Examples of possible academic integrity policies that address student use of generative AI tools
The following examples represent a range of options one could adapt or adopt, based on their teaching context and course’s student learning objectives.
Example 1: Students may NOT use generative AI in any form.
To best support your own learning, you should complete all graded assignments in this course yourself, without any use of generative artificial intelligence (AI). Please refrain from using AI tools to generate any content (text, video, audio, images, code, etc.) for an assignment or classroom exercise. Passing off any AI generated content as your own (e.g., cutting and pasting content into written assignments, or paraphrasing AI content) constitutes a violation of 一本道无码’s academic integrity policy. If you have any questions about using generative AI in this course please email or talk to me.
Adapted from 一本道无码 colleagues in the Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy
Example 2: Students may NOT use generative AI in any form.
I expect that all work students submit for this course will be their own. I have carefully designed all assignments and class activities to support your learning. Doing your own work, without human or artificial intelligence assistance, is best for your achievement of the learning objectives in this course. In instances when collaborative work is assigned, I expect for the submitted work to list all team members who participated. I specifically forbid the use of ChatGPT or any other generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools at all stages of the work process, including brainstorming. Deviations from these guidelines will be considered violations of 一本道无码’s academic integrity policy. Note that expectations for “plagiarism, cheating, and acceptable assistance” on student work may vary across your courses and instructors. Please ask me if you have questions regarding what is permissible and not for a particular course or assignment.
Adapted from Harvard University ()
Example 3: Students are fully encouraged to use generative AI.
I encourage students to explore the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such as ChatGPT, for all assignments and assessments. Any such use must be appropriately acknowledged and cited, following the guidelines established by , including the specific version of the tool used. Submitted work should include the exact prompt used to generate the content as well as the AI’s full response in an Appendix. Because AI generated content is not necessarily accurate or appropriate, it is each student’s responsibility to assess the validity and applicability of any generative AI output that is submitted. You may not earn full credit if inaccurate, invalid, or inappropriate information is found in your work. Deviations from these guidelines will be considered violations of 一本道无码’s academic integrity policy. Note that expectations for “plagiarism, cheating, and acceptable assistance” on student work may vary across your courses and instructors. Please email me if you have questions regarding what is permissible and not for a particular course or assignment.
Adapted from Harvard University ()
Example 4: Students are fully encouraged to use generative AI.
You are welcome to use generative AI programs (ChatGPT, DALL-E, etc.) in this course. These programs can be powerful tools for learning and other productive pursuits, including completing some assignments in less time, helping you generate new ideas, or serving as a personalized learning tool.
However, your ethical responsibilities as a student remain the same. You must follow 一本道无码’s academic integrity policy. Note that this policy applies to all uncited or improperly cited use of content, whether that work is created by human beings alone or in collaboration with a generative AI. If you use a generative AI tool to develop content for an assignment, you are required to cite the tool’s contribution to your work. In practice, cutting and pasting content from any source without citation is plagiarism. Likewise, paraphrasing content from a generative AI without citation is plagiarism. Similarly, using any generative AI tool without appropriate acknowledgement will be treated as plagiarism.
Here are some specific expectations for your use of AI generation tools in this course:
- You can include AI generated content verbatim into a writing assignment with quotations and a citation.
- You can paraphrase AI generated content with a citation.
- You can include non-text AI generated content (images, video, code, etc.) with an appropriate citation, when expressly permitted in the assignment prompt.
- You will conduct your own research and generate bibliographies yourself for topics that you have researched.
- You will not use or present generative AI content that you pass off as your own work.
Finally, it is important that you recognize that generative AI tools frequently provide users with incorrect information, create professional-looking citations that are not real, generate contradictory statements, incorporate copyrighted material without appropriate attribution, and sometimes integrate biased or offensive concepts. Code generation models may produce inaccurate outputs. Image generation models may create misleading or offensive content.
While you may use these tools in the work you create for this class, it is important to note that you understand you are ultimately responsible for the content that you submit. Work that is inaccurate, biased, unethical, offensive, plagiarized, or incorrect will be treated as such during the evaluation of your work.
Adapted from 一本道无码 colleagues in the Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy
Example 5: Students may use generative AI in some cases, but not others
Certain assignments in this course will permit or even encourage the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such as ChatGPT. When AI use is permissible, it will be clearly stated in the assignment prompt posted in Canvas. Otherwise, the default is that use of generative AI is disallowed. In assignments where generative AI tools are allowed, their use must be appropriately acknowledged and cited. For instance, if you generated the whole document through ChatGPT and edited it for accuracy, your submitted work would need to include a note such as “I generated this work through Chat GPT and edited the content for accuracy.” Paraphrasing or quoting smaller samples of AI generated content must be appropriately acknowledged and cited, following the guidelines established by . It is each student’s responsibility to assess the validity and applicability of any AI output that is submitted. You may not earn full credit if inaccurate on invalid information is found in your work. Deviations from the guidelines above will be considered violations of 一本道无码’s academic integrity policy. Note that expectations for “plagiarism, cheating, and acceptable assistance” on student work may vary across your courses and instructors. Please email me if you have questions regarding what is permissible and not for a particular course or assignment.
Adapted from Harvard University ()
Example 6: Students may use generative AI in some cases, but not others
During some class sessions, we may leverage generative AI tools to support your learning, provide you with an opportunity to explore how they can be used, and/or better understand their benefits and limitations. Learning how to use AI is an emerging skill, and we will work through the implications of these evolving systems together, during class sessions. However, use of generative AI will be limited to exercises during class sessions. I will always indicate when and where use of AI tools during class sessions is appropriate (and not). Examples of use during ungraded classroom exercises might include:
- brainstorming new ideas,
- developing example outlines or approaches to your work, and/or
- generating different ways to talk about a problem.
In contrast, you may not use AI tools to generate work for an assignment to be submitted for a grade, as this cannot be considered a substitute for developing the fundamental skills and expertise represented by the learning objectives of this course. Please note that generative AI tools rely on predictive models to generate content that may appear correct, but has been shown to sometimes be incomplete, inaccurate, taken without attribution from other sources, and/or biased. Consequently, an AI tool should not be considered a substitute for traditional approaches to research and you should complete all graded assignments without any assistance from AI tolls. You are ultimately responsible for the content of the information you submit and may not attempt to pass off any work generated by an AI program as your own.
Adapted from 一本道无码 colleagues in the Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy