While Abroad
While abroad, students have the opportunity to explore new places, learn new languages and immerse themselves in new cultures. It is also a time of adjustment and self-discovery. The resources below include information about adjusting to your host culture abroad, staying in touch, and steps you can take while abroad to plan for your return home, including important academic considerations and finding a job in the U.S. while abroad.
Your Time Abroad
Adjusting to a new country and culture is a major component of study abroad. For some students, the transition seems almost seamless; for others it can be an emotional and trying process. We encourage students to stick with it and ask for help when they need it.
There are a few academic considerations that must be addressed while abroad. The most common are making course changes at your university abroad and registering for coursework at home while abroad.
Job Search
While studying abroad, many students search for jobs or internships which will take place upon their return to the U.S. Others are interested in returning abroad to work after graduation.
Staying in Touch
It is important to stay in contact with OIE while abroad, and some students students may wish to reach out to a contact person in their home department. In addition, many students are excited to share their stories, enter our annual photo contest, and/or take over the Study Abroad Instagram account.