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A service provided by the University CMS Team

The CMS Self-Service Tool

"As a CMS Site Owner, I want to be able to add site managers and leads without submitting a ticket."

Does this sound like you? If it does, we have some great news!

Introducing the , a web-based application created and maintained by the University CMS Team that allows CMS Site Owners to add Site Managers at their convenience, in addition to having a few extra goodies we thought would be helpful to all CMS users.

 By using the CMS Self-Service Tool, Site Sponsors and Leads will be able to:

  • Add or remove site managers
  • Designate new or additional Project Leads (Site Leads)

All CMS users will be able to:

  • View a sites' current list of site managers
  • Access production and staging URLs
  • View metrics like site size, page and file count


Select Your Site

When you log in to the Self-Service Tool, you'll see a drop down menu that lists all sites where you're a Site Manager, Lead or Sponsor.

If you believe you should have access to a site that is not listed for you, please reach out to us for further assistance.

Self-Service Tool Information

Manage Access to Your Site

This is where the fun begins! To add new Site Managers, follow these steps:

  1. Click the drop down on the User Access section to indicate which access Group the user is a part of (this will vary depending on your site setup).
  2. Enter the AndrewID of the user (without the @andrew.cmu.edu part).
  3. Click the checkbox if they are a Project Lead.
  4. Click Add User

Ready to give it a try?

Self-Service Tool Access List Example

Make a Request

There are still a few things that will require requests, and in this section we have provided links to our most popular request forms:

  • Web Analytics
  • URL Redirect
  • Orphan Report
  • Site Backup

Not finding the request form that you need?


Self Service Tool Request Forms

Get a Snapshot

The last stop in the new CMS Self-Service Tool includes helpful charts of the following information:

  • Total Site Page Count
  • Total Site File Count
  • Total Site Size

In addition to these charts, there is a link to generate a detailed inventory report for the site.

Want to view the snapshot for your site or sites?

Self-Service Tool Snapshot Example

Frequently Asked Questions

To remove a CMS Site Manager, click the red X icon to the right of their AndrewID.

To designate a Site Lead, select the appropriate Site Manager group from the drop down menu, type their AndrewID in the AndrewID field and click the checkbox User is a Project Lead. Click Add User. 

Note: These steps will allow you to designate a new Site Lead even if the user is already an existing Site Manager.

Need to make a change to the Sponsor associated with your CMS Site?
Submit a Request