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A service provided by the University CMS Team

System Menus, Settings & Tools

Use the system menus, settings and tools provided in the CMS to help streamline your CMS duties. Links are provided if additional instructions are available.

System Menus & Settings

Start with CMS 101: Site Management for an overview of the primary system menu (Main Toolbar) in the CMS. Provided below is a deeper dive into each system menu in the CMS.

User Menu

The User Menu is located in the Main Toolbar near the right and is represented by your first initial or a personalized photo.

CMS User Menu

  • Starred A list of your starred assets; starred assets appear in your dashboard in the content widget
  • History - A list of your most recently viewed assets
  • Notifications - A record of your publish jobs, tasks and @username mentions
  • Tasks - A list of your tasks including those that are open and completed
  • Settings - Set system settings
    • Appearance of Asset Links - Keep disabled to always show system names in the Asset Tree
    • Daily Content Report - Receive a summary of your CMS activities including action items and content updates
    • Default Site - Specify a default site for quick access to it in the My Sites widget on the dashboard
    • Notification Duration Adjust the duration of notifications in the interface:
      • Shorter: 0.5x - 2.5 seconds

      • Default: 1x - 5 seconds

      • Longer: 1.5x - 7.5 seconds

      • Longest: 2x - 10 seconds

      • Until Dismissed

    • Change Profile Photo - Personalize your account by uploading your photo
  • API Key - Defunct setting
  • Sign Out - Not functional; to sign out of the CMS, close all of your browser windows to log out of your Andrew account

Hamburger Menu

The Hamburger Menu is located in the Main Toolbar at the right and is represented by three horizontal lines.

Hamburger menu in main toolbar

  • Help & Support - Provides a link to the Help section of the CMS website for help resources
  • Publish Queue - View the current publish jobs in progress; available in menu only when within a site
  • Reports - Quick access to reports including: Note: Reports for Broken Links and Google Analytics Statistics are not functional; use alternate options for checking links and web analytics.
  • About Cascade CMS - Information about Cascade CMS including version

Context Menu

Right-clicking on an asset in the asset tree opens the Context Menu with available actions.

Context Menu

  • Name - System name of an asset
  • Star - Star assets for quick reference
  • Path - Path of an asset in relation to the base level of site with option to copy it
  • View on the live website - The live version of a page if previously published
  • Edit - Make changes to an asset
  • Publish - Push an asset to the web servers and make available on live and/or staging sites
  • More - More options
    • Move - Move an asset into a different folder
    • Rename - Change the system name of an asset
    • Copy - Duplicate an asset
    • Delete - Remove an asset
    • Unpublish - Unpublish an asset from the web servers
    • Check-out/LockPlace a lock on an asset so it can't be modified by others
    • Relationships - Find assets that reference an asset
    • Audits - View the history of an asset
    • VersionsView and restore previous versions of an asset
    • Reference - Not functional
    • Tasks - A list of tasks specific to the asset; new tasks can also be created
    • Schedule Review - Specify a date to review the asset
    • Mark As Reviewed - If a review of an asset was scheduled, mark it as complete

Action Toolbar

The Action Toolbar appears below the Main Toolbar at the right when an asset is selected.

Action Toolbar

  • Edit - Make changes to an asset
  • Publish - Push an asset to the web servers and make available on live and/or staging sites
  • Comments - Post comments about an asset and mention other users (i.e., @username) to send them a notification
    • If comments exist, a number will appear on the comments icon Comments icon with number of comments shown
      • Hover over a previous comment for additional actions including Reply, Resolve and Delete
      • Enable Show Resolved option to display all comments in the thread including those that have been resolved
  • Details - Information about an asset including navigation settings, size of files, last modified date and last publish
  • Star - Star assets for quick reference
  • More - A duplicate of the Context Menu, plus the following items
    • Show Regions - A feature that identifies the different regions of a page
    • Full Screen Preview - A preview of the full page as if viewed by a website visitor
    • Rendering Metrics - An approximation of how long each region of a page takes to load in milliseconds
    • Live - The live version of a page if previously published


Tools are provided to perform various actions in the CMS.


The Chooser tool slides into the CMS interface from the right and provides a method of selecting an asset. Whether it be adding an image to a page, linking to another page or moving an asset to a new folder, the Chooser tool is used to complete the task.

  1. While performing various tasks, the option to Choose Page/File/Folder/Link will be provided
    Choose page
  2. Click on the option to open the Chooser
  3. Use one of the three methods to choose the asset
    1. Recent provides a list of recently viewed assets; if the asset is on the list, click on it to select it; if not, use one of the other methods
    2. Starred provides a list of starred assets
    3. Browse allows you to browse for the asset starting at the base level of the site; clicking on a folder will display the contents of it, clicking on a page or file will select the asset. Use the breadcrumbs to navigate the structure of your site.
    4. Upload allows you to upload a file and then choose it; drag and drop the file into the box, or use the choose link to browse and select it from your computer; select a placement folder to upload the file to
  4. Click Choose at the upper right to complete the selection


  • Stay within the same site when using the Chooser; do not select an asset from another site listed under Recent, and do not change the site selected when using Browse
  • You may use the Search feature if you know the name or part of the name of the asset
  • You may change the view from a list to Thumbnails for a more visual display
    Chooser thumbnail view

Batch Actions

Actions can be performed on multiple assets using the batch tools provided.

Selected pages with batch action tools

  1. In the asset tree, select the folder which contains the assets; the contents of the folder will display in the workspace
  2. Use the checkboxes to select the assets, or use the Select All tool to select all assets on current page
    Batch action select all tool
  3. Perform a batch action using the tools above the assets
    Batch action tools

    From left to right:
    1. Publish - Push the assets to all publishing destinations available; do not use if you wish to select a specific server to publish to, such as the staging server only
    2. Unpublish - Remove the assets from all publishing destinations available; do not use if you wish to select a specific server to unpublish from, such as the staging server only
    3. Copy - Duplicate the assets
    4. Move - Move the assets into a different folder
    5. Delete - Remove the assets
  4. Complete the steps to perform the task