

Policies regarding NMR instruments and computers

  • All maintenance of the instrumentation are done by the staff of the NMR Center, unless given permission by the Director.
  • Users are not permitted to make any repairs.
  • Please report all instrument problems to someone in the CMA.
  • Users are not allowed to train other users.
  • NMR computers are only for instrumentation use and/or data manipulation. Users are not permitted to use a computer for anything else to avoid problems from viruses or unauthorized software.

What to do when you are done

  • If the instrument is run in automation mode with ICONNMR, the data is mailed to the users. Otherwise the user is responsible for archiving data. You can bring your own media (e.g. flash drives).
  • We will do our best to maintain a copy of your data, but access to a back up copy is not guaranteed.
  • The NMR Center is not responsible for any data left on computer hard drives.
  • Clean up after yourself; remove all samples and dispose of all waste.


  • Invoicing occurs quarterly.
  • Instrument charges will change without prior warning.
  • Charges are based on NMR usage time

Acknowledgements in Publications

  • Researchers using these instruments should acknowledge the NMR Center and the Director and the Assistant in their publications. Specific use of the NMR instrumets should acknowledge the NMR Center and the instrument grants used:
    "Funded in part by NSF grant # CHE-9808188 and CHE-1039870"

Sample Drop-off

  • Users can drop the samples and there will be a drop-off charge. Contact Prof. Gil for more information on drop-off charges.